Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Java Compiler Version: 0.959, 3.5.0 rc1

Number of source files: 31 Number of classfiles: 41

Problems: 3 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 3 )

Source File: org/eclipse/wst/common/tests/ui/manager/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method setCanFinish(boolean) from the type TestGroupManager.WizardPage is never used locally :

513 : public void setCanFinish(boolean canFinish) {

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method canPageFinish() from the type TestGroupManager.WizardPage is never used locally :

517 : public boolean canPageFinish() {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createOperation() from the type TestGroupManager.WizardPage is never used locally :

521 : public IDataModelOperation createOperation() {