JUL Logging

Logging can be quite useful to debug a class, see its interactions with other components and understand the behavior of the system. TraceCompass uses JUL to log various events in the code, which can then be used to model and analyze the system's workflow. Here are some guidelines to use logging efficiently in Trace Compass. See the User Documentation for instructions on how to enable logging and obtain traces.

Use a static logger for each class

Each class should define and use their own static logger like this:

   private static final Logger LOGGER = TraceCompassLog.getLogger(StateSystem.class);

It is then easy to filter the components to log by their full class name. The TraceCompassLog#getLogger method is a wrapper for java.util.logging.Logger#getLogger, but the Trace Compass's logging initialization (overriding the default's ConsoleHandler and INFO level for the org.eclipse.tracecompass namespace when logging is not enabled) is done in the static initializer of this class. Using the wrapper method ensures that this code is called and the user will not see Console message all over the place.

Note on abstract classes: It is debatable whether to use a static logger with the abstract class name or a logger with the concrete class's name.

In the former case, logging for this class uses the classes's own namespace, but it is impossible to discriminate logging statement by concrete classes unless the concrete class name is added as parameter to the statement (when necessary).

The latter case has the advantage that one can log only the concrete class and see all that goes on in the abstract class as well, but the concrete class may be in another namespace and will not benefit from the TraceCompassLog logging initialization and the user will see console logging happen.

Both methods have their advantages and there is no clear good answer.

Use a message supplier

A logging statement, to be meaningful, will usually log a string that contains data from the context and will thus do string concatenation. This has a non-negligible overhead. To avoid having to do the costly string concatenation when the statement is not logged, java provides method taking a Supplier<String> as argument and that method should be used for all logging statements

   LOGGER.info(() -> "[Component:Action] param1=" + myParam1 + ", param2=" + myParam2);

Choose the appropriate log level

The available log levels for JUL are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST. The default level when not specified is INFO.

Log message format

JUL logging will produce trace data and unless one wants to visually parse a trace one event at a time, it will typically be used with an analysis to produce a result. To do so, the log messages should have a format that can then be associated with a trace type.

Third party plugins provide a custom trace parser and LTTng trace type for JUL statements that use the following format

   [EventName:MayContainSemiColon] paramName1=paramValue1, paramName2=paramValue2