Installing a RAP Target

By default, the Eclipse IDE compiles all projects in the workspace against the running platform, which is the IDE itself. But since RAP applications must be compiled against the RAP runtime, the workspace must be configured to do so. This is done by setting the RAP runtime as the target platform.

Using the RAP Tools to install the latest target platform

On the Eclipse welcome screen (Help > Welcome), go to Overview > Remote Application Platform. Choose Install Target Platform on the following page. In the upcoming dialog confirm the default values, which starts the target installation process.

After the installation finished you are prepared to work with RAP. For your first steps you may try out some RAP Examples and/or write a Hello World Application.

Alternative: Install Target Manually

You can also install a target manually, e.g. if you want to develop against a different version of RAP or combine RAP with other bundles. To select a target platform you can either use the Target Platform preferences page (Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform) or create a target definition file. The latter is preferable, as target definition files can be checked in into your source code repository and shared among team members.

  1. First, you may want to create a project to host your target definition files. A plain project will do (File > New > Project > General > Project).
  2. In this new project, create a new target definition: File > New > Other > Plug-In Development > Target Definition. Chose a name like and press Finish.
  3. The target editor will open and show the contents of this target definition. Now, you must add the RAP runtime from a p2 repository (a “software site”). Press Add, select Software Site. Another dialog will show up, named Add Software Site.
  4. Again press Add and enter the URL of the RAP repository. You find these URLs on the RAP download page. For RAP 2.2, the URL is You can also install RAP directly from a downloaded zip archive. In this case, press Archive… and select the zip file.
  5. Select the category Remote Application Platform (RAP). This category contains four features. For a minimal RAP target, you'll need at least RAP Runtime and RAP Basic Target Requirements. If you want to include source code and demos, select all four features.
  6. Activate the target platform by clicking the link Set as Target Platform in the upper right corner of the target definition editor.