Interface IContainerSharedObjectMessageSendingEvent

All Superinterfaces:
Event, IContainerEvent
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IContainerSharedObjectMessageSendingEvent
extends IContainerEvent

Container event that indicates that a shared object message is being sent.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getMessage()
          Get the message being sent.
 ID getSharedObjectID()
          Get the shared object ID of the sending shared object.
 ID getTargetContainerID()
          Get the target container ID for the message being sent.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


ID getTargetContainerID()
Get the target container ID for the message being sent.

ID of target container for the message being sent. If null, this indicates that all container members of group should receive the message being sent.


ID getSharedObjectID()
Get the shared object ID of the sending shared object. This value will not be null and the ID given will be the ID of a currently active shared object existing within the enclosing container.

ID of the shared object that is sending the message. Will not be null.


java.lang.Object getMessage()
Get the message being sent. This will return the message being sent by the shared object identified by getSharedObjectID(). May be null if null is being sent.

Object the message being sent by the shared object identified via getSharedObjectID(). May be null.