Class CommitTimeRevFilter

  • public abstract class CommitTimeRevFilter
    extends RevFilter
    Selects commits based upon the commit time field.
    • Method Detail

      • before

        public static final RevFilter before​(Date ts)
        Create a new filter to select commits before a given date/time.
        ts - the point in time to cut on.
        a new filter to select commits on or before ts.
      • before

        public static final RevFilter before​(long ts)
        Create a new filter to select commits before a given date/time.
        ts - the point in time to cut on, in milliseconds
        a new filter to select commits on or before ts.
      • after

        public static final RevFilter after​(Date ts)
        Create a new filter to select commits after a given date/time.
        ts - the point in time to cut on.
        a new filter to select commits on or after ts.
      • after

        public static final RevFilter after​(long ts)
        Create a new filter to select commits after a given date/time.
        ts - the point in time to cut on, in milliseconds.
        a new filter to select commits on or after ts.
      • between

        public static final RevFilter between​(Date since,
                                              Date until)
        Create a new filter to select commits after or equal a given date/time since and before or equal a given date/time until.
        since - the point in time to cut on.
        until - the point in time to cut off.
        a new filter to select commits between the given date/times.
      • between

        public static final RevFilter between​(long since,
                                              long until)
        Create a new filter to select commits after or equal a given date/time since and before or equal a given date/time until.
        since - the point in time to cut on, in milliseconds.
        until - the point in time to cut off, in millisconds.
        a new filter to select commits between the given date/times.
      • clone

        public RevFilter clone()

        Clone this revision filter, including its parameters.

        This is a deep clone. If this filter embeds objects or other filters it must also clone those, to ensure the instances do not share mutable data.

        Specified by:
        clone in class RevFilter
      • requiresCommitBody

        public boolean requiresCommitBody()
        Whether the filter needs the commit body to be parsed.
        requiresCommitBody in class RevFilter
        true if the filter needs the commit body to be parsed.