Package org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.provider

Class Summary
JvmAnnotationAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmAnnotationAnnotationValue object.
JvmAnnotationReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmAnnotationReference object.
JvmAnnotationTargetItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmAnnotationTarget object.
JvmAnnotationTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmAnnotationType object.
JvmAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmAnnotationValue object.
JvmAnyTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmAnyTypeReference object.
JvmArrayTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmArrayType object.
JvmBooleanAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmBooleanAnnotationValue object.
JvmByteAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmByteAnnotationValue object.
JvmCharAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmCharAnnotationValue object.
JvmComponentTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmComponentType object.
JvmCompoundTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmCompoundTypeReference object.
JvmConstraintOwnerItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmConstraintOwner object.
JvmConstructorItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmConstructor object.
JvmCustomAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmCustomAnnotationValue object.
JvmDeclaredTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmDeclaredType object.
JvmDelegateTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmDelegateTypeReference object.
JvmDoubleAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmDoubleAnnotationValue object.
JvmEnumAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmEnumAnnotationValue object.
JvmEnumerationLiteralItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmEnumerationLiteral object.
JvmEnumerationTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmEnumerationType object.
JvmExecutableItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmExecutable object.
JvmFeatureItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmFeature object.
JvmFieldItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmField object.
JvmFloatAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmFloatAnnotationValue object.
JvmFormalParameterItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmFormalParameter object.
JvmGenericArrayTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmGenericArrayTypeReference object.
JvmGenericTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmGenericType object.
JvmIdentifiableElementItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmIdentifiableElement object.
JvmIntAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmIntAnnotationValue object.
JvmLongAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmLongAnnotationValue object.
JvmLowerBoundItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmLowerBound object.
JvmMemberItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmMember object.
JvmMultiTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmMultiTypeReference object.
JvmOperationItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmOperation object.
JvmParameterizedTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmParameterizedTypeReference object.
JvmPrimitiveTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmPrimitiveType object.
JvmShortAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmShortAnnotationValue object.
JvmSpecializedTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmSpecializedTypeReference object.
JvmStringAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmStringAnnotationValue object.
JvmSynonymTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmSynonymTypeReference object.
JvmTypeAnnotationValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmTypeAnnotationValue object.
JvmTypeConstraintItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmTypeConstraint object.
JvmTypeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmType object.
JvmTypeParameterDeclaratorItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmTypeParameterDeclarator object.
JvmTypeParameterItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmTypeParameter object.
JvmTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmTypeReference object.
JvmUnknownTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmUnknownTypeReference object.
JvmUpperBoundItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmUpperBound object.
JvmVoidItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmVoid object.
JvmWildcardTypeReferenceItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a JvmWildcardTypeReference object.
TypesEditPlugin This is the central singleton for the Types edit plugin.
TypesEditPlugin.Implementation The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.
TypesItemProviderAdapterFactory This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.