Differences between the RAP Widget Toolkit and SWT

RAP generally follows the rule “If it compiles, it works”. That means that all SWT API implemented in RWT is working within the requirements set by SWT. If an SWT feature is not implemented, the corresponding API is also missing. In some cases, SWT classes and methods are implemented as empty stubs in RWT to enable single-sourcing, but only where this is a valid implementation of the API. Examples are the Accessibility API or some SWT constants that are marked as HINT.

RWT also provides some additional features that are not part of SWT. Partly, these are features related to web clients such as the browser history, partly enhancements of SWT widgets such as the HTML markup support in widgets. However, RWT does not add any new API to the classes adopted from SWT. All RWT features are accessible by API in the package org.eclipse.rwt. Many of the additional features are activated using the widget's setData method with a constant from the RWT class as the key, for example table.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE ).

Notable Additional Features

Notable Limitations