Compiler Report

Compiler: Eclipse Compiler for Java(TM) Version: 0.C58, 3.8.0

Number of source files: 181 Number of classfiles: 244

Problems: 131 (Errors: 0 Warnings: 131 )

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/classpath/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable webComp is not used :

223 : IVirtualComponent webComp = createWebProject(JEE5);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable output is not used :

505 : IFolder output = util.getFolder("build").getFolder("classes");

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable utilComp is not used :

512 : final IVirtualComponent utilComp = ComponentCore.createComponent(util);

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable entry is not used :

630 : IClasspathEntry entry = (IClasspathEntry) entries.get(0);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/classpath/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable webJavaProject is not used :

190 : final IJavaProject webJavaProject = JavaCore.create(webProject);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable earLibContainer is not used :

295 : IClasspathEntry earLibContainer = null;

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable webAppLibContainer is not used :

296 : IClasspathEntry webAppLibContainer = null;

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable jreContainer is not used :

297 : IClasspathEntry jreContainer = null;

5. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method testInvalidContainer(IJavaProject, IClasspathEntry) from the type ClasspathDependencyValidationTests is never used locally :

326 : private void testInvalidContainer(final IJavaProject javaProject, final IClasspathEntry entry) throws Exception {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/classpath/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable utilComp is not used :

295 : final IVirtualComponent utilComp = ComponentCore.createComponent(util);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable entry is not used :

417 : IClasspathEntry entry = (IClasspathEntry) entries.get(0);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/dependency/tests/util/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable jobMgr is not used :

64 : final IJobManager jobMgr = Platform.getJobManager();

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable jobMgr is not used :

74 : final IJobManager jobMgr = Platform.getJobManager();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/dependency/tests/util/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field ProjectUtil.listener is not used :

364 : private static ClasspathUpdateJobListener listener = new ClasspathUpdateJobListener();

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field ProjectUtil.ClasspathUpdateJobListener.isDone is not used :

368 : public boolean isDone = false;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field AppClientArtifactEditFVTest.appClientModuleName is not used :

19 : private String appClientModuleName;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method validateResource() from the type AppClientArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

84 : private void validateResource() {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createResourceComponent() from the type AppClientArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

99 : private ComponentResource createResourceComponent() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable testURI is not used :

202 : boolean testURI = uri.equals(TestWorkspace.APP_CLIENT_DD_XMI_RESOURCE_URI);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable resource is not used :

220 : Resource resource = edit.getDeploymentDescriptorResource();

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable edit2 is not used :

221 : AppClientArtifactEdit edit2 = new AppClientArtifactEdit(getArtifactEditModelforRead()) {

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

266 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = moduleCore.getComponent();

5. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

285 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = moduleCore.getComponent();

6. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable object is not used :

398 : Object object = edit.getContentModelRoot();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field ConnectorArtifactEditFVTest.jcaModuleName is not used :

19 : private String jcaModuleName;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method pass(ApplicationClient) from the type ConnectorArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

82 : private static void pass(ApplicationClient jca) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method validateResource() from the type ConnectorArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

87 : private void validateResource() {

4. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createResourceComponent() from the type ConnectorArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

101 : private ComponentResource createResourceComponent() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field ConnectorArtifactEditTest.jcaModuleName is not used :

20 : private String jcaModuleName;

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

84 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = null;

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

112 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = moduleCore.getComponent();

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

131 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = moduleCore.getComponent();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

119 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = null;

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

147 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = moduleCore.getComponent();

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable uriExist is not used :

279 : boolean uriExist = edit.uriExists(TestWorkspace.EJB_MODULE_URI.toString());

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field EJBArtifactEditFVTest.ejbModuleName is not used :

30 : private String ejbModuleName;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method validateResource() from the type EJBArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

92 : private void validateResource() {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createResourceComponent() from the type EJBArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

106 : private ComponentResource createResourceComponent() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable uri is not used :

165 : String uri = edit.getEJBJarXmiResource().toString();

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable test is not used :

254 : EnterpriseArtifactEdit test = new EJBArtifactEdit(getArtifactEditModelforRead()) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method test() from the type new EJBArtifactEdit(){} is never used locally :

260 : public void test() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field EarArtiFactEditFVTest.earModuleName is not used :

33 : private String earModuleName;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method pass(ApplicationClient) from the type EarArtiFactEditFVTest is never used locally :

