246687] Enforce additional constraints on containment (CDOResource)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

299275] Flexible Approach for an Authentication Mechanism
resolved-fixed in 4.2

323792] Provide CDO-based TransactionalEditingDomain
new in 4.2

362982] Add CDOTextResource and CDOBinaryResource
resolved-fixed in 4.2

369359] Improve performance of QueryRequest/Indication
resolved-fixed in 4.2

370181] Make the lock timeouts in TransactionCommitContext.lockObjects() configurable
resolved-fixed in 4.2

380629] Design a default Security model
resolved-fixed in 4.2

384535] Develop Lucene-based IStore
assigned in 4.2

385325] CDOResourceFolderItemProvider.getParent(Object) should be moved up to CDOResourceNodeItemProvider
resolved-fixed in 4.2

386413] Add option to serialize commits
resolved-fixed in 4.2

386536] Transmit detached versions during commit
resolved-fixed in 4.2

388616] Add "encoding" attribute to CDOTextResource
resolved-fixed in 4.2

388721] Add CDOResourceImpl.getEObjectByID(String)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

388723] Add EMFUtil.getPositionalURI(InternalEObject)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

388928] Develop a resource transfer framework
resolved-fixed in 4.2

389231] Don't load all resource contents for remove(int)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

389665] Cache path->resourceNodeID mappings in AbstractCDOView
resolved-fixed in 4.2

389694] Relax view options (CDOInvalidationPolicy and CDOStaleReferencePolicy)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

390169] Provide a central registry for open CDOViews
resolved-fixed in 4.2

390684] Add exception handler to IRepositorySynchronizer
resolved-fixed in 4.2

390804] Support external targets in CDOView.queryXRefs()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

390808] Integrate CDO with EMF Compare
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391256] Support CDOSession.getUserID() even for repositories without IUserManager
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391257] Provide a CDOTransactionCommentator that automatically appends a change summary to commit comments
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391295] Call CDOCommitInfoHandlers from CDOCommitInfoManager
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391312] Provide per-CDOObject histories
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391320] Weakly cache and intern() client-side CDOCommitInfos
resolved-fixed in 4.2

392503] Provide a convenient CDODirtyStateAdapter
resolved-fixed in 4.2

393910] Stabilize state management in SynchronizableRepositories
resolved-fixed in 4.2

393911] Create a complete offline and fail-over example suite
resolved-fixed in 4.2

395929] Add waitWhileLoading(long timeout) to CDOCommitHistory
resolved-fixed in 4.2

396818] Add EMF Compare merge support
resolved-fixed in 4.2

397405] Checking for unresolved proxies in annotations is unnecessary and bad for UML profiles
resolved-fixed in 4.2

397821] Expose CDOCommitInfoManager publicly in IRepository
resolved-fixed in 4.2

399156] Provide a security realm to ICredentialsProvider implementors
resolved-fixed in 4.2

399159] Various enhancements to the security manager
resolved-fixed in 4.2

400387] Optimize the storage of view, state, id and revision per CDOObject
resolved-fixed in 4.2

400388] Integrate the new MinimalEStoreEObjectImpl
resolved-fixed in 4.2

400389] Eliminate CDOObjectImpl.cdoSettings
assigned in 4.2

400892] Intern all CDOIDs
resolved-fixed in 4.2

400926] Move plugins that depend on EMF Compare to an independent and optional feature
resolved-fixed in 4.2

401172] [Security] Support permissions on objects
resolved-fixed in 4.2

401397] Optimize CDOModelUtil
resolved-fixed in 4.2

403125] Support FeatureFilter in CDOCompareUtil
resolved-fixed in 4.2

403516] Provide EMF Comparisons for the uncommitted changes of a CDOTransaction
resolved-fixed in 4.2

409574] Provide a meaningful CommitException hierarchy
resolved-fixed in 4.2

324544] IndexOutOfBoundsException on sending delta notifications
resolved-fixed in 4.2

376610] ClassCastException on removeAll on Enum attribute
resolved-fixed in 4.1

383063] "EFS TEST" action contributed everywhere
closed-fixed in 4.1

385268] Reattachment issue with EOpposite
resolved-fixed in 4.1

267352] NullPointerException on reload
closed-fixed in 2.0

315026] Local rollback inadvertently brings in updates from other sessions
resolved-fixed in 4.2

325866] IllegalStateException when committing a reattached containment of a detached container after branch merge with XRef enabled
resolved-fixed in 4.2

334744] Contract of CDOConflictResolver2 not met
resolved-fixed in 4.2

340709] Adapter notification from CDOViewImpl.doInvalidate() can cause deadlock in rare situations
resolved-worksforme in 4.2

341469] Make CDOMergingConflictResolver stable
assigned in 4.2

343417] Invalid type: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision.CDORevisionUtil$Uninitialized
resolved-fixed in 4.2

347964] Deleting an object from a resource by index
resolved-fixed in 4.2

350987] Revision compare does not consider EObject values in references
resolved-fixed in 4.2

353448] Attempt to Modify Historical Revision
resolved-fixed in 4.2

362270] CDODeltaNotification.getNewValue() returns a CDOIDExternal instead of the EObject from the containing XMIResource
resolved-fixed in 4.0

