Interface InternalCDOBranch

All Superinterfaces:
CDOBranch, Comparable<CDOBranch>, IContainer<CDOBranch>, INotifier

public interface InternalCDOBranch
extends CDOBranch

No Implement
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
No Extend
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.container.IContainer
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.branch.CDOBranch
Method Summary
 void addChild(InternalCDOBranch branch)
 InternalCDOBranch createBranch(String name)
          Creates a sub branch of this branch with the given name, based at the current time.
 InternalCDOBranch createBranch(String name, long timeStamp)
          Creates a sub branch of this branch with the given name, based at the branch point in this branch with the given time stamp.
 InternalCDOBranch getBranch(String path)
          Returns the sub branch of this branch with the given relative path, or null if no sub branch with this path exists in this branch.
 InternalCDOBranch[] getBranches()
          Returns an array of the sub branches of this branch, never null.
 InternalCDOBranch[] getBranches(boolean loadOnDemand)
 InternalCDOBranchManager.BranchLoader.BranchInfo getBranchInfo()
 InternalCDOBranchManager getBranchManager()
          Returns the branch manager that manages this branch, never null.
 boolean isProxy()
 void setBranchInfo(String name, InternalCDOBranch baseBranch, long baseTimeStamp)
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.branch.CDOBranch
getBase, getBasePath, getHead, getID, getName, getPathName, getPoint, getVersion, isLocal, isMainBranch
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.container.IContainer
getElements, isEmpty
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.event.INotifier
addListener, getListeners, hasListeners, removeListener
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


boolean isProxy()


InternalCDOBranchManager getBranchManager()
Description copied from interface: CDOBranch
Returns the branch manager that manages this branch, never null.

Specified by:
getBranchManager in interface CDOBranch


InternalCDOBranch[] getBranches()
Description copied from interface: CDOBranch
Returns an array of the sub branches of this branch, never null.

Specified by:
getBranches in interface CDOBranch


InternalCDOBranch[] getBranches(boolean loadOnDemand)


InternalCDOBranch getBranch(String path)
Description copied from interface: CDOBranch
Returns the sub branch of this branch with the given relative path, or null if no sub branch with this path exists in this branch.

The path name is the concatenation of the names of all branches from a direct sub branch of this branch, separated by slashes ("/" characters). Example: "team1/smith".

Specified by:
getBranch in interface CDOBranch


InternalCDOBranch createBranch(String name,
                               long timeStamp)
Description copied from interface: CDOBranch
Creates a sub branch of this branch with the given name, based at the branch point in this branch with the given time stamp.

Specified by:
createBranch in interface CDOBranch
name - The name of the sub branch to be created. It must not contain the path separator character (slash).
timeStamp - The time stamp in this branch that the sub branch to be created is supposed to be based at. It must not be before the base time stamp of this branch and it must be different from the fixed special time stamp unspecified
See Also:


InternalCDOBranch createBranch(String name)
Description copied from interface: CDOBranch
Creates a sub branch of this branch with the given name, based at the current time.

Specified by:
createBranch in interface CDOBranch


InternalCDOBranchManager.BranchLoader.BranchInfo getBranchInfo()


void setBranchInfo(String name,
                   InternalCDOBranch baseBranch,
                   long baseTimeStamp)


void addChild(InternalCDOBranch branch)

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.