241464] Make timeouts in read-access requests configurable
closed-fixed in 2.0

247141] Create a lazy self-attaching adapter for CDOObject
closed-fixed in 4.0

250376] Change type of CDOSessionInvalidationEvent.getView() to CDOTransaction
closed-fixed in 4.0

252255] Integrate with DB4O backends (Open Source object-oriented database)
closed-fixed in 4.0

256931] Provide common query language (OCL)
closed-fixed in 4.0

273562] Make EObjects available at the server-side
closed-fixed in 4.0

278181] Enable reconnects to enhance fault tolerance
closed-fixed in 4.0

283131] Let CDOObjects send normal EMF notifications on rollback
closed-fixed in 4.0

284307] Add support for streaming of large byte arrays / BLOB
closed-fixed in 4.0

290032] Provide sticky views
closed-fixed in 4.0

290726] Provide ResourceImpl.ModificationTrackingAdapter emulation
closed-fixed in 4.0

299897] Obtain locks before timestamp creation
closed-fixed in 4.0

300149] Support remote cross referencing with a convenient API on the client and SPI on the server for the stores to implement
closed-fixed in 4.0

305527] CDOObjects should throw an exception when references to other views are added
closed-fixed in 4.0

312535] Partial commits
closed-fixed in 4.0

316434] Provide an option which prevents removal of still referenced objects (referential integrity)
closed-fixed in 4.0

316444] Provide a mechanism to prevent containment cycles
closed-fixed in 4.0

318443] Provide revision deltas through CDOViewInvalidationEvent, if available
closed-fixed in 4.0

318919] Make prefetching work for children of already loaded objects
closed-fixed in 4.0

319090] Provide a CDOConflictResolver that uses a CDOMerger
closed-fixed in 4.0

319674] Offline: Support id mapping during branch switch
assigned in 4.1

320355] Allow write through commits on FailOverParticipant (load balancing)
closed-fixed in 4.0

322552] Provide a callback which informs about replication progress
closed-fixed in 4.0

324504] Provide API to create CDOResourceFolders
closed-fixed in 4.0

324506] Allow CDOResource to be saved to XMI directly (export)
closed-fixed in 4.0

324532] Provide an Eclipse filesystem (EFS) implementation
closed-duplicate in 4.1

325189] Make CDOCommonView and CommitContext a CDORevisionProvider
closed-fixed in 4.0

325721] Add an example for setting up server-side failover tolerance
closed-fixed in 4.0

325778] Provide public factory methods for CDORevisionManager instances
closed-fixed in 4.0

325928] Provide FailoverMonitor server and FailoverAgents to coordinate fail-over scenarios
closed-fixed in 4.0

326186] Provide a URI format that contains connection information
closed-fixed in 4.0

327094] Determine base timestamp for new branches on the server (if not set by the client)
closed-fixed in 4.0

327140] Support IRepository.Handlers for read and write access at the same time
closed-fixed in 4.0

327296] Clean up relation between Session and SessionConfig
closed-fixed in 4.0

327318] Provide an optimized mechanism to determine an EEnumLiteral from an Enumerator value instance
closed-fixed in 4.0

327388] Make dirty state of local transactions available for server-side queries
closed-fixed in 4.0

327405] Provide an offline CDOWorkspace with Checkout/Update/Commit workflows
assigned in 4.1

327408] Enhance URI fragment format
closed-fixed in 4.0

327417] Split CDOTransactionHandler in two parts
closed-fixed in 4.0

327535] Provide an extensible CDO Server Browser
closed-fixed in 4.0

327984] Consolidate revision cache implementations
closed-fixed in 4.0

329005] Make availability of locks with timeouts more obvious
closed-fixed in 4.0

329133] Better Exception message for lock conflicts
closed-fixed in 4.0

329237] Add example for an Offline-Server in CDO
closed-fixed in 4.0

330235] Add Backup/Restore Functionality
closed-fixed in 4.0

332355] Provide OSGi console commands to start/stop/list/export/import repositories
closed-fixed in 4.0

332672] Provide API to query the differences between branches
reopened in 4.1

332888] Remove the concept of MetaIDs
closed-fixed in 4.0

332912] Cache subtype-relationships in the CDOPackageRegistry
closed-fixed in 4.0

333058] Provide ability to remerge a branch (specify source range)
closed-fixed in 4.0

333076] Support Ecore instances
closed-fixed in 4.0

333382] Cleanup package org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdo
closed-fixed in 4.0

