Release Notes for CDO R20140610-0212

These release notes have been generated from the commit log of the 4.3 stream and the associated bugzillas.
The first commit is aaffc9498c664759f3283cc054f125cf7c56390f in the master branch.
The last commit is 1149a3f0981619758e15932c3a868e4ddafb1f5e in the master branch.
This is the first build of the 4.3 stream.

Table of Contents

CDO Model Repository (Core)


enhancement [345431] Make it possible to preregister epackages    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [399306] [Security] Add password management    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [399480] [Security] Server should automatically reload the security realm on commit    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [399486] [Security] Default user permission should be documented as minimum permission    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [399487] [Security] Changes to the security realm should be verified before being applied    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [400311] Add support for undo    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [414391] Expose getCredentialsProvider() in CDOSession    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [414473] Deprecate reload() methods because it is unsafe to reload single objects    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416330] Fire CDOViewInvalidationEvent after possible conflicts have been handled    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416366] [OCL] Support implicit root class in server-side CDO queries    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416474] [OCL] Add some non-standard operations to support efficient OCL queries    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416508] Provide CDORevisionManager.handleRevisions(EClass, CDOBranch, boolean, long, boolean, CDORevisionHandler)    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416555] Provide CDOView.queryInstances(EClass)    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417103] [Security] Provide console command to add users with passwords    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417300] Provide a way to contribute CDOCommands to the server console    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417469] [Security] Provide console command to change user passwords    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417473] Provide an expressions model    assigned in 4.3
enhancement [417474] [Security] Factor out PermissionFilters to separate access level from filter application    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417507] [Security] Bypass READ permission checks for the attribute    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417566] [Security] Make user ID available in PermissionImpl and PermissionFilterImpl    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417682] Add runAfterUpdate(long updateTime, Runnable runnable) method to CDOUpdatable    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417684] [Security] Provide a HomeFolderHandler    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417746] Provide cdoRevision(boolean loadOnDemand) and cdoPermission() methods in CDOObject    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [418454] [Admin] Client API and UI for managing repositories in a server    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [422145] Add ability to rename branches    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [427767] Enhance the Etypes and Eresource models    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [429931] Make use of CDOItemProviderAdapter in Etypes and Eresource    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Bug Fixes

critical [411927] CDOSessionImpl can "freeze" during invalidation reordering    resolved-fixed in 4.3
critical [417483] [Security] Issues in invalidation when missing write Permission    resolved-fixed in 4.3
major [420540] Regression in 'cdo stop' command which now just dumps package list    resolved-fixed in 4.3
major [420644] [Security] Multiple repositories in a server share a SecurityManager    resolved-fixed in 4.3
major [421287] [Query] Failure to execute query results in hung async iterator    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [367738] getOldValue call on Notification from CDO returns null as opposed to old value    reopened in 4.3
normal [396804] CDOMergingConflictResolver tests    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [399956] Different object was registred for OIDXX in native with ContentAdapter    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [412686] NPE when removing/adding an adapter after CDO view closed    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [412767] "IllegalArgumentException: id is null on" on ResourceSet.getResource() with connection aware URI with prefetch query    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [414539] Do not access sub branches if repository does not support branching    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [414949] [Legacy] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with CDOLegacyWrapper and CDOIDExternal    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [415415] Stale reference not removed between locally detached object and remotely changed ones    reopened in 4.3
normal [416005] CommitNotificationRequest aborted for entire Session if a single View is closed    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [416285] OCLExtendCreator fails for abstract subtypes    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [416298] CDOResourceNodes do not support reflective access to derived path attribute    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [417825] Invalidator can die if CDOSession can not be activated within 100ms    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [417844] InvalidationRunner can die if invalidations come too early    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [418267] [Security] Cached permissions are not always properly updated after commits    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [418393] [Security] CDOResourceFolder.getNodes() fails for CDOPermission.NONE    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [419356] Handle exception during asynchronous queries in result order    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [419574] NPE in CDOMergingConflictResolver    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [419962] CommitConflictException after CDOMergingConflictResolver.resolveConflicts()    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [422170] [Security] NPE on Permissions update for detached objects    new in 4.3
normal [423355] ClassCastException when attempting to persist EStructuralFeature to database containing an EJavaObject.    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [424746] [Legacy] CDOViewImpl forbids batch ChangeSubscriptions for legacy objects    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [424860] Performance degradation in CDOResourceImpl.getEObject(String)    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [424889] ConcurrentModificationException in CDOLazyContentAdapter    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [426463] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on rollback due to contains optimization in DelegatingEcoreEList    assigned in 4.3
normal [427358] Wrong behavior when moving an object of containment inside of the same resource (no CDOView attached)    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [429659] BasicEStoreEList.unset() can cause DanglingIntegrityExceptions at commit time    reopened in 4.3
normal [429694] Wrong branch manager is used in SynchronizableRepository.handleCommitInfo()    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [429746] Setting list values by index twice causes DanglingReferenceException    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [429864] Reconnecting session misses commits that occured while being unconnected    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [430277] Some bundles in CDO are being loaded upfront    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [435198] AbstractCDOView.getObject() doesn't add containing CDOResource to ResourceSet    resolved-fixed in 4.3

