Run options: normal script log (default, debug=-1); CVSDir specified php -d html_errors=Off -q generateBugzillaList.php buildVer=1.0.0 debug=0 CVSDir=/home/build/t/out/ max script log; templateFile specified php -d html_errors=Off -q generateBugzillaList.php buildVer=1.0.0 debug=1 templateFile=release-notes.html.template Commandline script options: REQUIRED buildVer=1.0.0 buildID=I200403081633 CVSDir=/home/build/t/out/ [relative or absolute dir path, trailing slash] OPTIONAL buildDesc="Bug Fixes and Improvements" [description of the build - use backslash to escape spaces] date=2004-03-25 [defines the start date in CVS from which to collect bugz] debug={-1,0,1} [1 = max output, 0 = average, -1 = min (default)] noLogging=true [disable cvs log step (if log file already present)] outputFile=release-notes.html [relative or absolute file path] templateFile=release-notes.html.template [relative or absolute file path] time=06:31 [defines the start time in CVS from which to collect bugz]