Package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.modelregistry.model

Interface Summary
Accessor<A extends Accessor<A>> An Accessor defines a name and associated namespace by which models can be accessed in the model registry.
Accessor.Installer<A extends Accessor<A>>  
Accessor.Namespace<A extends Accessor<A>>  
ModelSerialization A ModelSerialisation defines the serialization of a model by an informal name such as "XML" and a corresponding Resource.Factory implementation that creates and loads models of that serialization.

Class Summary
AbstractAccessor<A extends Accessor<A>> A ModelNameAccesor defines a key to access model registry entries by an informal model name.
AccessorNamespace<A extends Accessor<A>>  
AccessorRegistry<A extends Accessor<A>> An AccessorRegistry forms part of the in memory org.eclipse.ocl.modelregistry model read from and updated in the project .settings folder.
FileHandleRegistry A FileHandleRegistry forms part of the in memory oorg.eclipse.ocl.modelregistry model read from and updated in the project .settings folder.
ModelNameAccessor A ModelNameAccessor defines a key to access model registry entries by an informal model name.
NamedSerialization A NamedSerialisation defines the serialization of a model by an informal name, and is used when the ModelSerialisationRegistryReader has no registration for that name.
NamespaceRegistry The map of namespace names to namespaces.
ProjectRegistry A ProjectRegistry instance forms the root of a model registry.
Registration<A extends Accessor<A>> A Registration maintains the binding between an accessor and the URI by which the model may be loaded.
UnregisteredAccessor An UnregisteredAccessor defines a key to access model registry entries by an unregistered accessor namespace.
URIAccessor A URIAccesor defines a key to access model registry entries in a URI namespace.