Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.959, 3.5.0 rc1

Number of source files: 56 Number of classfiles: 63

Problems: 53 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 53 )

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/deployables/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable comp is never read :

209 : IVirtualComponent comp = (IVirtualComponent)file.getAdapter(IVirtualComponent.class);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/deployables/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable exists is never read :

320 : boolean exists = false;

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable exists is never read :

359 : boolean exists = false;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable libDir is never read :

133 : String libDir = EAR_DEFAULT_LIB;

2. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

156 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

3. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

175 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/
1. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

55 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method addSessionJNDIRefInfo(EntityBean, List) from the type Ejb3ContentProvider is never used locally :

138 : private void addSessionJNDIRefInfo(EntityBean eb, List children) {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field Ejb3LabelProvider.delegateLabelProvider is never read locally :

48 : private AdapterFactoryLabelProvider delegateLabelProvider;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/
1. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type WorkbenchNavigatorMessages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources_3.4.0.I20090525-2000.jar :

42 : import org.eclipse.ui.internal.navigator.resources.plugin.WorkbenchNavigatorMessages;

2. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type WorkbenchNavigatorMessages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources_3.4.0.I20090525-2000.jar :

196 : IMenuManager submenu= new MenuManager(WorkbenchNavigatorMessages.OpenActionProvider_OpenWithMenu_label,

3. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The field OpenActionProvider_OpenWithMenu_label from the type WorkbenchNavigatorMessages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources_3.4.0.I20090525-2000.jar :

196 : IMenuManager submenu= new MenuManager(WorkbenchNavigatorMessages.OpenActionProvider_OpenWithMenu_label,

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable component is never read :

215 : IVirtualComponent component = ((ComponentArchiveOptions) options)

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/
1. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type EditorUtility is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

26 : import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.EditorUtility;

2. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type EditorUtility is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

250 : EditorUtility.openInEditor(cu);

3. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The method openInEditor(Object) from the type EditorUtility is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

250 : EditorUtility.openInEditor(cu);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/appclient/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getModel() from the type GroupAppClientProvider is never used locally :

56 : private ApplicationClient getModel() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/dnd/
1. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

34 : import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragmentRoot;

2. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

154 : if (sourceObject instanceof JarPackageFragmentRoot) {

3. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

155 : JarPackageFragmentRoot jarPackageFragment = (JarPackageFragmentRoot) sourceObject;

4. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

155 : JarPackageFragmentRoot jarPackageFragment = (JarPackageFragmentRoot) sourceObject;

5. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The method getPath() from the type PackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

158 : IVirtualComponent archive = ComponentCore.createArchiveComponent(earComponent.getProject(), type + jarPackageFragment.getPath().toString());

6. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

244 : if (next instanceof JarPackageFragmentRoot) {

7. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

245 : JarPackageFragmentRoot jar = (JarPackageFragmentRoot) next;

8. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

245 : JarPackageFragmentRoot jar = (JarPackageFragmentRoot) next;

9. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The method getElementName() from the type JarPackageFragmentRoot is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.5.0.v_963.jar :

247 : if (reference.getArchiveName().equals(jar.getElementName())) {

10. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable modelProvider is never read :

317 : IModelProvider modelProvider = ModelProviderManager.getModelProvider(earProject);

11. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

326 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError("Could not acquire model elements for project \"" + earProject.getName() + "\".", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

12. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

330 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e1);

13. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

346 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e1);

14. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable k is never read :

490 : int k = 0;

15. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

513 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

16. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

530 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

17. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

556 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

18. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

584 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

19. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable k is never read :

591 : int k = 0;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/ear/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The local variable projectComponent is never read :

75 : IVirtualComponent projectComponent = ComponentCore.createComponent(project);

2. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method logError(String, Exception) from the type JEEUIPlugin should be accessed in a static way :

98 : JEEUIPlugin.getDefault().logError(msg, e);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/ear/
1. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type PropertyDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.5.0.I20090603-2000.jar :

21 : import org.eclipse.ui.internal.dialogs.PropertyDialog;

2. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type PropertyDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.5.0.I20090603-2000.jar :

42 : PreferenceDialog dialog = PropertyDialog.createDialogOn(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().

3. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The method createDialogOn(Shell, String, Object) from the type PropertyDialog is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.5.0.I20090603-2000.jar :

42 : PreferenceDialog dialog = PropertyDialog.createDialogOn(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(). getShell(), "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.J2EEDependenciesPage", earProject); //$NON-NLS-1$

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/ejb/
1. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

17 : import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPluginImages;

2. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

64 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

3. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The method get(String) from the type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

64 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

4. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

64 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

5. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The field IMG_OBJS_CUNIT from the type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

64 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/ui/internal/navigator/ejb/
1. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

16 : import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPluginImages;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field BeanNode.BEAN_OVR is never read locally :

35 : private static ImageDescriptor BEAN_OVR;

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The field BeanNode.WEB_SERVICE_OVR is never read locally :

36 : private static ImageDescriptor WEB_SERVICE_OVR;

4. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

75 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

5. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The method get(String) from the type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

75 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

6. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

75 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);

7. WARNING: DiscouragedReference

Discouraged access: The field IMG_OBJS_CUNIT from the type JavaPluginImages is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /shared/webtools/projects/wtp-R3.1-S/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.0.v20090604.jar :

75 : return JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_CUNIT);