Uses of Class

Packages that use MultiMap

Uses of MultiMap in org.eclipse.jetty.annotations

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.annotations that return MultiMap
 MultiMap ClassInheritanceHandler.getMap()

Uses of MultiMap in org.eclipse.jetty.http

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.http with parameters of type MultiMap
 void EncodedHttpURI.decodeQueryTo(MultiMap parameters)
 void HttpURI.decodeQueryTo(MultiMap parameters)
 void EncodedHttpURI.decodeQueryTo(MultiMap parameters, String encoding)
 void HttpURI.decodeQueryTo(MultiMap parameters, String encoding)

Uses of MultiMap in org.eclipse.jetty.server

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server that return MultiMap
 MultiMap<String> Request.getParameters()

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server with parameters of type MultiMap
 void Request.setParameters(MultiMap<String> parameters)

Uses of MultiMap in org.eclipse.jetty.util

Subclasses of MultiMap in org.eclipse.jetty.util
 class UrlEncoded
          Handles coding of MIME "x-www-form-urlencoded".

Fields in org.eclipse.jetty.util declared as MultiMap
protected  MultiMap<String> MultiPartInputStream.MultiPart._headers
protected  MultiMap<String> MultiPartInputStream._parts

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.util with parameters of type MultiMap
static void UrlEncoded.decode88591To(InputStream in, MultiMap map, int maxLength)
          Decoded parameters to Map.
static void UrlEncoded.decodeTo(InputStream in, MultiMap map, String charset, int maxLength)
          Decoded parameters to Map.
static void UrlEncoded.decodeTo(String content, MultiMap map, String charset)
          Decoded parameters to Map.
static void UrlEncoded.decodeUtf16To(InputStream in, MultiMap map, int maxLength)
static void UrlEncoded.decodeUtf8To(byte[] raw, int offset, int length, MultiMap map)
          Decoded parameters to Map.
static void UrlEncoded.decodeUtf8To(byte[] raw, int offset, int length, MultiMap map, Utf8StringBuilder buffer)
          Decoded parameters to Map.
static void UrlEncoded.decodeUtf8To(InputStream in, MultiMap map, int maxLength)
          Decoded parameters to Map.
static String UrlEncoded.encode(MultiMap map, String charset, boolean equalsForNullValue)
          Encode Hashtable with % encoding.
protected  void MultiPartInputStream.MultiPart.setHeaders(MultiMap<String> headers)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jetty.util with parameters of type MultiMap
MultiMap(MultiMap<K> map)

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