Interface CDOListResolver

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CDOListResolver

A strategy that specifies which list elememts must be present (loaded) in a CDOID list of a revision when a certain list index is accessed. Implementations of this interface can control the exact characteristics of a certain partial collection loading strategy.


Method Summary
 void resolveAllProxies(CDORevision revision, EStructuralFeature feature)
          Defines a strategy to be used when the collection needs to resolve all elements.
 Object resolveProxy(CDORevision revision, EStructuralFeature feature, int accessIndex, int serverIndex)
          Defines a strategy to be used when the collection needs to resolve one element.

Method Detail


Object resolveProxy(CDORevision revision,
                    EStructuralFeature feature,
                    int accessIndex,
                    int serverIndex)
Defines a strategy to be used when the collection needs to resolve one element.


void resolveAllProxies(CDORevision revision,
                       EStructuralFeature feature)
Defines a strategy to be used when the collection needs to resolve all elements.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.