Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.868, 3.4.0 release candidate-2

Number of source files: 1892 Number of classfiles: 3853

Problems: 59 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 59 )

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/buildpath/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable res is never read :

120 : IResource res= root.findMember(outputPath);

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/codemanipulation/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable parent is never read :

177 : final IJavaScriptElement parent= fType.getParent();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/codemanipulation/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable parent is never read :

163 : final IJavaScriptElement parent= fType.getParent();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/codemanipulation/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable version is never read :

70 : String version= binding.getJavaElement().getJavaScriptProject().getOption(JavaScriptCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true);

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/dom/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable prev is never read :

1392 : BodyDeclaration prev= null;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/dom/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable parent is never read :

801 : final IJavaScriptElement parent= type.getParent();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/fix/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field CodeStyleFix.CodeStyleVisitor.fImportRewrite is never read locally :

63 : private final ImportRewrite fImportRewrite;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getQualifier(IVariableBinding, ImportRewrite, SimpleName) from the type CodeStyleFix is never used locally :

655 : private static String getQualifier(IVariableBinding binding, ImportRewrite imports, SimpleName name) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getName(JavaScriptUnit, IProblemLocation) from the type CodeStyleFix is never used locally :

699 : private static SimpleName getName(JavaScriptUnit compilationUnit, IProblemLocation problem) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/fix/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field ConvertLoopFix.ControlStatementFinder.fResult is never read locally :

30 : private final List/*<IFixRewriteOperation>*/fResult;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field ConvertLoopFix.ControlStatementFinder.fMakeFinal is never read locally :

34 : private final boolean fMakeFinal;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/fix/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field Java50Fix.OVERRIDE is never read locally :

63 : private static final String OVERRIDE= "Override"; //$NON-NLS-1$

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field Java50Fix.DEPRECATED is never read locally :

64 : private static final String DEPRECATED= "Deprecated"; //$NON-NLS-1$

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getDeclaringNode(ASTNode) from the type Java50Fix is never used locally :

421 : private static ASTNode getDeclaringNode(ASTNode selectedNode) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/rename/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getTypeWithTheSameName() from the type RenameCompilationUnitProcessor is never used locally :

344 : private IType getTypeWithTheSameName() {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/reorg/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method addEmptyCusToDelete() from the type JavaDeleteProcessor is never used locally :

775 : private void addEmptyCusToDelete() throws JavaScriptModelException {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/reorg/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method handleType(IType, IPackageFragment, IProgressMonitor) from the type ReorgPolicyFactory.MoveFilesFoldersAndCusPolicy is never used locally :

1384 : private void handleType(IType type, IPackageFragment destination, IProgressMonitor pm) {

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getDestinationAsType() from the type ReorgPolicyFactory.SubCuElementReorgPolicy is never used locally :

3053 : private IType getDestinationAsType() throws JavaScriptModelException {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/structure/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field ChangeSignatureRefactoring.BUG_89686 is never read locally :

1507 : private static final boolean BUG_89686= true; //see bug 83693: Search for References to methods/constructors: do ranges include parameter lists?

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/structure/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable binding is never read :

608 : ITypeBinding binding= null;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/structure/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable ast is never read :

204 : final AST ast= newField.getAST();

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable modifier is never read :

206 : final IExtendedModifier modifier= (IExtendedModifier) oldField.modifiers().get(index);

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable modifiers is never read :

207 : final List modifiers= newField.modifiers();

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable ast is never read :

212 : final AST ast= newMethod.getAST();

5. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable modifier is never read :

214 : final IExtendedModifier modifier= (IExtendedModifier) oldMethod.modifiers().get(index);

6. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable modifiers is never read :

215 : final List modifiers= newMethod.modifiers();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/corext/refactoring/structure/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable project is never read :

794 : final IJavaScriptProject project= rewriter.getCu().getJavaScriptProject();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field JavaScriptPlugin.fPropertiesFileDocumentProvider is never read locally :

204 : private IDocumentProvider fPropertiesFileDocumentProvider;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/dialogs/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getSuperType(ITypeBinding, String) from the type OverrideMethodDialog is never used locally :

250 : private static ITypeBinding getSuperType(final ITypeBinding binding, final String name) {

2. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable comparator can only be null at this location :

321 : comparator.sort(null, typesArrays);

