237158] Provide Performance TestCase
assigned in 4.1

272478] Better support for attributes having isMany() == true and isOrdered() == false
resolved-fixed in 4.1

312186] Support post event handling for CDOTransactionHandler
resolved-fixed in 4.1

329786] Connection-aware URIs support : default serialization and reconnection management
resolved-fixed in 4.1

343084] Add security infos to BaseCDORevision and adjust the framework accordingly
assigned in 4.1

349921] [DB4O] Create a test config using MEMDB4OStore
resolved-fixed in 4.1

350015] Ensure that EMF pre 2.6 does not prevent CDO usage
resolved-fixed in 4.1

350146] Make protocol timeout on the CDO server configurable
assigned in 4.1

351395] Refactor CDOSession to separate management of views and connection
resolved-fixed in 4.1

351405] Rename cdo.net4j.CDOSession to cdo.net4j.CDONet4jSession
resolved-fixed in 4.1

351793] Enhance LockMgr with write options
resolved-fixed in 4.1

351912] Lock coordination with SynchronizableRepositories
resolved-fixed in 4.1

352561] Support client assigned CDOIDs (UUIDs)
resolved-fixed in 4.1

352696] [Tests] Cleanup RepositoryConfigs
resolved-fixed in 4.1

353691] Add lock notifications and lock caching
resolved-fixed in 4.1

354419] Let MEMStore support client assigned CDOIDs (UUIDs)
resolved-fixed in 4.1

354454] Recursive locking (tree locking)
resolved-fixed in 4.1

355045] Allow NEW objects to be locked on commit
assigned in 4.1

355285] Make CDOIDGenerator aware of EObject
resolved-fixed in 4.1

355535] Redesign PropertyTesters and IPropertySourceProviders
resolved-fixed in 4.1

355537] Add isDirty() and DirtyStateChangedEvents to CDOWorkspace
resolved-fixed in 4.1

355539] Contribute PropertyTester and IPropertySourceProvider to CDOWorkspace
resolved-fixed in 4.1

356754] Raw replication of persistent locks
resolved-fixed in 4.1

358506] Expand the CDO definition framework to support server configuration
new in 4.1

358552] Use FastList for listener lists and do not exclude duplicate listener elements
resolved-fixed in 4.1

359341] Pull up OfflineClone.CommitContextData
resolved-fixed in 4.1

362388] Add CDORevisionManager.getObjectType() with demand loading
resolved-fixed in 4.1

362982] Add CDOTextResource and CDOBinaryResource
assigned in 4.1

365719] Disambiguate CDOView.enableDurableLocking(boolean)
resolved-fixed in 4.1

366803] Improve performance of CDOTransactionImpl.getID(InternalCDOObject, boolean)
resolved-fixed in 4.1

367905] [CDO] Allow Adapters to be notified during loading
resolved-fixed in 4.1

368532] Provide API to set CDOFetchRuleManager and CDOFetchAnalyzer
resolved-fixed in 4.1

369777] Let CDOCommonView extend CDOLockOwner
resolved-fixed in 4.1

373728] Make pages container in CDOServerBrowser configurable
resolved-fixed in 4.1

374962] Make CDOStaleReferencePolicy.PROXY robust for eAdapters() calls
resolved-fixed in 4.1

374965] Make detachment notifications configurable
resolved-fixed in 4.1

375034] Consolidate server-side exceptions for commit conflicts
resolved-fixed in 4.1

377212] Provide a CDOBalancedTree as object storage with list size optimization
resolved-fixed in 4.1

377721] Make raw replication the default replication
resolved-fixed in 4.1

380107] Durable locking ID support through connection aware URI
resolved-fixed in 4.1

380341] Avoid object not found exception for local changes
resolved-fixed in 4.1

380629] Design a default Security model
assigned in 4.1

381356] Support prefetching through CDO URI formats
resolved-fixed in 4.1

381472] Design a repository administration API
resolved-fixed in 4.1

353690] RWOLockManager.changeContext neglects to update contextToLockStates map
resolved-fixed in 4.1

363287] CDODeltaNotification.getOldValue() returns a CDOIDObjectLongImpl on remotely detached CDOObject
resolved-fixed in 4.1

364548] Exception "Durable locking is not enabled." during save of changes
resolved-fixed in 4.1

371342] CDOSession can send out of sequence invalidations to the CDOViews
resolved-fixed in 4.1

374882] Issue on control/uncontrol of model element with Savepoint
resolved-fixed in 4.1

375444] InvalidURIException with controlled resources and autoreleaseLock option disabled
reopened in 4.1

322218] ClassCastException adding an object to an EList with objects of a custom data type
resolved-fixed in 4.1

338921] Cannot load resource on a previously cleared ResourceSet
resolved-fixed in 4.1

