351046] Offline test and example failures
resolved-fixed in 4.0

351110] Fix index for moves from left to right
resolved-fixed in 4.0

351263] CDOTransactionImpl#getTransactionHandlers() throws NPE instead of returning an empty array
resolved-fixed in 4.0

351600] Cannot load resource on a previously cleared ResourceSet
resolved-fixed in 4.0

353076] Failure when trying to unlock a collection of elements
resolved-fixed in 4.0

353172] CDOSavePoint and Reattachment issue
resolved-fixed in 4.0

353180] [Tests] EMF runtime compatibility issue and duplicate code in test models
resolved-fixed in 4.0

353275] CDOTransaction/CDOView getResourceNode does not return null
resolved-fixed in 4.0

353847] Prefetch revision ends with IllegalArgumentException
resolved-fixed in 4.0

354412] containsAll returns wrong result in case of detached objects
resolved-fixed in 4.0

355000] handleRevisions() does not work correctly for sub branches
resolved-fixed in 4.0