Interface GpgObjectSigner

  • public interface GpgObjectSigner
    Creates GPG signatures for Git objects.
    • Method Detail

      • canLocateSigningKey

        boolean canLocateSigningKey​(@Nullable
                                    String gpgSigningKey,
                                    PersonIdent committer,
                                    CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
                                    GpgConfig config)
                             throws CanceledException,
        Indicates if a signing key is available for the specified committer and/or signing key.
        gpgSigningKey - the signing key to locate (passed as is to the GPG signing tool as is; eg., value of user.signingkey)
        committer - the signing identity (to help with key lookup in case signing key is not specified)
        credentialsProvider - provider to use when querying for signing key credentials (eg. passphrase)
        config - GPG settings from the git config
        true if a signing key is available, false otherwise
        CanceledException - when signing was canceled (eg., user aborted when entering passphrase)
        UnsupportedSigningFormatException - if a config is given and the wanted key format is not supported