All Superinterfaces:
IAnalysisModule, IAnalysisRequirementProvider, ISegmentStoreProvider, ITmfComponent
All Known Implementing Classes:
InstrumentedCallStackAnalysis, LttngUstCallStackAnalysis

public interface IFlameChartProvider extends IAnalysisModule, ISegmentStoreProvider
Interface that can be implemented by components who provide call stacks as part of their data.
Geneviève Bastien
  • Method Details

    • getCallStackSeries

      @Nullable CallStackSeries getCallStackSeries()
      Get the callstacks series provided by this analysis.
      The callstack series or null if it is not available yet
    • getHostId

      String getHostId()
      Get the ID of the host this callstack provider is for TODO: Deprecate me, now using the interfaces from CallStackHostUtils
      The ID of the host
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
      Return whether this analysis is complete
      true if the analysis is completed, whether failed or not, false if it is currently running
    • getEnd

      long getEnd()
      Return the current end time of this flame chart. The return value of this method may change as long as the isComplete() method returns false. When the flame chart is complete, then this value should stay the same. If the value is not known, impossible to compute or not available, the return value should be Integer.MIN_VALUE.
      The end time of the flame chart, in nanoseconds, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if end time is not available.
    • queryCallStacks

      default<CallStackDepth,ISegment> queryCallStacks(Collection<CallStackDepth> collection, Collection<Long> times)
      Query the requested callstacks and return the segments for the sampled times. The returned segments will be simply ISegment when there is no function at a given depth, or ICalledFunction when there is an actual function.
      collection - The callstack entries to query
      times - The complete list of times to query, they may not all be within this series's range
      A map of callstack depths to a list of segments.