300149] Support remote cross referencing with a convenient API on the client and SPI on the server for the stores to implement
closed-fixed in 4.0

318988] Provide an option which prevents removal of still referenced objects
closed-fixed in 3.0

318992] Support remote cross referencing with a convenient API on the client and SPI on the server for the stores to implement
closed-fixed in 3.0

306710] IndexOutOfBoundsException upon invalidation
closed-fixed in 3.0

316713] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CDOListFeatureDeltaImpl
resolved-fixed in 4.0

316867] Raw replication fails after recovering from non-graceful shutdown
closed-fixed in 3.0

318844] CDONotificationBuilder cannot handle mixed OID's/CDOObjects when processing CDOClearFeatureDelta
resolved-fixed in 4.0

318972] Raw replication does not send CommitNotifications
resolved-fixed in 4.0

319072] Mechanism for avoiding dangling refs can introduce spurious conflicts
resolved-fixed in 4.0

319942] Registered GenModel uses wrong file name
resolved-fixed in 4.0

320072] "Attempt to modify historical revision"-Exception after raw replication.
resolved-fixed in 4.0

320369] Detach-reattach of dirty object discards pre-detach featureDeltas
resolved-fixed in 4.0

322099] CDOViewImpl.getObject(CDOID, boolean) can return wrong object for temporary ID's
resolved-fixed in 4.0

322218] ClassCastException adding an object to an EList with objects of a custom data type
resolved-fixed in 4.1

322742] List delta problem: SET plus REMOVE results in nothing
resolved-fixed in 4.0

322754] NullPointerException after deleting a resource
resolved-fixed in 4.0

323961] Changes are not committed on preCommit
resolved-fixed in 4.0