Uses of Class

Packages that use LookupException
org.eclipse.ocl Definition of the extensible environment API for OCL parsing and evaluation. 

Uses of LookupException in org.eclipse.ocl

Subclasses of LookupException in org.eclipse.ocl
 class AmbiguousLookupException
          A specialized LookupException denoting specifically that the problem is multiple ambiguous results.
 class InvalidLookupException
          A specialized LookupException denoting specifically that the problem is a single result that is invalid or otherwise unexpected.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl that throw LookupException
 Variable<C,PM> Environment.lookupImplicitSourceForState(List<String> path)
          Finds the best-matching implicit variable to use as a source for the unqualified oclIsInState() invocation with the specified state qualified name path.
 Variable<C,PM> AbstractEnvironment.lookupImplicitSourceForState(List<String> path)
 S Environment.lookupState(C owner, List<String> path)
          Finds the state identified by the specified qualified name path, to resolve an oclIsInState() operation.
 S AbstractEnvironment.lookupState(C owner, List<String> path)
 Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> EnvironmentFactory.Lookup.tryCreatePackageContext(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> parent, List<String> pathname)
          Creates an environment suitable for parsing OCL expressions in the specified package context.
 C Environment.Lookup.tryLookupAssociationClassReference(C owner, String name)
          Finds a reference in the specified class to the named association class.
 C AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupAssociationClassReference(C owner, String name)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupAssociationClassReference(Object, String) method.
 C Environment.Lookup.tryLookupClassifier(List<String> names)
          Finds the classifier identified by the specified sequence of names (a qualified name).
 C AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupClassifier(List<String> names)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupClassifier(List) method.
 O Environment.Lookup.tryLookupOperation(C owner, String name, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Find an operation in the specified class.
 O AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupOperation(C owner, String name, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupOperation(Object, String, List) method.
 PK Environment.Lookup.tryLookupPackage(List<String> names)
          Finds the package identified by the specified sequence of names (a qualified name).
 PK AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupPackage(List<String> names)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupPackage(List) method.
 P Environment.Lookup.tryLookupProperty(C owner, String name)
          Finds a property defined or inherited by the specified classifier.
 P AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupProperty(C owner, String name)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupProperty(Object, String) method.
 C Environment.Lookup.tryLookupSignal(C owner, String name, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Finds a received signal in the specified classifier.
 C AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupSignal(C owner, String name, List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupSignal(Object, String, List) method.

Uses of LookupException in org.eclipse.ocl.parser

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.parser that throw LookupException
protected  Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> AbstractOCLAnalyzer.createPackageContext(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> parent, List<String> packageName)

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