CDO Model Repository (Legacy Mode)


enhancement [424888] [Legacy] Remove ThreadLocals in CDOLegacyWrapper when no longer needed    resolved-fixed in 4.3

CDO Model Repository (User Interface)


enhancement [416122] [UI] Move IDE-independent actions from cdo.ui.ide to cdo.ui    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417747] [UI] Make the CDO Sessions view security-aware    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [417800] [UI] Use colors to reflect security permissions in the CDOEditor and the CDOSessionsView    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [418452] [Security] Simplified security model editor    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Bug Fixes

blocker [425083] [UI] Latest Stable build has wrong dependencies in    resolved-fixed in 4.3
major [420528] Regression in availability of resource-tree editing actions    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [417794] [UI] Property sheet pages are not refreshed upon invalidation    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [419085] [Security] CDOItemProvider raises NoPermissionException on folders    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [421677] [Security] Exceptions when adding permissions to roles in form editor    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [424956] [UI] Problem with Xcore models in RegisterWorkspacePackagesAction    resolved-fixed in 4.3

CDO Model Repository (JDBC Support)

Bug Fixes

normal [405606] ClassCastException when using unchunked and restricted CollectionLoadingPolicies    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [416215] [DB] Enum default values are not correctly determined in CoreTypeMappings.TMEnum    reopened in 4.3
normal [416428] NPE in AbstractMappingStrategy.handleRevisions()    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [418083] [DB] SQLQueryHandler should not call next() after absolute()    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [421605] [DB] If a DetachedRevision is the first revision in a branch then the version is off    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [435532] [CDO] Reordering elements in a containment feature causes DBException when audit mode is activated    new in 4.3

CDO Model Repository (Hibernate Support)


enhancement [417321] [Hibernate] Replace HibernateCommandProvider with ExportHbmCommand    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Bug Fixes

normal [414828] [Hibernate] Implement Chunked reader    resolved-fixed in 4.3
normal [417797] [Hibernate] Store's problem with Enum serialization and second-level cache enabled    resolved-fixed in 4.3

CDO Dawn

Bug Fixes

normal [436036] Generated Dawn Editor Wizards don't show resources inside the view    resolved-fixed in 4.2

Net4j Signalling Platform and Utilities


enhancement [416417] Avoid logging errors that are caused by asynchronous deactivation    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Bug Fixes

major [412313] Broken pipe on TCPSelector    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Net4j User Interface


enhancement [417560] [UI] Remember user names in CredentialsDialog    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Net4j DB Framework


enhancement [418076] [DB] Add OracleConfig for execution of DBStore tests    assigned in 4.3

Bug Fixes

normal [416587] [DB] NPE in PreparedStatementCache    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Release Engineering


enhancement [413807] [Releng] Adjust for JDK 1.7    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416418] [Releng] Eliminate IContainerConfig from the config test framework    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [416435] [Releng] Require a reason for @CleanRepositories    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [424715] [Releng] Add Apply button in the Dynamic Working Sets preference page    resolved-fixed in 4.3
enhancement [436672] Including version 15 for google guava dependency    resolved-fixed in 4.3

Bug Fixes

normal [416392] [Releng] Each ConfigScenario in a MainSuite should start with clean repositories    resolved-fixed in 4.3



enhancement [425041] Add support for Hudson jobs    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [425815] Add authentication info for Mylyn task queries and Mylyn builds    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [428897] Add an analysis and repair tool for bundle pools    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [429246] Import project by browsing file system    reopened in 1.0.0
enhancement [429380] Add toolbar action to open the log file    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [429389] Please include model for project    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [429520] GitCloneTask: Support additional push URL    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [429644] Add FileAssociationsTask    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [430937] Addition of Code Recommenders to inital project list    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [430954] Support Maven Project Import via M2E    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [430979] Add a Location(Pattern)Predicate    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
enhancement [431322] Please include model for project Xtext    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0

Bug Fixes

critical [428020] TargletTask: Realization for setup project is failing    reopened in 1.0.0
major [429181] NullPointerException in TargletTaskImpl.perform()    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [23819] [About] No About Box on MacOS X    resolved-fixed in 2.0
normal [428286] TargletTask: Profile isn't updated if the targlet content hasn't changed    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [428288] Perform job doesn't stop when ProgressDialog is canceled.    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [428368] Stack overflow in ProgressDialog.deeplyPrint()    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [428584] GitCloneTask: Repo not added to the Git Repositories view    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [428676] Targlet synthesizes incorrect IU for component.def    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [428840] GitCloneTask: User authentication fails for ssh with public key    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [429382] GitCloneTask: Time out in GitUtil.perform()    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [430415] TargletTask doesn't respect URI redirections    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [430419] RedirectionTasks run too late    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
normal [431110] Changing API Baseline URL doesn't cause an update    reopened in 1.0.0
normal [431202] LocateNestedProjects is not correctly respected    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
minor [428252] Git user id stored multiple times    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0
minor [428341] Native proxy provider not working (missing fragment?)    resolved-fixed in 1.0.0

This is the first build of the 4.3 stream.