Class PackStatistics.Accumulator

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class PackStatistics.Accumulator
    extends Object
    POJO for accumulating the statistics.
    • Field Detail

      • advertised

        public long advertised
        The count of references in the ref advertisement.
      • wants

        public long wants
        The count of client wants.
      • haves

        public long haves
        The count of client haves.
      • notAdvertisedWants

        public long notAdvertisedWants
        The count of wants that were not advertised by the server.
      • timeNegotiating

        public long timeNegotiating
        Time in ms spent in the negotiation phase. For non-bidirectional transports (e.g., HTTP), this is only for the final request that sends back the pack file.
      • interestingObjects

        public Set<ObjectId> interestingObjects
        The set of objects to be included in the pack.
      • uninterestingObjects

        public Set<ObjectId> uninterestingObjects
        The set of objects to be excluded from the pack.
      • clientShallowCommits

        public Set<ObjectId> clientShallowCommits
        The set of shallow commits on the client.
      • reusedPacks

        public List<CachedPack> reusedPacks
        The collection of reused packs in the upload.
      • rootCommits

        public Set<ObjectId> rootCommits
        Commits with no parents.
      • depth

        public int depth
        If a shallow pack, the depth in commits.
      • deltaSearchNonEdgeObjects

        public int deltaSearchNonEdgeObjects
        The count of objects in the pack that went through the delta search process in order to find a potential delta base.
      • deltasFound

        public int deltasFound
        The count of objects in the pack that went through delta base search and found a suitable base. This is a subset of deltaSearchNonEdgeObjects.
      • totalObjects

        public long totalObjects
        The total count of objects in the pack.
      • bitmapIndexMisses

        public long bitmapIndexMisses
        The count of objects that needed to be discovered through an object walk because they were not found in bitmap indices.
      • totalDeltas

        public long totalDeltas
        The total count of deltas output.
      • reusedObjects

        public long reusedObjects
        The count of reused objects in the pack.
      • reusedDeltas

        public long reusedDeltas
        The count of reused deltas in the pack.
      • totalBytes

        public long totalBytes
        The count of total bytes in the pack.
      • thinPackBytes

        public long thinPackBytes
        The size of the thin pack in bytes, if a thin pack was generated.
      • timeCounting

        public long timeCounting
        Time in ms spent counting the objects that will go into the pack.
      • timeSearchingForReuse

        public long timeSearchingForReuse
        Time in ms spent searching for objects to reuse.
      • timeSearchingForSizes

        public long timeSearchingForSizes
        Time in ms spent searching for sizes of objects.
      • timeCompressing

        public long timeCompressing
        Time in ms spent compressing the pack.
      • timeWriting

        public long timeWriting
        Time in ms spent writing the pack.
      • reachabilityCheckDuration

        public long reachabilityCheckDuration
        Time in ms spent checking reachability.
      • treesTraversed

        public long treesTraversed
        Number of trees traversed in the walk when writing the pack.
      • offloadedPackfiles

        public long offloadedPackfiles
        Amount of packfile uris sent to the client to download via HTTP.
      • offloadedPackfileSize

        public long offloadedPackfileSize
        Total size (in bytes) offloaded to HTTP downloads.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Accumulator

        public Accumulator()