XML schema extension

Data-driven XML analyses add a lot of possibilities to enhance Trace Compass by developing one's own analyses and views without writing a single line of code. It is now possible for external plugins to extend the XSD schema to add their analysis extensions and parsers, while taking advantage of the Trace Compass XML analysis framework.

Extending the schema

A plugin that want to add their own element to the XSD schema can do so by extending the extra element and defining a complex type extending the base type extraType. Those additional elements are at the root level of the XSD, under the tmfxml element. The following example shows the XSD file for an additional callstack element:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
       attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
       <xs:element name="callstack" substitutionGroup="extra" type="callstackType"/>
   <xs:complexType name="callstackType">
           <xs:extension base="extraType">
              [... type definition ...]

Parsing the schema

To do something with this new schema element, one needs to be able to parse it. The parser must implement the ITmfXmlSchemaParser class. Since the schema extension are at the XML analysis level, the expected behavior is to define new analysis types. So the returned values of the parser are module helpers.

The following code snippet shows an example of analysis helper created from the callstack analysis defined above.

   public class CallstackXmlSchemaParser implements ITmfXmlSchemaParser {
       public Collection<? extends IAnalysisModuleHelper> getModuleHelpers(File xmlFile, Document doc) {
           List<IAnalysisModuleHelper> list = new ArrayList<>();
           NodeList callstackNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(CallstackXmlStrings.CALLSTACK);
           for (int i = 0; i < callstackNodes.getLength(); i++) {
               Element node = NonNullUtils.checkNotNull((Element) callstackNodes.item(i));
               IAnalysisModuleHelper helper = new CallstackXmlModuleHelper(xmlFile, node);
           return list;

The CallstackXmlModuleHelper created by the parser extends the TmfAnalysisModuleHelperXml class and overrides the TmfAnalysisModuleHelperXml#createOtherModule method. The following code shows an example of this.

   public class CallstackXmlModuleHelper extends TmfAnalysisModuleHelperXml {
        * Constructor
        * @param xmlFile
        *            The XML file this element comes from
        * @param node
        *            The XML element for this callstack
       public CallstackXmlModuleHelper(File xmlFile, Element node) {
           super(xmlFile, node, XmlAnalysisModuleType.OTHER);
           // Specific code
       protected IAnalysisModule createOtherModule(@NonNull String analysisid, @NonNull String name) {
           IAnalysisModule module = new CallstackXmlAnalysis(...);
           return module;

Adding the extension point

To advertise this schema extension and parser, an org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.analysis.xml.core.xsd extension must be specified for the plugin.
