276342] Natively support EModelElement instances (Ecore4CDO)
resolved-fixed in 4.7

529326] Remove the "old" org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.embedded package
resolved-fixed in 4.7

530216] Cannot override CDOTransferElement name because it is final
resolved-fixed in 4.7

530495] Return the commit info of ISecurityManager.modify(RealmOperation) to the caller
resolved-fixed in 4.7

530500] Remove final modifier from eBasicSetContainer() and eSetDirectResource()
resolved-fixed in 4.7

534535] Provide property support for repositories
resolved-fixed in 4.7

534791] Natively support GMF Notation instances (GMF4CDO)
resolved-fixed in 4.7

534898] Provide a repository activity log
resolved-fixed in 4.7

438682] eUnset Unsettable Features causes Rollback in DBStore
resolved-fixed in 4.7

362293] Unsetting value in some cases can cause to fail IntegrityChecker
resolved-fixed in 4.7

405543] An unsettable many-valued reference that is set to an empty list is unset on new transaction
resolved-fixed in 4.7

409351] CDOServerExporter throws IllegalArgumentException on DynamicValueHolder.NIL
resolved-fixed in 4.7

430528] CDO Server Exporter doesn't handle DetachedRevisions
resolved-fixed in 4.7

517391] Exporter/Importer do not handle byte array attributes
resolved-fixed in 4.7

528129] Transient objects are attached to CDOTransaction
assigned in 4.7

529260] SynchronizableRepository must not accept dynamic package addition
resolved-fixed in 4.7

529397] ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.emf.cdo.internal.common.id.CDOIDObjectLongImpl cannot be found by org.eclipse.net4j.util
resolved-fixed in 4.7

529464] Repository managed by InternalCDORepositoryConfigurationManager not stopped
resolved-fixed in 4.7

530498] Null revision after a CDOTransaction rollback
resolved-fixed in 4.7

532600] Memory not freed when repository is deleted
resolved-fixed in 4.7

533909] Unsettable features that are set to null can't be committed
resolved-fixed in 4.7

533944] CDOServerExporter and Importer don't handle unsettable lists correctly
resolved-fixed in 4.7

534014] ReconnectingSession fails to reconnect the second time
resolved-fixed in 4.7

535395] "Unique index or primary key violation" with CDOMergingConflictResolver and a case of a CDORevisionDelta with an empty featureDeltas
resolved-invalid in 4.6