Name | Status | Type | Time(s) |
AggregateObjectObjectComparisonTest | Success | | 0.035 |
AggregateObjectIsNullTest | Success | | 0.001 |
AggregateObjectNullTest | Success | | 0.008 |
MultipleAndsExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
MultipleAndsExpressionTest2 | Success | | 0.002 |
MultipleAndsExpressionTest3 | Success | | 0.001 |
MultipleAndsExpressionTest4 | Success | | 0.005 |
MultipleAndsExpressionTest5 | Success | | 0.001 |
MultipleAndsExpressionTest6 | Success | | 0.001 |
ObjectComparisonAcrossJoin | Success | | 0.003 |
ExpressionFunctionTest | Success | | 0.005 |
ExpressionMathTest | Success | | 0.006 |
AdvancedExpressionFunctionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
AdvancedExpressionMathTest | Success | | 0.000 |
BuilderEqualParameter | Success | | 0.003 |
AndExpressionTest | Success | | 0.015 |
NotExpressionTest | Success | | 0.005 |
AndNullExpressionTest | Success | | 0.006 |
OrExpressionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
OrNullExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
EqualExpressionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
EqualUnneccessaryJoinTest | Success | | 0.005 |
EqualDoubleExpressionTest | Success | | 0.007 |
GreaterThanEqualExpressionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
GreaterThanExpressionTest | Success | | 0.005 |
JoinsShrinkResultSetSizeTest | Success | | 0.002 |
TruncCurrentDateTest | Success | | 0.001 |
JoinsShrinkResultSetSizeTest2 | Success | | 0.002 |
LessThanEqualExpressionTest | Success | | 0.004 |
LessThanExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
IsNullExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
IsNullWithJoinExpressionTest | Success | | 0.004 |
IsNotNullExpressionTest | Success | | 0.005 |
IsNotNullWithJoinExpressionTest | Success | | 0.003 |
InExpressionTest | Success | | 0.006 |
InSingleVectorParameterTest | Success | | 0.002 |
InMultipleExpressionParameterTest | Success | | 0.003 |
NotInExpressionTest | Success | | 0.004 |
InConversionTest | Success | | 0.005 |
LikeExpressionTest | Success | | 0.006 |
LikeIgnoreCaseExpressionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
LikeIgnoreCaseTest | Success | | 0.002 |
LikeIgnoreCaseTest2 | Success | | 0.002 |
LikeEscapeExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
NotLikeExpressionTest | Success | | 0.004 |
BetweenExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
BetweenExpressionTest 2 | Success | | 0.004 |
SelectionObjectWithoutPrepareTest | Success | | 0.008 |
SelfManagedEmployeeTest | Success | | 0.002 |
NotSelfManagedEmployeeTest | Success | | 0.003 |
NotEqualSelfManagedEmployeeTest | Success | | 0.003 |
SingleTableJoinExpressionTest | Success | | 0.006 |
MultiplePrimaryKeyTest | Success | | 0.009 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest1 | Success | | 0.004 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest2 | Success | | 0.002 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest3 | Success | | 0.001 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest4 | Success | | 0.003 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest5 | Success | | 0.002 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest6 | Success | | 0.003 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest7 | Success | | 0.002 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest8 | Success | | 0.003 |
MultipleTableJoinExpressionTest9 | Success | | 0.002 |
CustomQKJoinExpressionTest1 | Success | | 0.001 |
CustomQKJoinExpressionTest2 | Success | | 0.002 |
CustomQKExpressionTest1 | Success | | 0.003 |
ComputerViewCursoredStreamTest | Success | | 0.000 |
ComputerViewTest1 | Success | | 0.004 |
VehicleViewCursoredStreamTest | Success | | 0.001 |
VehicleViewTest1 | Success | | 0.009 |
VehicleViewOrderByJoinTest | Success | | 0.000 |
VehicleViewOrderByOnlyTest | Success | | 0.014 |
NonFueledVehicleViewTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
VehicleViewJoinOnlyTest | Success | | 0.000 |
BadQueryKeyTest | Success | | 0.012 |
MismatchedQueryKeyTest | Success | | 0.001 |
BadQueryTableTest | Success | | 0.001 |
BadFieldTableTest | Success | | 0.001 |
BadToManyQueryKeyTest | Success | | 0.000 |
BadFieldTableTest | Success | | 0.000 |
BadAnyOfTest | Success | | 0.001 |
FieldDefaultingTest | Success | | 0.002 |
OneToOneEqualTest | Success | | 0.028 |
TransformationTest | Success | | 0.002 |
AggregateQueryTest | Success | | 0.003 |
LowerCaseExpressionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
UpperCaseExpressionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
Custom Default Expression Test | Success | | 0.001 |
OneToManyJoinTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
OneToManyJoinTest2 | Success | | 0.003 |
