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 .. drwxrwsr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 0_Papyrus ALL tests-errors.html 77.49kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 0_Papyrus ALL tests-fails.html 1.18MB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 0_Papyrus ALL tests.html 2.43MB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 all-tests.html 3.42MB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 allclasses-frame.html 0.48kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 alltests-errors.html 80.52kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 alltests-fails.html 1.20MB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 index.html 0.69kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 overview-frame.html 0.55kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 overview-summary.html 1.75kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 package-frame.html 0.63kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 package-summary.html 1.28kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40
 stylesheet.css 0.89kB -rwxrwxr-x 2013-06-12 02:44:40

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