Class TraceMarkerScriptingModule


public class TraceMarkerScriptingModule extends Object
Trace marker module that adds trace marking capabilities to Trace Compass scripting.

With this module, a script can iterate through all the events of a trace and call the addTraceMarker(ITmfTrace, long, long, String, String, String) method to apply highlighting markers on specific events that are visible on all views of Trace Compass.

The markers are completely configurable through the use of optional parameters, each of which has a default value if left untouched.

Maxime Thibault, Ibrahima Sega Sangare
  • Constructor Details

    • TraceMarkerScriptingModule

      public TraceMarkerScriptingModule()
  • Method Details

    • addTraceMarker

      public void addTraceMarker(ITmfTrace trace, long startTime, @ScriptParameter(defaultValue="-1") long endTime, @ScriptParameter(defaultValue="TraceMarker") @Nullable String label, @ScriptParameter(defaultValue="Generals markers") @Nullable String category, @ScriptParameter(defaultValue="Red") @Nullable String color) throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException
      Adds a trace marker to the time graph view. Except the startTime, all the other parameters are optional and it's up to the user to decide which ones he wants to override. In case a parameter is left untouched, a default value will be assigned.
      trace - the trace to which the marker is added
      startTime - the starting time stamp of the marker in ns (required)
      endTime - the ending time stamp of the marker in ns (optional - default : startTime)
      label - the marker's label to show (it's name) (optional - default : TraceMarker)
      category - the marker's group category (can be anything and is used to group markers together in sets that can be enabled/disabled) (optional - default : General markers)
      color - the marker's highlighting color in X11 format (ex: "Red", "Green", "Cyan", "Gold", more at (optional - default : Red)
      NullPointerException - Exception thrown if the trace is null. Script developers can choose to catch this exception or let the script fail. This is present mostly for testing purposes.
      IllegalArgumentException - Exception thrown if the parameters for the start time or end time are incorrect. Script developers can choose to catch this exception or let the script fail.