368331] CDOStateMachine.detach() is not robust against sideeffects of process() call
resolved-worksforme in 4.2

376620] IllegalStateException on CDODeltaNotification.getNewBooleanValue()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

382938] NPE on commit
closed-fixed in 4.1

383292] Thread names missing, thread management.
closed-fixed in 4.1

383370] Problem with resource after transaction rollback
closed-fixed in 4.1

383379] CDOQuery / SessionManager memory leak?
closed-fixed in 4.1

383602] Branch with base after the last finished commit can be created
resolved-fixed in 4.2

384454] CDO Workspace. On commit 'Change set is outdated'
resolved-fixed in 4.1

384496] Delta Notification gives wrong position (-1) when list feature item is set
resolved-fixed in 4.1

386793] Locking bug in RWOLockManager
resolved-fixed in 4.2

386989] Nested generic types can't be committed
resolved-fixed in 4.2

389525] Concurrent Access to Models Rollback / Conflict Resolution Exceptions
resolved-fixed in 4.2

390185] Deadlock on multiple concurrent transactions
resolved-fixed in 4.2

390908] NPE when requesting an EObject from a different view that is TRANSIENT
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391286] Preferences of org.eclipse.emf.cdo are not loaded/saved
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391293] Committing a non-dirty transaction persists and broadcasts CDOCommitInfos
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391296] CDOCommitInfoImpl always appears non-empty
resolved-fixed in 4.2

391309] RepositorySynchronizer silently fails to cast a TimerTask to Comparable
resolved-fixed in 4.2

393011] [Tests] SessionConfig removes statically registered packages from global registry
resolved-fixed in 4.2

393338] UnsupportedOperationException from TransactionCommitContext$TransactionPackageRegistry.values()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

393958] InvalidateTransition creates wrong revision during branch switch
resolved-fixed in 4.2

394049] Master/Clone examples don't work any more
resolved-fixed in 4.2

394555] CDOAdmin - NullPointerException on Server side using TCP connector
resolved-fixed in 4.1

395736] ClassCastException when removing one entry from the model
resolved-fixed in 4.2

395999] ResourceSet.getResource(URI,true) fails when called several times
reopened in 4.2

396170] CDOResource does not works with XtextResourceSet
resolved-fixed in 4.2

396173] UnsupportedOperationException at ...GrowingRandomAccessList.add(...)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

396181] Conflict using Object from committed Transaction
resolved-worksforme in 4.2

396804] CDOMergingConflictResolver tests
assigned in 4.2

396819] CommitHistoryComposite does not call commitInfoChanged()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

397232] Load notification missing for initial load
resolved-fixed in 4.2

397948] UnsupportedOperationException CDOQueryResultIteratorImpl$QueryResultList.contains(CDOQueryResultIteratorImpl.java:204)
resolved-fixed in 4.2

398020] UnsupportedOperationException during OpenSessionIndication
resolved-fixed in 4.2

399153] CDOEditPlugin.CDOEditPlugin() uses uninitialized constant
resolved-fixed in 4.2

399155] Resource and XRef queries are not robust against closed views
resolved-fixed in 4.2

399279] Cannot remove CDOViewSet from ResourceSet's adapter list
resolved-fixed in 4.2

400128] LifecycleException "Not Active: Transaction X"
resolved-fixed in 4.2

400762] OCLQueryHandler does not consider subtypes
resolved-fixed in 4.2

402142] LockState unsychronized after lock/unlock
resolved-fixed in 4.2

402371] CDOCompareUtil.compare fails with models that use Containment Proxies
resolved-fixed in 4.2

402636] Net4jConnectorInjector is missing from CDONet4jUtil.prepareContainer()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

402670] NPE on Rollback after changing a boolean value
resolved-fixed in 4.2

404318] DynamicCDOObjects throw NPEs when their Ecore models are unloaded
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405084] NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.emf.compare.EMFCompare$Builder.setMatchEngine()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405191] NIL value not committed for unsettable attribute
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405400] resourcePathCache in AbstractCDOView not cleared in some situations
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405761] InvalidationRunner threads are sometimes not properly stopped
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405774] Memory leak through TimerTasks
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405781] CDOPackageInfos can hold on deactivated TransactionPackageRegistries
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405850] CDORevision.get(feature, -1) should throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException for many-valued features
resolved-fixed in 4.2

405852] Memory leak in CDOCommitInfoManagerImpl.cache
resolved-fixed in 4.2

406068] Memory leak through CDOPackageInfo adapters on EPackages
resolved-fixed in 4.2

408534] CDO should return moved object instead of CDOID, for EMF Move command
resolved-fixed in 4.2

408615] CCE in CDOObjectImpl.isSet
resolved-fixed in 4.2

409284] Containment cycles can still occur
resolved-fixed in 4.2

409287] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on rollback
resolved-fixed in 4.2

409549] Wrong branch manager is used in SynchronizableRepository.handleCommitInfo()
resolved-fixed in 4.2

410409] CDOClientIndications can arrive before session is fully active
resolved-fixed in 4.2

409057] CDOIDs are missing default constructors for (Hessian) deserialization
resolved-fixed in 4.2

409062] ObjectNotFoundException.branchPoint might not serialize properly
resolved-fixed in 4.2