Class RocmCounterAspect

All Implemented Interfaces:
ITmfCounterAspect, ITmfEventAspect<Number>

public class RocmCounterAspect extends CounterAspect
Counter aspects to make use of the Counter analysis
Arnaud Fiorini
  • Constructor Details

    • RocmCounterAspect

      public RocmCounterAspect(@NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull String label, Class<@NonNull GpuAspect> class1, Integer counterId)
      Rocm Counter Aspect constructor
      fieldName - The field of the performance counter
      label - Label describing the performance counter
      class1 - The Gpu group to which the counter is associated
      counterId - the counter id which allows to retrieve the label after initialization
    • RocmCounterAspect

      public RocmCounterAspect(@NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull String label, Integer counterId)
      Rocm Counter Aspect constructor
      fieldName - The field of the performance counter
      label - Label describing the performance counter
      counterId - the counter id which allows to retrieve the label after initialization
  • Method Details