Release Notes for CDO R20120214-1026

These release notes have been generated from the commit log of the 4.0 stream and the associated bugzillas.
The first commit is 1837d87cc1f72263d0ab4223ab6c96b455936028 in the streams/4.0-maintenance branch.
The last commit is 5cfc82c97137a2c915a2adf8b5ef77f762855555 in the streams/4.0-maintenance branch.
The previous build of the 4.0 stream is R20110913-0010.

Table of Contents

CDO Model Repository (Core)

Bug Fixes

major [371344] CDOSession can send out of sequence invalidations to the CDOViews    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [337587] Illegal deltas are produced on compare    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [359339] DeadLock in CDO Session    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [360518] EMF adapters leak on EPackages    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [360521] CDOQuery memory leak with getResult    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [362270] CDODeltaNotification.getNewValue() returns a CDOIDExternal instead of the EObject from the containing XMIResource    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [363999] Net4jConnectorInjector does not skip sessions that already have a connector    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [364107] WriteAccessHandler.handleTransactionBeforeCommitting() is called before the tempIDs are mapped    assigned in 4.1
normal [365993] Issues when trying to import changes: Cannot modify a frozen revision    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [366066] Double refresh breaks model consistency    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [366286] Invalidate transition creates illegal object for audit view    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [368223] LoadRevisionsRequest with CDOFetchRuleManager enabled leads sometimes to NPE    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [368571] CDOModificationTrackingAdapter should ignore CDOInvalidations    resolved-fixed in 4.0
minor [358055] CDOPushTransaction.isDirty() should call delegate.isDirty()    resolved-fixed in 4.0
minor [366844] Packages are not automatically registered    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (Legacy Mode)

Bug Fixes

normal [352204] [Legacy] Failing event PREPARE in state CLEAN : state machine issue with legacy mode    resolved-fixed in 4.1
normal [360352] [Legacy] CDODeltaNotification.getNewValue() returns a CDOLegacyWrapper instead of the wrapped EObject    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [364536] Issues when trying to import changes from PushTransaction in legacy mode    resolved-fixed in 4.0
normal [364904] [Legacy] Failing event PREPARE in state CLEAN : state machine issue with legacy mode    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (User Interface)

Bug Fixes

normal [366492] [UI] Exception in creating a folder in "CDO Sessions" view    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (JDBC Support)


enhancement [367356] [DB] Reduce amount of update statements for non-audit mode    resolved-fixed in 4.0

CDO Model Repository (Hibernate Support)

Bug Fixes

normal [362389] [Hibernate] store commit time stamp in the database    new in 4.1

Net4j Signalling Platform and Utilities

Bug Fixes

major [364000] Deadlock in ManagedContainer    resolved-fixed in 4.0

The previous build of the 4.0 stream is R20110913-0010.