OneToManyJoin2WithBatchReadTest | Success | | 0.025 |
OneToManyJoinTest3 | Success | | 0.003 |
OneToManyJoinTest4 | Success | | 0.002 |
OneToManyJoinTest5 | Success | | 0.003 |
ManyToManyJoinTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
ManyToManyJoinTest2 | Success | | 0.011 |
ManyToManyJoinTest3 | Success | | 0.005 |
ManyToManyJoinTest4 | Success | | 0.048 |
ManyToManyJoinTest5 | Success | | 0.003 |
OneToManyJoinObjectCompareTest | Success | | 0.002 |
OneToManyJoinObjectCompareTest2 | Success | | 0.001 |
DirectCollectionJoinTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
Complex Boolean Test | Success | | 0.002 |
OneToOneExpressionUsingObjectAsValue1 | Success | | 0.001 |
OneToOneExpressionUsingObjectAsValue2 | Success | | 0.001 |
GetFunction() With Two Arguments Test | Success | | 0.001 |
Aggregate Colection Join Test | Success | | 0.002 |
InvalidQueryKeyFunctionExpressionTest | Success | | 0.001 |
ConstantEqualConstantTest | Success | | 0.003 |
ParameterIsNullTest | Success | | 0.004 |
ValueEqualValueTest | Success | | 0.000 |
MultiPlatformTest | Success | | 0.002 |
CollectionReadAllTest(ArrayList,Employee) | Success | | 0.004 |
CollectionReadAllTest(Vector,Employee) | Success | | 0.002 |
CollectionReadAllTest(HashSet,Employee) | Success | | 0.003 |
CollectionReadAllTest(HashMap,Employee) | Success | | 0.003 |
CollectionReadAllTest(Hashtable,Employee) | Success | | 0.003 |
CollectionReadAllTest(ArrayList,Employee) | Success | | 0.002 |
MapReadAllTest(Hashtable,Employee) | Success | | 0.003 |
MapReadAllTest(TreeMap,Employee) | Success | | 0.003 |
RefreshNoCacheWithNoIdentityMapTest | Success | | 0.002 |
ShallowModifyTest | Success | | 0.026 |
DontMaintainCacheTest | Success | | 0.002 |
CursoredStreamTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.013 |
CursoredStreamTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.014 |
CursoredStreamTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.LargeProject) | Success | | 0.004 |
CursoredStreamWithUselessConformTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.008 |
CursoredStreamWithUselessConformTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.009 |
CursoredStreamWithUselessConformTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.LargeProject) | Success | | 0.003 |
CursoredStreamCustomSQLTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.005 |
CursoredStreamAnyOfTest | Success | | 0.015 |
CursoredStreamWithUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.011 |
CursoredStreamDistinctTest | Success | | 0.006 |
CursoredStreamReleaseConnectionsTest -ClientSession | Success | | 0.383 |
CursoredStreamReleaseConnectionsTest -UnitOfWork | Success | | 0.112 |
ScrollableCursorTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.461 |
ScrollableCursorTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.LargeProject) | Success | | 0.008 |
ScrollableCursorAPITest | Success | | 0.002 |
ScrollableCursorBackwardReadingTest | Success | | 0.010 |
ScrollableCursorStatementCachingReadTest | Success | | 0.009 |
ScrollableCursorNavigationAPITest | Success | | 0.001 |
CursoredStreamConformingTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.048 |
CursoredStreamConformingTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee):NestedUnitOfWork | Success | | 0.054 |
ScrollableCursorBackwardReadingConformingTest | Success | | 0.022 |
ScrollableCursorNavigationAPIConformingTest | Success | | 0.001 |
OrderingTest | Success | | 0.008 |
OrderingMutipleTableTest | Success | | 0.004 |
OrderingByExpressionTest | Success | | 0.016 |
OrderingWithAnyOfTest | Success | | 0.007 |
ShallowRefreshTest | Success | | 0.003 |
RefreshTest | Success | | 0.008 |
PessimisticLockTest(mode=1) | Success | | 0.072 |
PessimisticLockTest(mode=2) | Success | | 0.002 |
PessimisticLockFineGrainedTest(mode=2) | Success | | 0.001 |
PessimisticLockOutsideUnitOfWorkTest(mode=2) | Success | | 0.001 |
PessimisticLockInheritanceTest(mode=2) | Success | | 0.002 |
ServerSession:PessimisticLockJoinedAttributeTest | Success | | 0.103 |
ServerSession:PessimisticLockBatchAttributeTest | Success | | 0.102 |
PessimisticLockEmptyTransactionTest | Success | | 0.007 |
PessimisticLockIndirectionJoiningTest(mode=2) | Success | | 0.001 |
PessimisticLockRefreshTest(mode=2) | Success | | 0.001 |
OnlyRefreshIfNewTest | Success | | 0.003 |
DeepRefreshTest | Success | | 0.016 |
PredefinedQueryReadAllTest | Success | | 0.006 |
PredefinedInQueryReadAllTest | Success | | 0.005 |
PredefinedQueryReadObjectTest | Success | | 0.003 |
PredefinedQueryLikeIgnoreCaseTest | Success | | 0.004 |
PredefinedObjectComparisonTest | Success | | 0.010 |
PredefinedInTest | Success | | 0.003 |
PredefinedEqualNullTest | Success | | 0.002 |
PredefinedContainsSubStringTest | Success | | 0.005 |
