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1   //
2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
4   //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
8   //
9   //      The Eclipse Public License is available at
10  //
11  //
12  //      The Apache License v2.0 is available at
13  //
14  //
15  //  You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
16  //  ========================================================================
17  //
19  package org.eclipse.jetty.server;
21  import;
22  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
23  import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
24  import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
25  import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
27  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpGenerator;
28  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpGenerator.ResponseInfo;
29  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
30  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeaderValue;
31  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethod;
32  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser;
33  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus;
34  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpVersion;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BlockingCallback;
41  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
42  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback;
43  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.IteratingCallback;
44  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
45  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
47  /**
48   * <p>A {@link Connection} that handles the HTTP protocol.</p>
49   */
50  public class HttpConnection extends AbstractConnection implements Runnable, HttpTransport
51  {
52      public static final String UPGRADE_CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTE = "org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.UPGRADE";
53      private static final boolean REQUEST_BUFFER_DIRECT=false;
54      private static final boolean HEADER_BUFFER_DIRECT=false;
55      private static final boolean CHUNK_BUFFER_DIRECT=false;
56      private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(HttpConnection.class);
57      private static final ThreadLocal<HttpConnection> __currentConnection = new ThreadLocal<>();
59      private final HttpConfiguration _config;
60      private final Connector _connector;
61      private final ByteBufferPool _bufferPool;
62      private final HttpGenerator _generator;
63      private final HttpChannelOverHttp _channel;
64      private final HttpParser _parser;
65      private volatile ByteBuffer _requestBuffer = null;
66      private volatile ByteBuffer _chunk = null;
67      private BlockingCallback _readBlocker = new BlockingCallback();
68      private BlockingCallback _writeBlocker = new BlockingCallback();
71      public static HttpConnection getCurrentConnection()
72      {
73          return __currentConnection.get();
74      }
76      protected static void setCurrentConnection(HttpConnection connection)
77      {
78          __currentConnection.set(connection);
79      }
81      public HttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration()
82      {
83          return _config;
84      }
86      public HttpConnection(HttpConfiguration config, Connector connector, EndPoint endPoint)
87      {
88          // Tell AbstractConnector executeOnFillable==true because we want the same thread that
89          // does the HTTP parsing to handle the request so its cache is hot
90          super(endPoint, connector.getExecutor(),true);
92          _config = config;
93          _connector = connector;
94          _bufferPool = _connector.getByteBufferPool();
95          _generator = newHttpGenerator();
96          HttpInput<ByteBuffer> input = newHttpInput();
97          _channel = newHttpChannel(input);
98          _parser = newHttpParser();
100         LOG.debug("New HTTP Connection {}", this);
101     }
103     protected HttpGenerator newHttpGenerator()
104     {
105         return new HttpGenerator(_config.getSendServerVersion(),_config.getSendXPoweredBy());
106     }
108     protected HttpInput<ByteBuffer> newHttpInput()
109     {
110         return new Input();
111     }
113     protected HttpChannelOverHttp newHttpChannel(HttpInput<ByteBuffer> httpInput)
114     {
115         return new HttpChannelOverHttp(_connector, _config, getEndPoint(), this, httpInput);
116     }
118     protected HttpParser newHttpParser()
119     {
120         return new HttpParser(newRequestHandler(), getHttpConfiguration().getRequestHeaderSize());
121     }
123     protected HttpParser.RequestHandler<ByteBuffer> newRequestHandler()
124     {
125         return _channel;
126     }
128     public Server getServer()
129     {
130         return _connector.getServer();
131     }
133     public Connector getConnector()
134     {
135         return _connector;
136     }
138     public HttpChannel<?> getHttpChannel()
139     {
140         return _channel;
141     }
143     public void reset()
144     {
145         // If we are still expecting
146         if (_channel.isExpecting100Continue())
147         {
148             // reset to avoid seeking remaining content
149             _parser.reset();
150             // close to seek EOF
151             _parser.close();
152             if (getEndPoint().isOpen())
