This element holds system-wide settings for colors, fonts, etc.
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background image for the display (client area of the browser window).
The default system font. Returned by Display#getSystemFont().
Color used to draw (inner) shadow line in 3d borders. Defines the value of SWT#COLOR_WIDGET_DARK_SHADOW.
The image used for MessageBoxes with style SWT#ICON_ERROR. Also returned by Display#getSystemImage().
The font list returned by Display#getFontList().
Color used to draw (outer) highlight line in 3d borders. Defines the value of SWT#COLOR_WIDGET_HIGHLIGHT_SHADOW.
Color used by PopupDialog for its background. Defines the value of SWT#COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND.
The image used for MessageBoxes with style SWT#ICON_INFORMATION. Also returned by Display#getSystemImage().
Color used to draw (inner) highlight line in 3d borders. Defines the value of SWT#COLOR_WIDGET_LIGHT_SHADOW.
The image used for MessageBoxes with style SWT#ICON_QUESTION. Also returned by Display#getSystemImage().
Color used to mark selected items like TreeColumns and TabViews.
Color used to draw (outer) shadow line in 3d borders. Defines the value of SWT#COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW.
Color for thin lines as shown by Group, TabFolder headers, Table headers, etc. Defines the value of SWT#COLOR_WIDGET_BORDER.
The image used for MessageBoxes with style SWT#ICON_WARNING. Also returned by Display#getSystemImage().
The image used for MessageBoxes with style SWT#ICON_WORKING. Also returned by Display#getSystemImage().
Tooltips on SWT widgets, as set using setTooltipText().
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Supports animations-types "fadeIn" and "fadeOut". Others are ignored.
Background color for tooltips.
Background image or gradient for tooltips.
Outer border for tooltips.
Border radius. The border radius has no effect if an enhanced border, like "inset" or "outset" is used.
The shadow behind the tooltip.
Text color for tooltips.
Text font for tooltips.
The opacity of the tooltip. A value between 0 and 1.
Padding around the tooltips text.
The tooltip text alignment.
A pointer attached outside a tooltip to point towards the widget it belongs to. Not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or lower.
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background image used to display the pointer.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
On pointing down
On pointing left
On pointing right
On pointing up
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background color of the overlay. Supports rgba values.
Background image positioned in the center of the overlay