PredefinedAnyOfObjectComparisonTest | Success | | 0.004 |
PredefinedObjectTypeTest | Success | | 0.004 |
PredefinedNestedParameterTest | Success | | 0.004 |
PredefinedRedirectorTest | Success | | 0.001 |
PredefinedMethodRedirectorTest | Success | | 0.001 |
PredefinedRedirectorTest - Session, Vector | Success | | 0.002 |
PredefinedQueryInheritanceTest | Success | | 0.004 |
PredefinedQueryToUpperOnParameterTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.011 |
ReloadSelectionObjectTest read from DB | Success | | 0.039 |
ReloadSelectionObjectTest read from Cache | Success | | 0.012 |
BadQueryTest | Success | | 0.002 |
Jdk12ScrollableCursorTest | Success | | 0.006 |
RefreshWithCheckCacheOnlyTest | Success | | 0.002 |
CascadingAllCacheTest | Success | | 0.006 |
CascadingAllNoCacheTest | Success | | 0.007 |
CascadingNoneCacheTest | Success | | 0.003 |
CascadingNoneNoCacheTest | Success | | 0.006 |
CascadingPrivateCacheTest | Success | | 0.004 |
CascadingPrivateNoCacheTest | Success | | 0.006 |
DeepModifyTest | Success | | 0.026 |
PrivateModifyTest | Success | | 0.019 |
DeepDeleteTest | Success | | 0.059 |
PrivateDeleteTest | Success | | 0.043 |
DoesExistTest | Success | | 0.003 |
DataReadQueryTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
DirectReadQueryTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
ValueReadQueryTest1 | Success | | 0.002 |
GetValueFromObject | Success | | 0.005 |
CursoredStreamClientSessionTest | Success | | 0.042 |
QBEObjectWithAllFieldsFilled | Success | | 0.012 |
QBESpecialOperators | Success | | 0.004 |
QBEExcludedValues | Success | | 0.003 |
ConformingShouldTriggerIndirectionTest | Success | | 0.018 |
ConformingThrowConformExceptionsTest | Success | | 0.017 |
ConformResultsAcrossOneToOneTest( EQUAL ) | Success | | 0.017 |
ConformResultsAcrossOneToOneTest( NOT EQUAL ) | Success | | 0.024 |
ConformResultsAcrossOneToOneTest( IS NULL ) | Success | | 0.039 |
ConformResultsAcrossOneToOneTest( NOT NULL ) | Success | | 0.015 |
ConformResultsRedirectorTest | Success | | 0.007 |
ConformResultsWithSelectionObjectTest | Success | | 0.002 |
ConformResultsWithExactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:DELETED | Success | | 0.015 |
ConformResultsWithExactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:EXISTING | Success | | 0.021 |
ConformResultsWithExactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:NEW | Success | | 0.015 |
ConformResultsWithExactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:NOTEXISTING | Success | | 0.016 |
ConformResultsWithInexactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:DELETED | Success | | 0.017 |
ConformResultsWithInexactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:EXISTING | Success | | 0.014 |
ConformResultsWithInexactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:NEW | Success | | 0.015 |
ConformResultsWithInexactPrimaryKeyExpressionTest:NOTEXISTING | Success | | 0.019 |
ConformResultsAcrossOneToManyAcrossOneToOneTest | Success | | 0.014 |
ConformResultsAcrossOneToManyTest | Success | | 0.028 |
ConformResultsAcrossWrappedOneToManyTest | Success | | 0.011 |
ShouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.018 |
DescriptorShouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.016 |
ConformResultsPerformanceTest | Success | | 0.014 |
OneToManyMaxRowsSettingTest | Success | | 0.004 |
QueryTimeoutTest | Success | | 0.003 |
QueryExceptionStringTest | Success | | 0.001 |
NamedQueriesClientSessionTest | Success | | 0.122 |
NamedQueriesDescriptorQueryManagerTest | Success | | 0.035 |
NamedQueriesUOWTest | Success | | 0.075 |
NamedQueryGetQueryNoArgumentsTest | Success | | 0.001 |
ServerClientNamedQueryTest | Success | | 0.024 |
GetTableGetFieldTest | Success | | 0.002 |
NamedQueryNotFoundInUOWTest | Success | | 0.000 |
DeleteAllQueryTest | Success | | 0.004 |
DeleteObjectPrivatelyOwningUntriggeredIndirection | Success | | 0.245 |
RedirectQueryOnUOWTest | Success | | 0.002 |
RedirectorOnDescriptorTest | Success | | 0.008 |
SetReferenceClassTest | Success | | 0.001 |
QueryByExampleInUOWTest | Success | | 0.079 |
InheritancePrepareTest | Success | | 0.001 |
InheritanceViewPrepareTest | Success | | 0.001 |
DataReadQueryContainerPolicyTest | Success | | 0.208 |
UpdateAllQueryTest | Success | | 0.104 |
UpdateAllQueryUOWTest defer=true | Success | | 0.072 |
UpdateAllQueryUOWTest defer=false | Success | | 0.036 |
UpdateAllQueryExpressionMathTest | Success | | 0.089 |
UpdateAllQueryRollbackTest | Success | | 0.049 |
UOWgetQueryTest | Success | | 0.000 |
CascadeNoBindingOnQuery | Success | | 0.009 |
IncorrectPartialAttributeTest | Success | | 0.001 |
FirstResultAndMaxRowsTest 0,0 | Success | | 0.002 |
FirstResultAndMaxRowsTest 1,0 | Success | | 0.002 |
