RAP Examples


There are two kinds of example types available.


To create a RAP plug-in from a template, open the New Project wizard (File > New > Project) and select Plug-in Project. Type a project name (e.g. mail) and click Next. On the following page, ensure that the option This plug-in will make contributions to the UI is selected and no Rich Client Application will be created. Click Next. Now you should see a page where you can select a template. Select one of the templates with the RAP prefix (e.g. RAP Mail) and click Finish.

The plug-in comes with a pre-configured launch configuration. Open the Run dialog (Run > Run Configurations...), select the RAP Launch Configuration that matches your project name (e.g. mail) and click Run to start.

Demo Plug-ins

The RAP project comes with three example applications demonstrating the features and capabilities of RAP.

The Examples Demo, demonstrates some key features of the RAP framework. It requires the following bundles:

The Workbench Demoprovides a workbench very closely aligned to the RCP workbench. It requires the following bundles:

The Controls Demo, showcases the different widgets of the RAP Widget Toolkit. It requires the following bundle:

To access and run these demo applications, open the Plug-ins view and select the corresponding plug-ins. Open the context menu and select Import as > Source Project. In the Package Explorer, open the imported plug-in and launch the demo using the provided launch configuration.