Utility classes for IO (streams).
Class Summary Class Description AutoCRLFInputStream An InputStream that expands LF to CRLF.AutoCRLFOutputStream An OutputStream that expands LF to CRLF.AutoLFInputStream An InputStream that normalizes CRLF to LF.AutoLFOutputStream An OutputStream that reduces CRLF to LF.BinaryDeltaInputStream AnInputStream
that applies a binary delta to a base on the fly.BinaryHunkInputStream A stream that decodes git binary patch data on the fly.BinaryHunkOutputStream AnOutputStream
that encodes data for a git binary patch.CountingOutputStream Counts the number of bytes written.DisabledOutputStream An OutputStream which always throws IllegalStateExeption during write.EolStreamTypeUtil Utility used to create input and output stream wrappers forCoreConfig.EolStreamType
InterruptTimer Triggers an interrupt on the calling thread if it doesn't complete a block.IsolatedOutputStream OutputStream isolated from interrupts.LimitedInputStream Wraps aInputStream
, limiting the number of bytes which can be read.MessageWriter Combines messages from an OutputStream (hopefully in UTF-8) and a Writer.NullOutputStream An OutputStream which ignores everything written to it.SilentFileInputStream An implementation of FileInputStream that ignores any exceptions on close().StreamCopyThread Thread to copy from an input stream to an output stream.TeeInputStream Input stream that copies data read to another output stream.TeeOutputStream An output stream that writes all data to two streams.ThrowingPrintWriter An alternative PrintWriter that doesn't catch exceptions.TimeoutInputStream InputStream with a configurable timeout.TimeoutOutputStream OutputStream with a configurable timeout.UnionInputStream An InputStream which reads from one or more InputStreams. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AutoLFInputStream.StreamFlag Flags for controlling auto-detection of binary vs. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AutoLFInputStream.IsBinaryException A special exception thrown whenAutoLFInputStream
is told to throw an exception when attempting to read a binary file.