Tool bar controls
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background color for tool bar
Background image for tool bar
The border that is drawn around tool bars.
The bottom side border for tool bars.
The left side border for tool bars.
Border radius. The border radius has no effect if an enhanced border, like "inset" or "outset" is used.
The right side border for tool bars.
The top side border for tool bars.
Text color for tool bar
Font for tool bar
The opacity of the tool bar. A value between 0 and 1.
Padding (inner distance) for tool bar
Spacing between the tool items
SWT style flags that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS attributes):
Applies when style BORDER is set
Applies when style FLAT is set
Applies when style VERTICAL is set
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to disabled tool bars
Items of ToolBar controls
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Supports animations-types "hoverIn" and "hoverOut". Others are ignored.
Background color for tool bar items
Background image for tool bar items
The border that is drawn around tool bar items.
The bottom side border for tool items.
The left side border for tool items.
Border radius. The border radius has no effect if an enhanced border, like "inset" or "outset" is used.
The right side border for tool items.
The top side border for tool items.
Text color for tool bar items
The opacity of the item. A value between 0 and 1.
Padding (inner distance) for tool bar items.
Spacing between the text and icon
Shadow for text.
SWT style flags that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS attributes):
Applies when style FLAT is set on the parent ToolBar.
Applies when style VERTICAL is set on the parent ToolBar.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to disabled tool items.
Applies to the first tool item.
Applies on mouse over.
Applies to the last tool item.
Applies while the ToolItem is pressed.
Applies while the ToolItem is selected (CHECK of RADIO style).
ToolItems with SEPARATOR style
Properties that can be defined for this element:
The width of the Separator
The icon displayed on ToolItem with DROPDOWN style
Properties that can be defined for this element:
The icon
Border for the line separating the dropDown-icon.
The bottom side border for separating line.
The left side border for separating line.
The right side border for separating line.
The top side border for separating line.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to disabled tool items.
Applies on mouse over.
Applies while the ToolItem is pressed.
Applies while the ToolItem is selected (CHECK of RADIO style).