95 : private static void pass(ApplicationClient ear) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method validateResource() from the type EarArtiFactEditFVTest is never used locally :

100 : private void validateResource() {

4. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createResourceComponent() from the type EarArtiFactEditFVTest is never used locally :

114 : private ComponentResource createResourceComponent() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field EnterpriseArtifactEditTest.earModuleName is not used :

26 : private String earModuleName;

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable wbComponent is not used :

41 : WorkbenchComponent wbComponent = null;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field JaxRPCMapArtifactEditFVTest.serverContextData is not used :

17 : private String serverContextData = TestWorkspace.WEB_SERVER_CONTEXT_ROOT + "Test";

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method updateClient(WebServices) from the type JaxRPCMapArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

30 : private void updateClient(WebServices client) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method pass() from the type JaxRPCMapArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

37 : private void pass() {

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable webapp is not used :

51 : WebApp webapp = webedit.getWebApp();

5. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method pass(WebServices) from the type JaxRPCMapArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

56 : private static void pass(WebServices webservice) {

6. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method validateResource() from the type JaxRPCMapArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

63 : private void validateResource() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field WSDDArtifactEditFVTest.webModuleName is not used :

16 : private String webModuleName;

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field WSDDArtifactEditFVTest.serverContextData is not used :

17 : private String serverContextData = TestWorkspace.WEB_SERVER_CONTEXT_ROOT + "Test";

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method validateResource() from the type WSDDArtifactEditFVTest is never used locally :

80 : private void validateResource() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/apitests/artifactedit/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field WebArtifactEditTest.webModuleName is not used :

25 : private String webModuleName;

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable uri is not used :

61 : String uri = edit.getDeploymentDescriptorResource().getURI().toString();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/fvtests/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createProject(IProjectDescription, IProject, IProgressMonitor) from the type EJBDeployTest is never used locally :

77 : private void createProject(IProjectDescription description, IProject projectHandle, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException {

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable javaResource is not used :

119 : IModuleResource javaResource = javaMembers[j];

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable operationStatus is not used :

143 : IStatus operationStatus = dm.getDefaultOperation().execute(new NullProgressMonitor(), null);

4. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getResourceSet(String) from the type EJBDeployTest is never used locally :

152 : private ProjectResourceSet getResourceSet(String projName) {

5. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createEarProject(String) from the type EJBDeployTest is never used locally :

172 : private IProject createEarProject(String projName) throws ExecutionException {

6. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method registerFactory(URI, ResourceSet, Resource.Factory) from the type EJBDeployTest is never used locally :

211 : private void registerFactory(URI uri, ResourceSet resSet, Resource.Factory factory) {

7. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getResourceSet() from the type EJBDeployTest is never used locally :

215 : private ResourceSet getResourceSet() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/flexible/project/fvtests/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createConnectorComponent(int, String, String) from the type PortedComponentCreationTest is never used locally :

89 : private void createConnectorComponent(int j2eeVersion, String aModuleName, String projectName) throws Exception{

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createWebComponent(int, String, String) from the type PortedComponentCreationTest is never used locally :

98 : private void createWebComponent(int j2eeVersion, String aModuleName, String projectName) throws Exception{

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createAppClientComponent(int, String, String) from the type PortedComponentCreationTest is never used locally :

107 : private void createAppClientComponent(int j2eeVersion, String aModuleName, String projectName) throws Exception{

4. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createEjbComponent(int, String, String) from the type PortedComponentCreationTest is never used locally :

116 : private void createEjbComponent(int j2eeVersion, String aModuleName, String projectName) throws Exception{

5. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method createEARComponent(int, String, String) from the type PortedComponentCreationTest is never used locally :

125 : private void createEARComponent(int j2eeVersion, String aModuleName, String projectName) throws Exception{

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/tests/modulecore/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field FlexibleProjectBuilderTest.emfContext is not used :

42 : private EMFWorkbenchContext emfContext;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/tests/modulecore/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable pm is not used :

120 : ProjectComponents pm = moduleCore.getComponentModelRoot();

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable clazz is not used :

121 : Class clazz = moduleCore.getClass();

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable name is not used :

122 : String name = StructureEdit.getDeployedName(getWebModuleURI());

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable er is not used :

129 : IResource er = StructureEdit.getEclipseResource(wmr);

5. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable b is not used :

137 : boolean b = moduleCore.isLocalDependency(dependentModule);

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/ejb/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable secondModel is not used :

101 : EJBJar secondModel = (EJBJar) provider.getModelObject();

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable secondModel is not used :

140 : EJBJar secondModel = (EJBJar) provider.getModelObject();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/ejb/tests/
1. WARNING: UnusedImport

The import org.eclipse.jst.jee.model.internal.EjbAnnotationFactory is never used :

25 : import org.eclipse.jst.jee.model.internal.EjbAnnotationFactory;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/ejb/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable beans is not used :

178 : List<SessionBean> beans = getEJBJar().getEnterpriseBeans().getSessionBeans();

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/ejb/tests/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field GenerateDDTest.EJB_JAR_CONTENT is not used :

36 : private static final String EJB_JAR_CONTENT = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable operationStatus is not used :

111 : IStatus operationStatus = importModel.getDefaultOperation().execute(new NullProgressMonitor(), null);

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method registerFactory(URI, ResourceSet, Resource.Factory) from the type JEE5LegacyModelTest is never used locally :

183 : private void registerFactory(URI uri, ResourceSet resSet, Resource.Factory factory) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getResourceSet() from the type JEE5LegacyModelTest is never used locally :

187 : private ResourceSet getResourceSet() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/tests/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method addWebProjectProperties(IDataModel, String, IProjectFacetVersion) from the type JEE5ModelTest is never used locally :

352 : private void addWebProjectProperties(IDataModel dataModel, String projName, IProjectFacetVersion web25){

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method registerFactory(URI, ResourceSet, Resource.Factory) from the type JEE5ModelTest is never used locally :

407 : private void registerFactory(URI uri, ResourceSet resSet, Resource.Factory factory) {

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getResourceSet() from the type JEE5ModelTest is never used locally :

411 : private ResourceSet getResourceSet() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable javaFacet is not used :

359 : IProjectFacet javaFacet = ProjectFacetsManager.getProjectFacet(IJ2EEFacetConstants.JAVA);

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method addWebProjectProperties(IDataModel, String, IProjectFacetVersion) from the type JEE6ModelTest is never used locally :

436 : private void addWebProjectProperties(IDataModel dataModel, String projName, IProjectFacetVersion web25){

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method registerFactory(URI, ResourceSet, Resource.Factory) from the type JEE6ModelTest is never used locally :

491 : private void registerFactory(URI uri, ResourceSet resSet, Resource.Factory factory) {

4. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method getResourceSet() from the type JEE6ModelTest is never used locally :

495 : private ResourceSet getResourceSet() {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable ear is not used :

251 : org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.Application ear = (org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.application.Application) provider

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable client is not used :

524 : ApplicationClient client = (ApplicationClient) provider

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable client is not used :

553 : org.eclipse.jst.javaee.applicationclient.ApplicationClient client = (org.eclipse.jst.javaee.applicationclient.ApplicationClient) provider

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable client is not used :

584 : org.eclipse.jst.javaee.applicationclient.ApplicationClient client = (org.eclipse.jst.javaee.applicationclient.ApplicationClient) provider

5. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable client is not used :

620 : org.eclipse.jst.javaee.applicationclient.ApplicationClient client = (org.eclipse.jst.javaee.applicationclient.ApplicationClient) provider

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/web/tests/
1. WARNING: UnusedWarningToken

Unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("restriction") :

53 : @SuppressWarnings("restriction")

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/web/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable fragment is not used :

86 : IPackageFragment fragment = root.createPackageFragment("sap", true, new NullProgressMonitor());

2. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method saveFileAndUpdate(IFile, String) from the type Web25MergedModelProviderTest is never used locally :

128 : private void saveFileAndUpdate(IFile webXml, String content) throws InterruptedException, Exception {

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/web/tests/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field Web3AnnotationReaderTest.BEAN_WITH_NAME is not used :

51 : private static String BEAN_WITH_NAME = "package;" + "import javax.ejb.Stateless;"

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/jee/model/web/tests/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field WebAnnotationReaderTest.BEAN_WITH_NAME is not used :

47 : private static String BEAN_WITH_NAME = "package;" + "import javax.ejb.Stateless;"

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/ear/operations/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateField

The value of the field EARProjectCreationOperationTest.CONNECTOR_PROJ_15 is not used :