333460] Add ability to register commit handlers and loggers
closed-fixed in 4.0

333644] Support locally detached objects in queryXRefs()
closed-fixed in 4.0

333663] Provide a ReferentialIntegrityException with full XRef infos
closed-fixed in 4.0

333800] Make the assignment of permanent IDs predictable
closed-fixed in 4.0

335004] Add commit check to prevent usage of duplicate dynamic packages
closed-fixed in 4.0

335080] Make CDOView thread-safe
closed-fixed in 4.0

335105] Make it easier to create XA transactions
closed-fixed in 4.0

335186] Remove the Comparable interface from CDOBranchPoint's super types
closed-fixed in 4.0

335669] Remove LITERALS constant from CDO test models
closed-fixed in 4.0

336642] Rework the repository/store contract for "cached persistent values"
assigned in 4.1

336806] Enhance CDO Offline example
assigned in 4.1

337106] Update all package import version ranges of H2 driver to < 2.0.0
closed-fixed in 4.0

337125] Send delta notifications on view target switch
closed-fixed in 4.0

337152] [Mongo] Create a MongoDBStore
closed-fixed in 4.0

337397] Improve performance of CDORevisionCacheImpl.getObjectType(CDOID)
closed-fixed in 4.0

337447] Optimize calls to TRACER in BufferOutputStream
closed-fixed in 4.0

337870] Provide durable locking
resolved-fixed in 4.0

338214] Provide API for resolveChunkSize in CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy interface
closed-fixed in 4.0

339064] Let CDOSession.waitForUpdate() wait for updates on all views
closed-fixed in 4.0

339495] CDOTransactionImpl.formerRevisionKeys is superfluous
closed-fixed in 4.0

340961] Enable ReadAccessHandlers to replace revisions
closed-fixed in 4.0

341081] Make loaded revisions immutable
closed-fixed in 4.0

342593] Reduce default ObjectType cache capacity
closed-fixed in 4.0

342944] Make ConflictException public
closed-fixed in 4.0

345049] Optimize CDORevisionCache implementations
closed-fixed in 4.0

345431] Make it possible to preregister epackages
reopened in 4.1

345456] Add API to CDOQuery to get the result without specifying a class literal
closed-fixed in 4.0

345835] Provide a user manager that knows about its repository
closed-fixed in 4.0

346933] Provide a CDOServerWriteIndication
closed-fixed in 4.0

347285] Durable locking support for db4o
closed-fixed in 4.0

327584] CDOCommonUtil.isValidTimeStamp() does not work for UNSPECIFIED_DATE
closed-fixed in 4.0

333459] Client gets a duplicate OID error
closed-fixed in 4.0

322710] List delta problem: SET plus REMOVE results in nothing
closed-fixed in 4.0

324585] StackOverflowError on delta notification
resolved-fixed in 4.0

325097] Last object ID wrong in SynchronizableRepository.
closed-fixed in 4.0

328595] TimeoutException during raw replication
closed-fixed in 4.0

333648] querying the XRef and ensureReferentialIntegrity=true with abstract EMF classes
closed-worksforme in 4.0

335773] CDOMergingConflictResolver messes up savepoint
closed-fixed in 4.0

346792] OfflineCloneExample fails with IllegalArgumentException: Cannot end transaction with unknown timestamp 1305996854765
assigned in 4.1

265136] Mismatch between EMF and CDO featureID values
closed-fixed in 2.0

296680] Problems with savepoints and detached elements on complete rollback
resolved-worksforme in 4.0

297940] CommitTimestamps are not guaranteed to be strictly ordered
closed-fixed in 4.0

306710] IndexOutOfBoundsException upon invalidation
closed-fixed in 3.0

309305] Transition TRANSIENT with Event INVALIDATE/DETACH_REMOTE not supported
closed-fixed in 4.0

309467] After CDOServer restart no Revisions are available.
closed-worksforme in 4.0

310574] CDOAddFeatureDelta with null value
resolved-fixed in 4.0

closed-fixed in 4.0

316273] Problem with CDOStore.contains()
reopened in 4.1

316594] BranchingTest.testDetachExisting() randomly fails with ObjectNotFoundException
resolved-fixed in 4.0

316867] Raw replication fails after recovering from non-graceful shutdown
closed-fixed in 3.0

316887] Databinding & CDO Notifications
closed-fixed in 4.0

317144] Notification Merge Problem
closed-fixed in 4.0

317821] Registered GenModel uses wrong file name
closed-fixed in 4.0

318488] Invalid EMF notification out of CDOMoveFeatureDelta
resolved-fixed in 4.0

