387563] Generalize the "lock of new objects on commit" feature to the "lock/unlock objects on commit"
resolved-fixed in 4.6

387564] Ensure lock notification sending after invalidation for "lock/unlock objects on commit"
resolved-fixed in 4.6

467075] Provide ECrossReferenceAdapter that does not recreate removed CDOResource
resolved-fixed in 4.6

502067] Allow UserManager authentication customization
resolved-worksforme in 4.6

504014] Make merge information available in CDOCommitInfo
resolved-fixed in 4.6

505649] Implement a CDO test case recorder
resolved-fixed in 4.6

505654] Support automatic remerging / multiple merges from the same branch
resolved-fixed in 4.6

507387] [Security] Provide getChoiceOfValues() for PackageFilters and ClassFilters
assigned in 4.6

509141] Provide CDORegistrationHandler callbacks
resolved-fixed in 4.6

509149] Provide an EmbeddedRepository
resolved-fixed in 4.6

511324] Support VarInt and VarLong serialization
resolved-fixed in 4.6

517168] CDOView.queryXRef returns invalid values when an object is removed on a newly created CDO branch
resolved-fixed in 4.6

501607] [Security] "Security realm integrity violation: An object may not circularly contain itself" thrown when modifying several elements and Realm in first position
resolved-fixed in 4.6

395685] CDORevisionDelta.getOldValue() always returns CDOSetFeatureDelta.UNSPECIFIED
resolved-fixed in 4.6

397999] Multiple merges between branches fail
resolved-fixed in 4.6

402714] Local changes are not considered by CDOTransaction's queryResources(), queryInstances() and queryXRefs()
resolved-fixed in 4.6

469301] Have abillity to lock a set of locally detached objects atomically
resolved-fixed in 4.6

473804] Undo of massive deletion very long
resolved-fixed in 4.6

486653] Rollback of objects in NEW state don't update correctly container field
resolved-fixed in 4.6

494954] CDOTransaction fails to invalidate URIs of loaded CDOResource upon name change of ancestor CDOResourceFolder
resolved-fixed in 4.6

494993] CDORemoteSessionManager.getRemoteSessions() can raise a ConcurentModificationException or a NullPointerException is a remote user closes his session
resolved-fixed in 4.6

497148] Read package units before initializing system packages
resolved-fixed in 4.6

498732] Ecore validation fails for CDOBlob attribute
resolved-fixed in 4.6

500245] Lob cache can't be deleted (streams not closed?)
resolved-fixed in 4.6

500864] CDOCommitInfo detached objects list does not include contained objects
resolved-fixed in 4.6

503564] Creation of CDOSetFeatureDeltaImpl in CDOStoreImp mixes EMF-Type and CDO-Type values
resolved-fixed in 4.6

503573] Adapt method in CDODeltaNotificationImpl fails to adapt for GregorianCalendar
resolved-fixed in 4.6

503575] AbstractCDOView.hasResource does not unlockView
resolved-fixed in 4.6

506291] Non secure message using connection aware URI
resolved-fixed in 4.6

506768] New commit can change the base revisions of a just created branch
resolved-fixed in 4.6

509822] Duplicate feature deltas in CDOSavepoint.getAllRevisionDeltas()
resolved-fixed in 4.6

509823] No commit context registered with XA transactions
resolved-fixed in 4.6

510412] DefaultCDOMerger produces incorrect results for MOVE deltas in many-valued features
resolved-fixed in 4.6

512534] Wrong logic in CDOTransactionCommentator
resolved-fixed in 4.6

516824] Multiple revision instances are loaded during branch switch
resolved-fixed in 4.6

517007] ClassCastException in CDONotificationBuilder because of default values
resolved-fixed in 4.6

517009] org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ecore.retrofit seems obsolete and is definitely dangerous
resolved-fixed in 4.6

500578] Invalid toString in CDOClassInfoImpl$RevisionWithID
resolved-fixed in 4.6