




The org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point is used to declare activities and associated elements. Activities are used by the platform to filter certain plugin contributions from the users view until such a time that they express interest in them. This allows Eclipse to grow dynamically based on the usage pattern of a user.

Configuration Markup:

<!ELEMENT extension (activity , activityRequirementBinding , activityPatternBinding , category , categoryActivityBinding , defaultEnablement)*>

<!ATTLIST extension




<!ELEMENT activity (enabledWhen?)>

<!ATTLIST activity

description CDATA #IMPLIED

id          CDATA #REQUIRED

name        CDATA #REQUIRED>

This element is used to define activities. If more than one of these elements exist with the same id attribute, only the last declared element (in order of reading the registry) is considered valid.

<!ELEMENT activityRequirementBinding EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST activityRequirementBinding

requiredActivityId IDREF #REQUIRED

activityId         IDREF #REQUIRED>

This element allows one to bind activities to activities. The relationship is such that if the activityId is ever enabled then the requiredActivityId is enabled as well.

<!ELEMENT activityPatternBinding EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST activityPatternBinding

activityId        IDREF #REQUIRED

pattern           CDATA #REQUIRED

isEqualityPattern (true | false) >

This element allows one to bind activities to patterns.

<!ELEMENT category EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST category

description CDATA #IMPLIED

id          CDATA #REQUIRED

name        CDATA #REQUIRED>

This element is used to define categories. If more than one of these elements exist with the same id attribute, only the last declared element (in order of reading the registry) is considered valid.

<!ELEMENT categoryActivityBinding EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST categoryActivityBinding



This element allows one to bind categories to activities.

<!ELEMENT defaultEnablement EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST defaultEnablement


This element allows one to specify that a given activity should be enabled by default.

<!ELEMENT enabledWhen (not | and | or | instanceof | test | systemTest | equals | count | with | resolve | adapt | iterate | reference)>

Contains a core expression used by the workbench handler proxy to determine when this handler is enabled without loading it.

The following is an example of several activity and category definitions as well as associated bindings.

 <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.activities">
  <activity id=""
      description="Filters contributions from"
   name="My Activity" />

  <activity id=""
      description="Filters other contributions from"
   name="My Other Activity" />
  <!-- other activity requires activity -->  
  <activityRequirementBinding activityId=""
   requiredActivityId="" />
  <category id=""
   description=" Activities"
   name="My Category" />
     <!-- put the activity in the category -->
  <categoryActivityBinding activityId=""
   categoryId="" />
     <!-- bind all contributions from plugin -->
  <activityPatternBinding id=""
   pattern="com\.xyz/.*" />
  <!-- bind my.contribution from plugin -->
  <activityPatternBinding id=""
   pattern="com\.xyz\.other/my.contribution" />
  <!-- the same, but not with a regular expression, since the pattern
          should match the id exactly anyway -->
  <activityPatternBinding id=""
   pattern="" />
  <!-- our activity should be enabled by default -->
  <defaultEnablement id="" />  

API Information:

There is currently no public API for declaring activities or associated elements other than this extension point. The state of activities in the workbench is accessible via org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench.getActivitySupport(). From here you may query and update the set of currently enabled activities.

Supplied Implementation:
There are no "default activities" provided by the workbench. Activities are intended to be defined at the product level, such as the Eclipse SDK, so as to tightly integrate all of the (known) components that product contains.

Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at