318664] Raw replication does not send CommitNotifications
closed-fixed in 4.0

318729] Containment Cycle Detection should also work for non branching configurations
closed-fixed in 4.0

318851] CDONotificationBuilder cannot handle mixed OID's/CDOObjects when processing CDOClearFeatureDelta
closed-fixed in 4.0

318876] Mechanism for avoiding dangling refs can introduce spurious conflicts
closed-fixed in 4.0

319552] "Attempt to modify historical revision"-Exception after raw replication.
closed-fixed in 4.0

319836] Detach-reattach of dirty object discards pre-detach featureDeltas
closed-fixed in 4.0

319950] ConvertToEMF doesn't work properly with many-valued EDataTypes
closed-fixed in 4.0

320690] Stale references can occur if one of two commits deletes a reference target
closed-fixed in 4.0

320976] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CDOListFeatureDeltaImpl
closed-fixed in 4.0

321699] CDOViewImpl.getObject(CDOID, boolean) can return wrong object for temporary ID's
closed-fixed in 4.0

321986] NPE on rollbacking detached objects
closed-fixed in 4.0

322779] NullPointerException after deleting a resource
closed-fixed in 4.0

322804] ClassCastException adding an object to an EList with objects of a custom data type
resolved-worksforme in 4.0

323930] XRefExcluder does not use adjusted list indexes
closed-fixed in 4.0

323958] Changes are not committed on preCommit
closed-fixed in 4.0

324084] CommitException with XRef on new objects after branch merge
closed-fixed in 4.0

324280] Heartbeat stops working with Timer already cancelled
closed-fixed in 4.0

324635] "Attempt to modify historical revision"-Exception after branch merge
closed-fixed in 4.0

324756] NPE in TransactionCommitContext with re-attached object on branch.
closed-fixed in 4.0

325322] CommitTransactionIndication: postCommit(false) not called after error in indicating()
closed-fixed in 4.0

325549] Synchronizable repository: order of commits is not ensured (CommitRunnable / WriteThroughCommitContext)
closed-fixed in 4.0

325603] CDOResourceImpl throws IllegalStateException
closed-fixed in 4.0

325866] IllegalStateException when committing a reattached containment of a detached container after branch merge with XRef enabled
reopened in 4.1

326047] Revision not revised on rawImport for deleted objects.
closed-fixed in 4.0

326518] List index problem during merge can cause a StaleReference in database even with XRef checking enabled.
closed-fixed in 4.0

327428] Failed-over session broken
closed-fixed in 4.0

327529] ConcurrentModificationException in BranchRevisionCache
closed-fixed in 4.0

328352] CommitNotifications overtaking each other
closed-fixed in 4.0

328681] LockObjectsRequest can cause corruption of client-side graph
closed-fixed in 4.0

328790] CDOResource.isLoaded returns false after adding/clearing contents of new resource
closed-fixed in 4.0

329014] LastUpdateTimestamp of ReplicatorSession not set on local commits
closed-fixed in 4.0

329254] LastCommitTimeStamp updated even when a serverSide Error occurred
closed-fixed in 4.0

330052] Breakage related to sticky views
closed-fixed in 4.0

330451] TimeoutException when switching branch for big model
closed-fixed in 4.0

330903] Improve hashcode & equals Implementation for CDOFeatureDeltas
closed-fixed in 4.0

330904] Add methods to set oldPosition & newPosition for CDOMoveFeatureDelta
closed-fixed in 4.0

330906] RepositorySynchronizer Thread might die
closed-fixed in 4.0

331774] Repository synchronizer should handle replication failure
closed-fixed in 4.0

331775] Raw replication failure is not cleaned up properly
closed-fixed in 4.0

332264] CDOMergingConflictResolver does not work with multiple commits
closed-fixed in 4.0

332428] CDO Export does not support custom datatypes
closed-fixed in 4.0

332671] Timeout in LoadMergeDataRequest
closed-fixed in 4.0

332996] EMF model packages are not registered within ServerCDOSession
closed-fixed in 4.0

333157] Resource not found
closed-fixed in 4.0

333230] queryXRefs does not work with specific source references
closed-fixed in 4.0

333307] IllegalArgumentException: revised == -1
closed-worksforme in 4.0

333326] Repo import into DBStore - various problems
closed-fixed in 4.0

333327] Repo import doesn't work with cross-packageUnit dependencies
closed-fixed in 4.0