FirstResultAndMaxRowsTest 0,5 | Success | | 0.002 |
FirstResultAndMaxRowsTest 2,5 | Success | | 0.048 |
QueryCacheTest | Success | | 0.006 |
TranslatedStringsTest | Success | | 0.036 |
InsertCommitTransactionTest | Success | | 0.113 |
InsertRollbackTransactionTest | Success | | 0.041 |
DeleteCommitTransactionTest | Success | | 0.100 |
DeleteRollbackTransactionTest | Success | | 0.159 |
UpdateCommitTransactionTest | Success | | 0.205 |
UpdateRollbackTransactionTest | Success | | 0.159 |
EmptyTransactionTest | Success | | 0.000 |
UpdateEventHookTest | Success | | 0.163 |
InsertEventHookTest | Success | | 0.060 |
DeleteEventHookTest | Success | | 0.080 |
WriteEventHookTest | Success | | 0.084 |
RefreshEventHookTest | Success | | 0.115 |
BuildEventHookTest | Success | | 0.316 |
BuildOnRefreshEventHookTest | Success | | 0.072 |
CloneAndMergeEventHookTest | Success | | 0.104 |
SessionEventTestCase | Success | | 0.020 |
SingleTableAboutToInsertTest | Success | | 0.012 |
MultipleTableAboutToInsertTest | Success | | 0.024 |
PreInsertModifyChangeSetTest | Success | | 0.032 |
ObjectChangeSetUpdateAttributeTest | Success | | 0.031 |
ObjectChangeSetEventTest | Success | | 0.037 |
UpdateAttributeTest | Success | | 0.036 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.006 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.004 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.004 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectCallTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectCallTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectCallTest(class org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.039 |
ReadObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.001 |
WriteObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.014 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.015 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.011 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.024 |
WriteObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.007 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.007 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.011 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.021 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.011 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.020 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.011 |
InsertObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.007 |
InsertObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.007 |
InsertObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.007 |
InsertObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.007 |
InsertObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.017 |
InsertObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.028 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.028 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.208 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.116 |
DeleteObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.024 |
DeleteObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.024 |
DeleteObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.015 |
DeleteObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.024 |
DeleteObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.020 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Project) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.LargeProject) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.SmallProject) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadAllCallTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.003 |
AddDescriptorsTest | Success | | 0.006 |
UpdateToNullTestfalsefalse(Employee: Bob Smith)truefalse | Success | | 0.147 |
UpdateChangeValueTestfalsefalse(Employee: Bob Smith)truefalse | Success | | 0.048 |
UpdateChangeNothingTestfalsefalse(Employee: Bob Smith)truefalse | Success | | 0.023 |
UpdateChangeObjectTestfalsefalse(Employee: Bob Smith)truefalse | Success | | 0.052 |
UpdateDeepOwnershipTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.ownership.ObjectA@36823682)truefalse | Success | | 0.048 |
BidirectionalInsertTest(with UOW) | Success | | 0.044 |
NestedUnitOfWorkTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.076 |
NestedUnitOfWorkMultipleCommitTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.038 |
DeepNestedUnitOfWorkTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.078 |
MultipleUnitOfWorkTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.044 |
InsertNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.004 |
ComplexMultipleUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.167 |
FaultyUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.064 |
LockFailureUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.031 |
UnitOfWorkResumeTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.064 |
UnitOfWorkResumeOnFailureTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.052 |
DeletingFromParentSessionTest | Success | | 0.028 |
EqualObjectUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.024 |
NoIMWithValueHolderTest | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkRevertTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.044 |
DeepMergeCloneSerializedTest | Success | | 0.412 |
DeepMergeCloneIndirectionTest | Success | | 0.120 |
RegisterNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.120 |
NoIdentityMapUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.016 |
RefreshObjectNoIdentityMapUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.003 |
RelationshipTreeInsertTest | Success | | 0.017 |
UnitOfWorkComplexRefreshTest | Success | | 0.012 |
ViolateObjectSpaceTest | Success | | 0.024 |
NoValidationWithInitIdentityMaps | Success | | 0.020 |
NoIdentityTest | Success | | 0.068 |
NoIdentityMergeCloneTest | Success | | 0.084 |
BiDirectionInsertOrderTest | Success | | 0.011 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeOnFailureNoFailureTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.032 |
UnitOfWorkCommitAndResume(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.015 |
NestedUnitOfWorkQuery | Success | | 0.006 |
DeleteAndConform | Success | | 0.003 |
NullAggregateTest | Success | | 0.007 |
UOWHasOnlyDeletesTest | Success | | 0.001 |
RegisterNewObjectInIdentityMapNoSeqTest | Success | | 0.001 |
NestedUnitOfWorkDeleteNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.002 |
NestedUnitOfWorkDeleteNestedNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.001 |
NestedUnitOfWorkDeleteConformedNestedNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.003 |
DoubleNestedUnitOfWorkDeleteConformedNestedNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.003 |
NestedUnitOfWorkNewObjectWithIndirectionTest | Success | | 0.002 |
UnitOfWorkDeleteNoValidationTest | Success | | 0.009 |
GetIdentityMapFromUOWForREADONLYClassTest | Success | | 0.001 |
UnitOfWorkCommitToDatabaseTest | Success | | 0.015 |
UnitOfWorkInitializeAllIdentityMapsTest | Success | | 0.001 |
WasTransactionBegunPrematurelyRollbackTest | Success | | 0.004 |
CanChangeReadOnlySetTest | Success | | 0.001 |
GetFromNewObjectWithConformTest | Success | | 0.000 |
UOWCommitAndResumeWithPreCalcChangeSet | Success | | 0.021 |
PerformDeletesFirstTest | Success | | 0.008 |
PerformDeletesFirstIgnoreUpdateTest | Success | | 0.008 |
PerformDeletesFirstIgnoreUpdateTest2 | Success | | 0.012 |
CreateDeleteCreateTest | Success | | 0.003 |
WorkingCloneCopyPolicyTest | Success | | 0.002 |
UnregisteredNewObjectOptimisticLockTest | Success | | 0.023 |
DoubleNestedUnitOfWorkRegisterNewObjectTest | Success | | 0.003 |
GetObjectFromIdentityMapTest | Success | | 0.002 |
MergeDeadIndirectionTest | Success | | 0.012 |
CommitAfterExecuteModifyQueryDuringTransTest | Success | | 0.022 |
AllChangeSetsTest | Success | | 0.021 |
CurrentChangeSetTest | Success | | 0.012 |
ErrorOnInsertTest | Success | | 0.439 |
CollectionMappingMergeObjectTest | Success | | 0.219 |
ExceptionsRaisedUnitOfWorkTest | Success | | 0.009 |
NestedUOWWithNewObjectRegisteredTwiceTest | Success | | 0.016 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.006 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.004 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.000 |
WriteObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.012 |
WriteObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.012 |
WriteObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.020 |
WriteObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.012 |
WriteObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.024 |
WriteObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.016 |
WriteObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.020 |
InsertObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Bob Smith) | Success | | 0.024 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: John Way) | Success | | 0.024 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Charles Chanley) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Emanual Smith) | Success | | 0.024 |