153                 fillInterested();
154         }
155         // else if we are persistent
156         else if (_generator.isPersistent())
157             // reset to seek next request
158             _parser.reset();
159         else
160         {
161             // else seek EOF
162             _parser.close();
163             if (getEndPoint().isOpen())
164                 fillInterested();
165         }
167         _generator.reset();
168         _channel.reset();
170         releaseRequestBuffer();
171         if (_chunk!=null)
172         {
173             _bufferPool.release(_chunk);
174             _chunk=null;
175         }
176     }
179     @Override
180     public int getMessagesIn()
181     {
182         return getHttpChannel().getRequests();
183     }
185     @Override
186     public int getMessagesOut()
187     {
188         return getHttpChannel().getRequests();
189     }
191     @Override
192     public String toString()
193     {
194         return String.format("%s,g=%s,p=%s",
195                 super.toString(),
196                 _generator,
197                 _parser);
198     }
200     private void releaseRequestBuffer()
201     {
202         if (_requestBuffer != null && !_requestBuffer.hasRemaining())
203         {
204             ByteBuffer buffer=_requestBuffer;
205             _requestBuffer=null;
206             _bufferPool.release(buffer);
207         }
208     }
210     /**
211      * <p>Parses and handles HTTP messages.</p>
212      * <p>This method is called when this {@link Connection} is ready to read bytes from the {@link EndPoint}.
213      * However, it can also be called if there is unconsumed data in the _requestBuffer, as a result of
214      * resuming a suspended request when there is a pipelined request already read into the buffer.</p>
215      * <p>This method fills bytes and parses them until either: EOF is filled; 0 bytes are filled;
216      * the HttpChannel finishes handling; or the connection has changed.</p>
217      */
218     @Override
219     public void onFillable()
220     {
221         LOG.debug("{} onFillable {}", this, _channel.getState());
223         setCurrentConnection(this);
224         try
225         {
226             while (true)
227             {
228                 // Can the parser progress (even with an empty buffer)
229                 boolean call_channel=_parser.parseNext(_requestBuffer==null?BufferUtil.EMPTY_BUFFER:_requestBuffer);
231                 // Parse the buffer
232                 if (call_channel)
233                 {
234                     // Parse as much content as there is available before calling the channel
235                     // this is both efficient (may queue many chunks), will correctly set available for 100 continues
236                     // and will drive the parser to completion if all content is available.
237                     while (_parser.inContentState())
238                     {
239                         if (!_parser.parseNext(_requestBuffer==null?BufferUtil.EMPTY_BUFFER:_requestBuffer))
240                             break;
241                     }
243                     // The parser returned true, which indicates the channel is ready to handle a request.
244                     // Call the channel and this will either handle the request/response to completion OR,
245                     // if the request suspends, the request/response will be incomplete so the outer loop will exit.
246                     boolean handle=_channel.handle();
248                     // Return if suspended or upgraded
249                     if (!handle || getEndPoint().getConnection()!=this)
250                         return;
251                 }
252                 else if (BufferUtil.isEmpty(_requestBuffer))
253                 {
254                     if (_requestBuffer == null)
255                         _requestBuffer = _bufferPool.acquire(getInputBufferSize(), REQUEST_BUFFER_DIRECT);
257                     int filled = getEndPoint().fill(_requestBuffer);
258                     if (filled==0) // Do a retry on fill 0 (optimisation for SSL connections)
259                         filled = getEndPoint().fill(_requestBuffer);
261                     LOG.debug("{} filled {}", this, filled);
263                     // If we failed to fill
264                     if (filled == 0)
265                     {
266                         // Somebody wanted to read, we didn't so schedule another attempt
267                         releaseRequestBuffer();
268                         fillInterested();
269                         return;
270                     }
271                     else if (filled < 0)
272                     {
273                         _parser.shutdownInput();
274                         // We were only filling if fully consumed, so if we have
275                         // read -1 then we have nothing to parse and thus nothing that
276                         // will generate a response.  If we had a suspended request pending
277                         // a response or a request waiting in the buffer, we would not be here.
278                         if (getEndPoint().isOutputShutdown())
279                             getEndPoint().close();
280                         else
281                             getEndPoint().shutdownOutput();
282                         // buffer must be empty and the channel must be idle, so we can release.
