As per the Target Management
we reached API Freeze for RSE 1.0.
In fact we have reviewed and documented all relevant APIs, and they
have proven useful in earlier proprietary versions of RSE.
Yet, due to a lack of public feedback so far we still want to
declare the APIs provisional for now.
We are committed to not introducing any incompatible
API changes on the RSE 1.0 maintenance stream (1.0.x).
But we reserve the right to change any API for the next
RSE major release in a not backward compatible way.
All such API changes will be voted on
by committers on the
dsdp-tm-dev developer mailing list, and documented in a migration guide
for future releases.
Currently, we see the following areas for potential API changes:
- Classes and Interfaces that are not meant for public use will be
moved to packages tagged as internal. This will apply
particularly to the "implementation" plugins for the ssh, ftp and
local subsystems (these do not define any new APIs anyways).
- The IConnectorService interface may be slightly modified
in order to allow for better UI / Non-UI separation.
- Some more RSE Model classes may be moved from the UI plugin to the
non-UI core plugin.
If you want to start programming against RSE APIs now, best let us know
about your endeavours and keep yourself up-to-date. Stay in contact with
dsdp-tm-dev developer mailing list, and give feedback to make the
APIs better.