DeleteObjectTest(Employee: Sarah Way) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(Small Project: Enterprise A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(Small Project: Sales Reporter A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Small Project: TOPEmployee Manager A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Large Project: Sales Reporting A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 5000.0 1991-11-11 12:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Large Project: Swirly Dirly A swirly application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 100.98 1999-12-25 11:40:44.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(Large Project: TOPEmployee Management A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink. 4000.98 1997-11-12 01:00:00.0) | Success | | 0.008 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Project) | Success | | 0.044 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.LargeProject) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.SmallProject) | Success | | 0.000 |
Sessions.xml not found | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee1@2c6c2c6c) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee1@755a755a) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.005 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.004 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@7dc47dc4) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@26742674) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@5e3c5e3c) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@5f3c5f3c) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@40d840d8) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@3f0a3f0a) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@71967196) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596) | Success | | 0.010 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee1@2c6c2c6c) | Success | | 0.006 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee1@2c6c2c6c) | Success | | 0.020 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee1@755a755a) | Success | | 0.016 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@7dc47dc4) | Success | | 0.020 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@26742674) | Success | | 0.019 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@26742674) | Success | | 0.009 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@5e3c5e3c) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@5f3c5f3c) | Success | | 0.016 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@40d840d8) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@40d840d8) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@3f0a3f0a) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@71967196) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596) | Success | | 0.028 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596) | Success | | 0.024 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee1) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Transport) | Success | | 0.001 |
AggregateCollectionOuterJoinTest | Success | | 0.015 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.033 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.039 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@7dc47dc4) | Success | | 0.043 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@26742674) | Success | | 0.036 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@5e3c5e3c) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@5f3c5f3c) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@40d840d8) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@3f0a3f0a) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@71967196) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596) | Success | | 0.020 |
VerifyCascadeDelete | Success | | 0.008 |
AggregateCollectionClearTest | Success | | 0.015 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@25482548) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@2c0a2c0a) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@309c309c) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@34b034b0) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@3c5c3c5c) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Client@3ffc3ffc) | Success | | 0.016 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@44644464) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@48624862) | Success | | 0.084 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.EvaluationClient@4c604c60) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@50b650b6) | Success | | 0.016 |
AggregateMappingNullNotAllow | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.036 |
UnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.016 |
UnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@7dc47dc4) | Success | | 0.016 |
AggregateCollectionUoWTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596) | Success | | 0.040 |
AggregateCollectionMultipleUoWTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596) | Success | | 0.040 |
TransformationMappingTest | Success | | 0.028 |
AddNullToAggregateCollectionTestfalsefalse(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Agent@25962596)truetrue | Success | | 0.016 |
