Release Notes for CDO R20110913-0010

These release notes have been generated from the commit log of the 4.0 stream and the associated bugzillas.
The first commit is 2e45c51345cf6fe71b4fe4417d3f4a163d466fb8 in the master branch.
The last commit is 1837d87cc1f72263d0ab4223ab6c96b455936028 in the streams/4.0-maintenance branch.
The previous build of the 4.0 stream is R20110608-1407.

Table of Contents

CDO Model Repository (Core)

Bug Fixes

normal [351046] Offline test and example failures    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [351110] Fix index for moves from left to right    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [351263] CDOTransactionImpl#getTransactionHandlers() throws NPE instead of returning an empty array    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [351600] Cannot load resource on a previously cleared ResourceSet    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353076] Failure when trying to unlock a collection of elements    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353172] CDOSavePoint and Reattachment issue    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353180] [Tests] EMF runtime compatibility issue and duplicate code in test models    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353275] CDOTransaction/CDOView getResourceNode does not return null    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353847] Prefetch revision ends with IllegalArgumentException    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [354412] containsAll returns wrong result in case of detached objects    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [355000] handleRevisions() does not work correctly for sub branches    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (Legacy Mode)

Bug Fixes

normal [355923] [Legacy] Adapter notified with CDOLegacyAdapter    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (JDBC Support)


enhancement [351273] [DB] Convert CLOB to String in SQLQueryHandler    resolved-fixed in 4.0
enhancement [351276] [DB] Improve Statement.executeBatch result checking    resolved-fixed in 4.0
enhancement [353965] [DB] Make the URI column in the table "cdo_ext_refs" larger    resolved-fixed in 4.0

Bug Fixes

normal [352811] [DB] null blob is not read from the DB store    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353176] [DB] NPE in GMF notation caused by CoreTypeMappings$TMCustom.getDefaultValue    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [353843] [DB] Duplicate entry / Violation of unique index in 'cdo_package_units_idx0'    resolved-fixed in 4.0

Net4j Signalling Platform and Utilities


enhancement [351264] Automatically send client-side protocol timeouts to server, as well    resolved-fixed in 4.0

Net4j DB Framework

Bug Fixes

normal [352270] [DB][Mysql] Default BLOB size is not sufficient    resolved-fixed in 4.0

The previous build of the 4.0 stream is R20110608-1407.