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/javaeditor/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field ClassFileEditor.SourceAttachmentForm.fFile is never read locally :

93 : private final IClassFile fFile;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getPackageFragmentRoot(IClassFile) from the type ClassFileEditor.SourceAttachmentForm is never used locally :

117 : private IPackageFragmentRoot getPackageFragmentRoot(IClassFile file) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createButton(Composite, String) from the type ClassFileEditor.SourceAttachmentForm is never used locally :

373 : private Button createButton(Composite parent, String text) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/javaeditor/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field NLSKeyHyperlink.fKeyName is never read locally :

38 : private final String fKeyName;

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable editor is never read :

84 : IEditorPart editor;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/packageview/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getContainerPackageFragmentRootsDeprc(PackageFragmentRootContainer, boolean) from the type PackageExplorerContentProvider is never used locally :

492 : private Object[] getContainerPackageFragmentRootsDeprc(PackageFragmentRootContainer container, boolean createFolder) {

2. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable container can only be null at this location :

550 : Object[] children = container.getChildren();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/preferences/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getJREVariableEntry() from the type NewJavaProjectPreferencePage is never used locally :

279 : private static IIncludePathEntry getJREVariableEntry() {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/text/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable possibleRegExp is never read :

104 : boolean possibleRegExp=false;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/text/correction/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getReducedDimensionBinding(ITypeBinding, int) from the type ASTResolving is never used locally :

335 : private static ITypeBinding getReducedDimensionBinding(ITypeBinding arrayBinding, int dimsToReduce) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/text/correction/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field LocalCorrectionsSubProcessor.ADD_FIELD_QUALIFICATION_ID is never read locally :

120 : private static final String ADD_FIELD_QUALIFICATION_ID= "org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.correction.qualifyField"; //$NON-NLS-1$

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/text/correction/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getConvertIterableLoopProposal(IInvocationContext, ASTNode, Collection) from the type QuickAssistProcessor is never used locally :

1225 : private static boolean getConvertIterableLoopProposal(IInvocationContext context, ASTNode node, Collection resultingCollections) throws CoreException {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/text/javadoc/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable versionableElement is never read :

27 : VersionableElement versionableElement = (documentation instanceof VersionableElement) ? (VersionableElement) documentation

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/text/spelling/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field DefaultSpellingEngine.PROPERTIES_CONTENT_TYPE is never read locally :

47 : private static final IContentType PROPERTIES_CONTENT_TYPE= Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType("org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.javaProperties"); //$NON-NLS-1$

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/wizards/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field JavaProjectWizardFirstPage.JREGroup.fComplianceLabels is never read locally :

319 : private String[] fComplianceLabels;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field JavaProjectWizardFirstPage.JREGroup.fComplianceData is never read locally :

320 : private String[] fComplianceData;

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method fillInstalledJREs(ComboDialogField) from the type JavaProjectWizardFirstPage.JREGroup is never used locally :

363 : private void fillInstalledJREs(ComboDialogField comboField) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/wizards/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable browserlib is never read :

282 : boolean browserlib= fFirstPage.isWebEnabled();

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/internal/ui/wizards/buildpaths/newsourcepage/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable attribute is never read :

343 : CPListElementAttribute attribute= (CPListElementAttribute)element;

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/ui/text/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createPreferenceStore(JavaScriptTextTools) from the type JavaScriptSourceViewerConfiguration is never used locally :

263 : private static final IPreferenceStore createPreferenceStore(JavaScriptTextTools javaTextTools) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/ui/text/java/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable compUnit is never read :

590 : char[] compUnit = proposal.getDeclarationTypeName();

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable propType is never read :

591 : char[] propType = proposal.getName();

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable project is never read :

592 : IJavaScriptProject project = proposal.getJavaProject();

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable compUnit is never read :

663 : char[] compUnit = proposal.getDeclarationTypeName();

5. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable propType is never read :

664 : char[] propType = proposal.getName();

6. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable project is never read :

665 : IJavaScriptProject project = proposal.getJavaProject();

7. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable compUnit is never read :

685 : char[] compUnit = proposal.getDeclarationTypeName();

8. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable propType is never read :

686 : char[] propType = proposal.getName();

9. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable project is never read :

687 : IJavaScriptProject project = proposal.getJavaProject();