Class ChangeIdUtil

  • public class ChangeIdUtil
    extends Object
    Utilities for creating and working with Change-Id's, like the one used by Gerrit Code Review.

    A Change-Id is a SHA-1 computed from the content of a commit, in a similar fashion to how the commit id is computed. Unlike the commit id a Change-Id is retained in the commit and subsequent revised commits in the footer of the commit text.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeIdUtil

        public ChangeIdUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • computeChangeId

        public static ObjectId computeChangeId​(ObjectId treeId,
                                               ObjectId firstParentId,
                                               PersonIdent author,
                                               PersonIdent committer,
                                               String message)
        Compute a Change-Id.
        treeId - The id of the tree that would be committed
        firstParentId - parent id of previous commit or null
        author - the PersonIdent for the presumed author and time
        committer - the PersonIdent for the presumed committer and time
        message - The commit message
        the change id SHA1 string (without the 'I') or null if the message is not complete enough
      • insertId

        public static String insertId​(String message,
                                      ObjectId changeId)
        Find the right place to insert a Change-Id and return it.

        The Change-Id is inserted before the first footer line but after a Bug line.

        message - a message.
        changeId - a Change-Id.
        a commit message with an inserted Change-Id line
      • insertId

        public static String insertId​(String message,
                                      ObjectId changeId,
                                      boolean replaceExisting)
        Find the right place to insert a Change-Id and return it.

        If no Change-Id is found the Change-Id is inserted before the first footer line but after a Bug line. If Change-Id is found and replaceExisting is set to false, the message is unchanged. If Change-Id is found and replaceExisting is set to true, the Change-Id is replaced with changeId.

        message - a message.
        changeId - a Change-Id.
        replaceExisting - a boolean.
        a commit message with an inserted Change-Id line
      • indexOfChangeId

        public static int indexOfChangeId​(String message,
                                          String delimiter)
        Return the index in the String message where the Change-Id entry in the footer begins. If there are more than one entries matching the pattern, return the index of the last one in the last section. Because of Bug: 400818 we release the constraint here that a footer must contain only lines matching footerPattern.
        message - a message.
        delimiter - the line delimiter, like "\n" or "\r\n", needed to find the footer
        the index of the ChangeId footer in the message, or -1 if no ChangeId footer available
      • indexOfFirstFooterLine

        public static int indexOfFirstFooterLine​(String[] lines)
        Find the index of the first line of the footer paragraph in an array of the lines, or lines.length if no footer is available
        lines - the commit message split into lines and the line delimiters stripped off
        the index of the first line of the footer paragraph, or lines.length if no footer is available