BatchReadingWithAggregateCollectionMapping | Success | | 0.005 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.031 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.043 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@7dc47dc4) | Success | | 0.024 |
CheckForNullUnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.024 |
CheckForNullUnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.016 |
CheckForNullUnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@7dc47dc4) | Success | | 0.020 |
MergingUnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@24f624f6) | Success | | 0.010 |
DescriptorRefreshCacheTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate.Employee@47944794) | Success | | 0.004 |
AggregateEventTestCase | Success | | 0.026 |
NestedAggregateTestCase | Success | | 0.012 |
NestedAggregateCollectionTest | Success | | 0.028 |
NestedAggregateCollectionAbstractTestCase | Success | | 0.024 |
AggregateInheritanceTestCase | Success | | 0.024 |
AggregateInheritanceTypeFieldTestCase | Success | | 0.016 |
AggregateWithoutAttributesInheritanceTestCase | Success | | 0.016 |
AggregateTransientValueTestCase | Success | | 0.016 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.A_King2) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@43e043e0) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@62da62da) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@70c870c8) | Success | | 0.000 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@6be06be) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@12a812a8) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@27c227c2) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@33e433e4) | Success | | 0.008 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@3a403a4) | Success | | 0.015 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@64c264c2) | Success | | 0.008 |
ReadObjectTest(Bus(364455)) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadObjectTest(Raymen) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadObjectTest(Steve) | Success | | 0.004 |
ReadObjectTest(Biff) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(Jenny) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(Richard) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.PC@10cc10cc) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@7f547f54) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@4a244a24) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mac@2a282a28) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mainframe@2d162d16) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Person) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.SalesRep) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Engineer) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.SoftwareEngineer) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Computer) | Success | | 0.003 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.PC) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mac) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mainframe) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Car) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.SportsCar) | Success | | 0.009 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Bus) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Bicycle) | Success | | 0.002 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Boat) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Vehicle) | Success | | 0.012 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.NonFueledVehicle) | Success | | 0.004 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.FueledVehicle) | Success | | 0.001 |
ReadAllTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.A_King2) | Success | | 0.001 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@43e043e0) | Success | | 0.007 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@62da62da) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@70c870c8) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@6be06be) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@12a812a8) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@27c227c2) | Success | | 0.007 |
DeleteObjectTest(Raymen) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(Richard) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@33e433e4) | Success | | 0.040 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@3a403a4) | Success | | 0.044 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@64c264c2) | Success | | 0.040 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mac@2a282a28) | Success | | 0.016 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@4a244a24) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@7f547f54) | Success | | 0.008 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.PC@10cc10cc) | Success | | 0.009 |
DeleteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mainframe@2d162d16) | Success | | 0.011 |
ComplexDeleteTestfalsefalse(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Alligator@2180218)truefalse | Success | | 0.020 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@3d203d2) | Success | | 0.006 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@11a411a4) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@1e341e34) | Success | | 0.032 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@29762976) | Success | | 0.028 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@313c313c) | Success | | 0.028 |
InsertObjectTest(Raymen) | Success | | 0.037 |
InsertObjectTest(Richard) | Success | | 0.032 |
InsertObjectTest(Brendan) | Success | | 0.020 |
InsertObjectTest(Car(null)) | Success | | 0.021 |
InsertObjectTest(Car(null)) | Success | | 0.011 |
InsertObjectTest(Car(null)) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(Car(null)) | Success | | 0.016 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mac@51305130) | Success | | 0.009 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@55345534) | Success | | 0.007 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@62a462a4) | Success | | 0.016 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.PC@68086808) | Success | | 0.013 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mainframe@76487648) | Success | | 0.007 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Developer_King@7a267a26) | Success | | 0.008 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Developer_King@8380838) | Success | | 0.012 |
InsertObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.SeniorDeveloper_King@23e023e0) | Success | | 0.008 |
OverrideInheritedMappingTest | Success | | 0.014 |
BindingWithShallowInsertTest | Success | | 0.022 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@43e043e0) | Success | | 0.016 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@43e043e0) | Success | | 0.012 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@62da62da) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@62da62da) | Success | | 0.012 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@70c870c8) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@6be06be) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Cat@12a812a8) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Dog@27c227c2) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@33e433e4) | Success | | 0.016 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@33e433e4) | Success | | 0.024 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@3a403a4) | Success | | 0.016 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@64c264c2) | Success | | 0.012 |
WriteObjectTest(Raymen) | Success | | 0.016 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Raymen) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(Steve) | Success | | 0.080 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Steve) | Success | | 0.012 |
WriteObjectTest(Richard) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(Richard) | Success | | 0.010 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mac@2a282a28) | Success | | 0.006 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mac@2a282a28) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@4a244a24) | Success | | 0.016 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@4a244a24) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.IBMPC@7f547f54) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.PC@10cc10cc) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.PC@10cc10cc) | Success | | 0.008 |
WriteObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mainframe@2d162d16) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkBasicUpdateObjectTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Mainframe@2d162d16) | Success | | 0.008 |
UnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@33e433e4) | Success | | 0.048 |
UnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@3a403a4) | Success | | 0.052 |
UnitOfWorkTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@64c264c2) | Success | | 0.040 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@33e433e4) | Success | | 0.060 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@3a403a4) | Success | | 0.071 |
UnitOfWorkCommitResumeTest(org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.inheritance.Company@64c264c2) | Success | | 0.063 |
LeafQueryTest | Success | | 0.002 |
SecondaryTableUpdateTest | Success | | 0.022 |
TranslatedKeyInheritanceTestCase | Success | | 0.012 |
SingleInheritanceTest | Success | | 0.033 |
SessionsXMLSchemaTest | Success | | 0.623 |
SessionsXMLSchemaWriteTest | Success | | 0.156 |