283                         releaseRequestBuffer();
284                         return;
285                     }
286                 }
287                 else
288                 {
289                     // TODO work out how we can get here and a better way to handle it
290                     LOG.warn("Unexpected state: "+this+ " "+_channel+" "+_channel.getRequest());
291                     if (!_channel.getState().isSuspended())
292                         getEndPoint().close();
293                     return;
294                 }
295             }
296         }
297         catch (EofException e)
298         {
299             LOG.debug(e);
300         }
301         catch (Exception e)
302         {
303             if (_parser.isIdle())
304                 LOG.debug(e);
305             else
306                 LOG.warn(this.toString(), e);
307             close();
308         }
309         finally
310         {
311             setCurrentConnection(null);
312         }
313     }
315     @Override
316     public void onOpen()
317     {
318         super.onOpen();
319         fillInterested();
320     }
322     @Override
323     public void run()
324     {
325         onFillable();
326     }
328     @Override
329     public void send(HttpGenerator.ResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer content, boolean lastContent) throws IOException
330     {
331         try
332         {
333             if (info==null)
334                 new ContentCallback(content,lastContent,_writeBlocker).iterate();
335             else
336             {
337                 // If we are still expecting a 100 continues
338                 if (_channel.isExpecting100Continue())
339                     // then we can't be persistent
340                     _generator.setPersistent(false);
341                 new CommitCallback(info,content,lastContent,_writeBlocker).iterate();
342             }
343             _writeBlocker.block();
344         }
345         catch (ClosedChannelException e)
346         {
347             throw new EofException(e);
348         }
349         catch (IOException e)
350         {
351             throw e;
352         }
353     }
355     @Override
356     public void send(ResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer content, boolean lastContent, Callback callback)
357     {
358         if (info==null)
359             new ContentCallback(content,lastContent,callback).iterate();
360         else
361         {
362             // If we are still expecting a 100 continues
363             if (_channel.isExpecting100Continue())
364                 // then we can't be persistent
365                 _generator.setPersistent(false);
366             new CommitCallback(info,content,lastContent,callback).iterate();
367         }
368     }
370     @Override
371     public void send(ByteBuffer content, boolean lastContent, Callback callback)
372     {
373         new ContentCallback(content,lastContent,callback).iterate();
374     }
376     @Override
377     public void completed()
378     {
379         // Finish consuming the request
380         if (_parser.isInContent() && _generator.isPersistent() && !_channel.isExpecting100Continue())
381             // Complete reading the request
382             _channel.getRequest().getHttpInput().consumeAll();
384         // Handle connection upgrades
385         if (_channel.getResponse().getStatus() == HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS_101)
386         {
387             Connection connection = (Connection)_channel.getRequest().getAttribute(UPGRADE_CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTE);
388             if (connection != null)
389             {
390                 LOG.debug("Upgrade from {} to {}", this, connection);
391                 onClose();
392                 getEndPoint().setConnection(connection);
393                 connection.onOpen();
394                 reset();
395                 return;
396             }
397         }
399         reset();
401         // if we are not called from the onfillable thread, schedule completion
402         if (getCurrentConnection()!=this)
403         {
404             if (_parser.isStart())
405             {
406                 // it wants to eat more
407                 if (_requestBuffer == null)
408                 {
409                     fillInterested();
410                 }
411                 else if (getConnector().isStarted())
412                 {
413                     LOG.debug("{} pipelined", this);
415                     try
416                     {
417                         getExecutor().execute(this);
418                     }
419                     catch (RejectedExecutionException e)
420                     {
421                         if (getConnector().isStarted())
422                             LOG.warn(e);
423                         else
424                             LOG.ignore(e);
425                         getEndPoint().close();
426                     }
427                 }
428                 else
429                 {
430                     getEndPoint().close();
431                 }
432             }
433         }
434     }
436     public ByteBuffer getRequestBuffer()
437     {
438         return _requestBuffer;
439     }
441     protected class Input extends ByteBufferHttpInput
442     {
443         @Override
444         protected void blockForContent() throws IOException
445         {
446             /* We extend the blockForContent method to replace the
447             default implementation of a blocking queue with an implementation
448             that uses the calling thread to block on a readable callback and
449             then to do the parsing before before attempting the read.
