Interface NetworkTrafficListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NetworkTrafficListener

A listener for raw network traffic within Jetty.

NetworkTrafficListeners can be installed in a org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector, and are notified of the following network traffic events:

NetworkTrafficListeners can be used to log the network traffic viewed by a Jetty server (for example logging to filesystem) for activities such as debugging or request/response cycles or for replaying request/response cycles to other servers.

Nested Class Summary
static class NetworkTrafficListener.Empty
          A commodity class that implements NetworkTrafficListener with empty methods.
Method Summary
 void closed(Socket socket)
          Callback method invoked when a connection to a remote client has been closed.
 void incoming(Socket socket, Buffer bytes)
          Callback method invoked when bytes sent by a remote client arrived on the server.
 void opened(Socket socket)
          Callback method invoked when a connection from a remote client has been accepted.
 void outgoing(Socket socket, Buffer bytes)
          Callback method invoked when bytes are sent to a remote client from the server.

Method Detail


void opened(Socket socket)

Callback method invoked when a connection from a remote client has been accepted.

The socket parameter can be used to extract socket address information of the remote client.

socket - the socket associated with the remote client


void incoming(Socket socket,
              Buffer bytes)

Callback method invoked when bytes sent by a remote client arrived on the server.

socket - the socket associated with the remote client
bytes - the read-only buffer containing the incoming bytes


void outgoing(Socket socket,
              Buffer bytes)

Callback method invoked when bytes are sent to a remote client from the server.

This method is invoked after the bytes have been actually written to the remote client.

socket - the socket associated with the remote client
bytes - the read-only buffer containing the outgoing bytes


void closed(Socket socket)

Callback method invoked when a connection to a remote client has been closed.

The socket parameter is already closed when this method is called, so it cannot be queried for socket address information of the remote client.
However, the socket parameter is the same object passed to opened(Socket), so it is possible to map socket information in opened(Socket) and retrieve it in this method.

socket - the (closed) socket associated with the remote client

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