341995] ConcurrentModificationException on commit while holding a write lock
closed-fixed in 4.0

349599] [Tests] EMF runtime compatibility issue and duplicate code in test models
resolved-fixed in 4.1

349793] New transaction waits for different update, than asked
resolved-fixed in 4.1

349804] Session is not invalidated after commit
resolved-fixed in 4.1

350008] CDOTransactionImpl#getTransactionHandlers() throws NPE instead of returning an empty array
resolved-fixed in 4.1

350027] Fix index for moves from left to right
resolved-fixed in 4.1

350649] Offline test and example failures
resolved-fixed in 4.1

351067] Exception adding the same Blob data
resolved-fixed in 4.1

352189] PushTransactions construction : reconstructSavepoints==false is troublesome
resolved-worksforme in 4.1

352191] Locking detached elements
resolved-fixed in 4.1

352330] Make lockArea loading vetoable
resolved-fixed in 4.1

352439] Prefetch revision ends with IllegalArgumentException
resolved-fixed in 4.1

352977] Dirty Objects of CDOTransaction with CDOSavepoint
assigned in 4.1

353078] Failure when trying to unlock a collection of elements
resolved-fixed in 4.1

353167] CDOSavePoint and Reattachment issue
resolved-fixed in 4.1

353249] CDOTransaction/CDOView getResourceNode does not return null
resolved-fixed in 4.1

353303] RWOLockManager.unlock(CONTEXT) gives ConcurrentModEx
resolved-fixed in 4.1

354009] DeadLock in CDO Session
resolved-fixed in 4.1

354395] containsAll returns wrong result in case of detached objects
resolved-fixed in 4.1

354963] handleRevisions() does not work correctly for sub branches
resolved-fixed in 4.1

356000] CDOWorkspace.checkin() does not detect remote conflicts
resolved-fixed in 4.1

356049] CDOWorkspace.merge() is broken
resolved-fixed in 4.1

358028] Enabling Locking Notifications leads to endless server requests
resolved-fixed in 4.1

358581] AbstractCDOView.getObjectsArray gives array with NULLs
resolved-fixed in 4.1

359035] Deleting a locked object leaves dangling locks in the LockManager
resolved-fixed in 4.1

359669] CDO cannot handle resources with indexed fragments
resolved-fixed in 4.1

360501] CDOQuery memory leak with getResult
resolved-fixed in 4.1

360514] EMF adapters leak on EPackages
resolved-fixed in 4.1

361819] Double refresh breaks model consistency
resolved-fixed in 4.1

362270] CDODeltaNotification.getNewValue() returns a CDOIDExternal instead of the EObject from the containing XMIResource
resolved-fixed in 4.0

363153] API Break in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j.CDOSession
resolved-fixed in 4.1

363998] Net4jConnectorInjector does not skip sessions that already have a connector
resolved-fixed in 4.1

364106] WriteAccessHandler.handleTransactionBeforeCommitting() is called before the tempIDs are mapped
resolved-fixed in 4.1

365204] Invalidate transition creates illegal object for audit view
resolved-fixed in 4.1

365832] Issues when trying to import changes: Cannot modify a frozen revision
resolved-fixed in 4.1

366777] (Other) launch configs broken due to missing GoGo console
resolved-fixed in 4.1

368539] LoadRevisionsRequest with CDOFetchRuleManager enabled leads sometimes to NPE
resolved-fixed in 4.1

368553] CDOModificationTrackingAdapter should ignore CDOInvalidations
resolved-fixed in 4.1

373726] Resource that was not found stays in ResourceSet (bad state)
resolved-fixed in 4.1

375033] Remote notifications must be ignored in CDOPostEventTransactionHandler
resolved-fixed in 4.1

376067] CDOFeatureDelta.UNKNOWN_VALUE is not a Notifier
resolved-fixed in 4.1

376075] Transient containment should bypass attached() / detached()
resolved-fixed in 4.1

376167] CDOURIHandler doesn't supports connection aware URI
resolved-fixed in 4.1

376470] "Durable locking is not enabled for view..." while doing a rollback on a clone
resolved-fixed in 4.1

376566] Clone Repository doesn't retry to init root resource
resolved-fixed in 4.1

377521] "Root resource has not been initialized in Repository" Error
resolved-fixed in 4.1

381410] IllegalStateException from OCL query with non-Collection result
resolved-fixed in 4.1

355287] Error in LockingNotificationsTest.testSameBranchDifferentSession [Combined, MEM-branching, JVM, Native]
new in 4.1

357400] CDOPushTransaction.isDirty() should call delegate.isDirty()
resolved-fixed in 4.1

369685] Current linebreaks from help message of the CDOCommandProvider doesn't work under windows
resolved-fixed in 4.0