Interface IIncomingFileTransferReceiveDoneEvent

All Superinterfaces:
Event, IFileTransferEvent, IIncomingFileTransferEvent

public interface IIncomingFileTransferReceiveDoneEvent
extends IIncomingFileTransferEvent

Event sent to IFileTransferListeners when an incoming file transfer is completed.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Exception getException()
          Get any exception associated with this file transfer.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


java.lang.Exception getException()
Get any exception associated with this file transfer. If the file transfer completed successfully, this method will return null. If the file transfer completed unsuccessfully (some exception occurred), then this method will return a non-null Exception instance that occurred.

If the the file transfer was canceled by the user, then the exception returned will be an instance of UserCancelledException.

Exception associated with this file transfer. null if transfer completed successfully, non-null if transfer completed with some exception.