Class Paths

  • public final class Paths
    extends Object
    Utility functions for paths inside of a Git repository.
    • Method Detail

      • stripTrailingSeparator

        public static String stripTrailingSeparator​(String path)
        Remove trailing '/' if present.
        path - input path to potentially remove trailing '/' from.
        null if path == null; path after removing a trailing '/'.
      • isEqualOrPrefix

        public static boolean isEqualOrPrefix​(String folder,
                                              String path)
        Determines whether a git path folder is a prefix of another git path path, or the same as path. An empty folder is not not considered a prefix and matches only if path is also empty.
        folder - a git path for a directory, without trailing slash
        path - a git path
        true if folder is a directory prefix of path, or is equal to path, false otherwise
      • compare

        public static int compare​(byte[] aPath,
                                  int aPos,
                                  int aEnd,
                                  int aMode,
                                  byte[] bPath,
                                  int bPos,
                                  int bEnd,
                                  int bMode)
        Compare two paths according to Git path sort ordering rules.
        aPath - first path buffer. The range [aPos, aEnd) is used.
        aPos - index into aPath where the first path starts.
        aEnd - 1 past last index of aPath.
        aMode - mode of the first file. Trees are sorted as though aPath[aEnd] == '/', even if aEnd does not exist.
        bPath - second path buffer. The range [bPos, bEnd) is used.
        bPos - index into bPath where the second path starts.
        bEnd - 1 past last index of bPath.
        bMode - mode of the second file. Trees are sorted as though bPath[bEnd] == '/', even if bEnd does not exist.
        <0 if aPath sorts before bPath; 0 if the paths are the same; >0 if aPath sorts after bPath.
      • compareSameName

        public static int compareSameName​(byte[] aPath,
                                          int aPos,
                                          int aEnd,
                                          byte[] bPath,
                                          int bPos,
                                          int bEnd,
                                          int bMode)
        Compare two paths, checking for identical name.

        Unlike compare this method returns 0 when the paths have the same characters in their names, even if the mode differs. It is intended for use in validation routines detecting duplicate entries.

        Returns 0 if the names are identical and a conflict exists between aPath and bPath, as they share the same name.

        Returns <0 if all possibles occurrences of aPath sort before bPath and no conflict can happen. In a properly sorted tree there are no other occurrences of aPath and therefore there are no duplicate names.

        Returns >0 when it is possible for a duplicate occurrence of aPath to appear later, after bPath. Callers should continue to examine candidates for bPath until the method returns one of the other return values.

        aPath - first path buffer. The range [aPos, aEnd) is used.
        aPos - index into aPath where the first path starts.
        aEnd - 1 past last index of aPath.
        bPath - second path buffer. The range [bPos, bEnd) is used.
        bPos - index into bPath where the second path starts.
        bEnd - 1 past last index of bPath.
        bMode - mode of the second file. Trees are sorted as though bPath[bEnd] == '/', even if bEnd does not exist.
        <0 if no duplicate name could exist; 0 if the paths have the same name; >0 other bPath should still be checked by caller.