450              */
451             while (!_parser.isComplete())
452             {
453                 // Can the parser progress (even with an empty buffer)
454                 boolean event=_parser.parseNext(_requestBuffer==null?BufferUtil.EMPTY_BUFFER:_requestBuffer);
456                 // If there is more content to parse, loop so we can queue all content from this buffer now without the
457                 // need to call blockForContent again
458                 while (!event && BufferUtil.hasContent(_requestBuffer) && _parser.inContentState())
459                     event=_parser.parseNext(_requestBuffer);
461                 // If we have content, return
462                 if (_parser.isComplete() || available()>0)
463                     return;
465                 // Do we have content ready to parse?
466                 if (BufferUtil.isEmpty(_requestBuffer))
467                 {
468                     // If no more input
469                     if (getEndPoint().isInputShutdown())
470                     {
471                         _parser.shutdownInput();
472                         shutdown();
473                         return;
474                     }
476                     // Wait until we can read
477                     block(_readBlocker);
478                     LOG.debug("{} block readable on {}",this,_readBlocker);
479                     _readBlocker.block();
481                     // We will need a buffer to read into
482                     if (_requestBuffer==null)
483                     {
484                         long content_length=_channel.getRequest().getContentLength();
485                         int size=getInputBufferSize();
486                         if (size<content_length)
487                             size=size*4; // TODO tune this
488                         _requestBuffer=_bufferPool.acquire(size,REQUEST_BUFFER_DIRECT);
489                     }
491                     // read some data
492                     int filled=getEndPoint().fill(_requestBuffer);
493                     LOG.debug("{} block filled {}",this,filled);
494                     if (filled<0)
495                     {
496                         _parser.shutdownInput();
497                         return;
498                     }
499                 }
500             }
501         }
503         @Override
504         protected void onContentQueued(ByteBuffer ref)
505         {
506             /* This callback could be used to tell the connection
507              * that the request did contain content and thus the request
508              * buffer needs to be held until a call to #onAllContentConsumed
509              *
510              * However it turns out that nothing is needed here because either a
511              * request will have content, in which case the request buffer will be
512              * released by a call to onAllContentConsumed; or it will not have content.
513              * If it does not have content, either it will complete quickly and the
514              * buffers will be released in completed() or it will be suspended and
515              * onReadable() contains explicit handling to release if it is suspended.
516              *
517              * We extend this method anyway, to turn off the notify done by the
518              * default implementation as this is not needed by our implementation
519              * of blockForContent
520              */
521         }
523         @Override
524         public void earlyEOF()
525         {
526             synchronized (lock())
527             {
528                 _inputEOF=true;
529                 _earlyEOF = true;
530                 LOG.debug("{} early EOF", this);
531             }
532         }
534         @Override
535         public void shutdown()
536         {
537             synchronized (lock())
538             {
539                 _inputEOF=true;
540                 LOG.debug("{} shutdown", this);
541             }
542         }
544         @Override
545         protected void onAllContentConsumed()
546         {
547             /* This callback tells the connection that all content that has
548              * been parsed has been consumed. Thus the request buffer may be
549              * released if it is empty.