116 : private static final String CONNECTOR_PROJ_15 = "myConnector_15";

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable earProj is not used :

464 : IProject earProj = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("zEAR");

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable initializer is not used :

562 : ClasspathContainerInitializer initializer= JavaCore.getClasspathContainerInitializer(JavaCore.USER_LIBRARY_CONTAINER_ID);

4. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable resolvedPath is not used :

620 : IPath resolvedPath = JavaCore.getResolvedVariablePath(path);

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/ejb/operations/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable proj is not used :

60 : IProject proj = ProjectUtilities.getProject(EJB_PROJECT_NAME);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable proj is not used :

78 : IProject proj = ProjectUtilities.getProject(EJB_PROJECT_NAME);

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/ejb/operations/
1. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method addStateless(IDataModel) from the type EJBExportOperationTest is never used locally :

85 : private void addStateless(IDataModel dm) throws Exception {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/ejb/operations/
1. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method runAndVerify(IDataModel) from the type OperationTestCase should be accessed in a static way :

57 : this.runAndVerify(model);

2. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method runAndVerify(IDataModel) from the type OperationTestCase should be accessed in a static way :

79 : this.runAndVerify(model);

3. WARNING: NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod

The static method runAndVerify(IDataModel) from the type OperationTestCase should be accessed in a static way :

97 : this.runAndVerify(model);

4. WARNING: NullLocalVariableReference

Null pointer access: The variable file can only be null at this location :

104 : Assert.assertTrue("The file " + this.FILE1 + " should exsist in the project.", file.exists());

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/j2ee/operations/
1. WARNING: UnclosedCloseableAtExit

Resource leak: 'buffB' is not closed at this location :

158 : return false;

2. WARNING: UnclosedCloseableAtExit

Resource leak: 'buffA' is not closed at this location :

158 : return false;

3. WARNING: UnclosedCloseableAtExit

Resource leak: 'buffA' is not closed at this location :

158 : return false;

4. WARNING: UnclosedCloseableAtExit

Resource leak: 'buffA' is not closed at this location :

165 : return false;

Source File: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/defect/tests/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable moduleList is not used :

253 : List moduleList = (List) model.getProperty(IEARComponentImportDataModelProperties.SELECTED_MODELS_LIST);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable javaProject is not used :

682 : IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(proj);

3. WARNING: UnusedPrivateMethod

The method checkIfModelIsParsed(WebApp) from the type DefectVerificationTests is never used locally :

807 : private void checkIfModelIsParsed(WebApp deploymentDescriptor1) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/headless/tests/savestrategy/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable project is not used :

169 : IProject project = StructureEdit.getContainingProject(writeStructureEdits[structureEditCount][projectCount].getComponent());

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/ejb/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable nestedArchive is not used :

71 : for(IArchive nestedArchive : nestedArchives) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/j2ee/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable iProjVersion is not used :

59 : int iProjVersion = J2EEVersionUtil.convertVersionStringToInt(sProjVersion);

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/j2ee/verifiers/
1. WARNING: UnclosedCloseable

Resource leak: 'jarIn' is never closed :

37 : JarInputStream jarIn = new JarInputStream(fIn);

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/jca/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable nestedArchive is not used :

71 : for(IArchive nestedArchive : nestedArchives) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/utility/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable nestedArchive is not used :

82 : for(IArchive nestedArchive : nestedArchives) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tests/web/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable nestedArchive is not used :

79 : for(IArchive nestedArchive : nestedArchives) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tets/appclient/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable nestedArchive is not used :

73 : for(IArchive nestedArchive : nestedArchives) {

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tets/appclient/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable proj is not used :

76 : IProject proj = ProjectUtilities.getProject(projName);

Source File: org/eclipse/wtp/j2ee/headless/tets/ear/verifiers/
1. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable utilityList is not used :

104 : List utilityList = (List)model.getProperty(IEARComponentImportDataModelProperties.UTILITY_LIST);

2. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable ejbClientList is not used :

105 : List ejbClientList = (List)model.getProperty(IEARComponentImportDataModelProperties.EJB_CLIENT_LIST);

3. WARNING: LocalVariableIsNeverUsed

The value of the local variable utilityModelsList is not used :

106 : List utilityModelsList = (List)model.getProperty(IEARComponentImportDataModelProperties.UTILITY_MODELS_LIST);