333451] CommitIntegrityCheck throws NPE for references to TRANSIENT objects
closed-fixed in 4.0

333670] Inconsistent behavior of getRevisionByVersion()
closed-fixed in 4.0

333838] URI of the resource ... does not match the nsURI ... of the top-level package
assigned in 4.1

333950] Transient eOpposites are not set when loading from persistence
closed-fixed in 4.0

334608] CommitIntegrityCheck erroneously checks non-persistent features
closed-fixed in 4.0

334659] Reoccurring ConcurrentModificationExceptions at commits of 1 transaction at the time.
closed-duplicate in 4.0

334985] [DB] MySLQAdapter lacks keyword 'SIGNAL' from MySQL 5.5
closed-fixed in 4.0

335106] Regression in Bugzilla_326518_Test.testIndexBranchMerge
closed-fixed in 4.0

335432] LastUpdateTimestamp not set for committing Transaction
closed-fixed in 4.0

335453] Regression in MergingTest
closed-fixed in 4.0

335546] RemoveCrossReferences could throw ConcurrentModEx
closed-fixed in 4.0

335675] CDOClassInfoImpl broken for EClasses with transient features
closed-fixed in 4.0

335772] BasicEStoreEList created in EStoreEcoreEMap should probably call doClear() in unset()
closed-fixed in 4.0

335803] RecoveringCDOSessionConfiguratioImpl lacks sane defaults
closed-fixed in 4.0

335815] RemoveCrossReferences throws IllegalArgumentException for non-persistent features
closed-fixed in 4.0

336314] Partial commits choke on CDOMoveFeatureDeltas
closed-fixed in 4.0

336608] CDOException when starting menu contributed action "EFS TEST" ("No top level ResourceNode with the name MAIN")
closed-wontfix in 4.0

336708] [DB] Derby test failing
closed-fixed in 4.0

336729] CDOSetFeatureDelta doesn't have oldValue
closed-fixed in 4.0

337054] Unwanted CDOElementProxy items in CDOChangeSetData when partial collection loading is used
closed-fixed in 4.0

337190] Regression in Bugzilla_324635_Test.testTargetGoalDeltaVersion
closed-fixed in 4.0

337595] [DB4O] Enhance Test-Suite speed by using in-memory based ObjectContainer
closed-fixed in 4.0

337805] Repo config logic broken when supportingAudits/Branches props missing
closed-fixed in 4.0

338508] CDOResource.contents should not resolve proxies
closed-fixed in 4.0

338821] CDOCommitInfoImpl.merge() doesn't load commit data if needed
closed-fixed in 4.0

339908] Can not get long id from external ID types.
assigned in 4.1

340706] LoadTransition notifies ObjectStateHandler before revision is set
closed-fixed in 4.0

341469] Make CDOMergingConflictResolver stable
assigned in 4.1

341875] Unsetting container ref not working correctly for NEW objects if resolveProxies=true
closed-fixed in 4.0

341995] ConcurrentModificationException on commit while holding a write lock
closed-fixed in 4.0

342105] DB restore, cdo_external_refs is not being restored, External ID -14 not found.
closed-fixed in 4.0

342130] CDOListFeatureDeltaImpl.cleanupWithNewDelta does not properly adjust SET delta
closed-fixed in 4.0

342595] OCLQueryHandler does not ignore old revisions
closed-fixed in 4.0

342657] MEMStore.handleRevisions() does not exclude detached revisions
closed-fixed in 4.0

343471] CommitIntegrityCheck fails for object moved to different resource
closed-fixed in 4.0

344072] Reattachment registers object as DIRTY even when it's not
closed-fixed in 4.0

345838] Prevent timeouts during authentication phase in OpenSessionIndication
closed-fixed in 4.0

345858] CrossReferenceAdapter can cause problems when attached to the RootResource
resolved-duplicate in 4.0

346477] Detached revision not found for commit notification
closed-fixed in 4.0

346635] Root resource gets deregistered on view.setBranchPoint()
closed-fixed in 4.0

346636] Root resource should not be contained in resource set
closed-fixed in 4.0

325436] [CDO] Invalid Javadoc for CDOTransaction.Option.addChangeSubscriptionPolicy
resolved-fixed in 4.0

330127] Test execution randomly fails with IOExcpetion
resolved-worksforme in 4.0

337222] ClassCastException in some tests
closed-fixed in 4.0