Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.959, 3.5.0 rc1
Number of source files: 21 Number of classfiles: 32
Problems: 4 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 4 )
The method setSpList(List<IServicePolicy>) from the type ServicePoliciesComposite.ActionControlData is never used locally :
158 : public void setSpList(List<IServicePolicy> spList) {
The method setPoList(List<IPolicyOperation>) from the type ServicePoliciesComposite.ActionControlData is never used locally :
174 : public void setPoList(List<IPolicyOperation> poList) {
The method setChangedChildren(List<IServicePolicy>) from the type ServicePoliciesComposite.ChildChangeEvent is never used locally :
532 : public void setChangedChildren(List<IServicePolicy> changedChildren) {
The method setAdded(List<Boolean>) from the type ServicePoliciesComposite.ChildChangeEvent is never used locally :
538 : public void setAdded(List<Boolean> added) {