550              */
551             releaseRequestBuffer();
552         }
554         @Override
555         public String toString()
556         {
557             return super.toString()+"{"+_channel+","+HttpConnection.this+"}";
558         }
559     }
561     protected class HttpChannelOverHttp extends HttpChannel<ByteBuffer>
562     {
563         public HttpChannelOverHttp(Connector connector, HttpConfiguration config, EndPoint endPoint, HttpTransport transport, HttpInput<ByteBuffer> input)
564         {
565             super(connector,config,endPoint,transport,input);
566         }
568         @Override
569         public void badMessage(int status, String reason)
570         {
571             _generator.setPersistent(false);
572             super.badMessage(status,reason);
573         }
575         @Override
576         public boolean headerComplete()
577         {
578             boolean persistent;
579             HttpVersion version = getHttpVersion();
581             switch (version)
582             {
583                 case HTTP_0_9:
584                 {
585                     persistent = false;
586                     break;
587                 }
588                 case HTTP_1_0:
589                 {
590                     persistent = getRequest().getHttpFields().contains(HttpHeader.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValue.KEEP_ALIVE.asString());
591                     if (!persistent)
592                         persistent =;
593                     if (persistent)
594                         getResponse().getHttpFields().add(HttpHeader.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValue.KEEP_ALIVE);
595                     break;
596                 }
597                 case HTTP_1_1:
598                 {
599                     persistent = !getRequest().getHttpFields().contains(HttpHeader.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValue.CLOSE.asString());
600                     if (!persistent)
601                         persistent =;
602                     if (!persistent)
603                         getResponse().getHttpFields().add(HttpHeader.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValue.CLOSE);
604                     break;
605                 }
606                 default:
607                 {
608                     throw new IllegalStateException();
609                 }
610             }
612             if (!persistent)
613                 _generator.setPersistent(false);
615             return super.headerComplete();
616         }
618         @Override
619         protected void handleException(Throwable x)
620         {
621             _generator.setPersistent(false);
622             super.handleException(x);
623         }
625         @Override
626         public void failed()
627         {
628             getEndPoint().shutdownOutput();
629         }
630     }
632     private class CommitCallback extends IteratingCallback
633     {
634         final ByteBuffer _content;
635         final boolean _lastContent;
636         final ResponseInfo _info;
637         ByteBuffer _header;
639         CommitCallback(ResponseInfo info, ByteBuffer content, boolean last, Callback callback)
640         {
641             super(callback);
642             _info=info;
643             _content=content;
644             _lastContent=last;
645         }
647         @Override
648         public boolean process() throws Exception
649         {
650             ByteBuffer chunk = _chunk;
651             while (true)
652             {
653                 HttpGenerator.Result result = _generator.generateResponse(_info, _header, chunk, _content, _lastContent);
654                 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
655                     LOG.debug("{} generate: {} ({},{},{})@{}",
656                         this,
657                         result,
658                         BufferUtil.toSummaryString(_header),
659                         BufferUtil.toSummaryString(_content),
660                         _lastContent,
661                         _generator.getState());
663                 switch (result)
664                 {
665                     case NEED_HEADER:
666                     {
667                         // Look for optimisation to avoid allocating a _header buffer
668                         if (_lastContent && _content!=null && !_content.isReadOnly() && _content.hasArray() &&>_config.getResponseHeaderSize() )
669                         {
670                             // use spare space in content buffer for header buffer
671                             int p=_content.position();
672                             int l=_content.limit();
673                             _content.position(l);
674                             _content.limit(l+_config.getResponseHeaderSize());
675                             _header=_content.slice();
676                             _header.limit(0);
677                             _content.position(p);
678                             _content.limit(l);
679                         }
680                         else
681                             _header = _bufferPool.acquire(_config.getResponseHeaderSize(), HEADER_BUFFER_DIRECT);
682                         continue;
683                     }
684                     case NEED_CHUNK:
685                     {
686                         chunk = _chunk = _bufferPool.acquire(HttpGenerator.CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_BUFFER_DIRECT);
687                         continue;
688                     }
689                     case FLUSH:
690                     {
691                         // Don't write the chunk or the content if this is a HEAD response
692                         if (_channel.getRequest().isHead())
693                         {
694                             BufferUtil.clear(chunk);
695                             BufferUtil.clear(_content);
696                         }
698                         // If we have a header
699                         if (BufferUtil.hasContent(_header))
700                         {
701                             if (BufferUtil.hasContent(_content))
702                             {
703                                 if (BufferUtil.hasContent(chunk))
704                                     getEndPoint().write(this, _header, chunk, _content);
705                                 else
706                                     getEndPoint().write(this, _header, _content);
707                             }
708                             else
709                                 getEndPoint().write(this, _header);
710                         }
711                         else if (BufferUtil.hasContent(chunk))
712                         {
713                             if (BufferUtil.hasContent(_content))
714                                 getEndPoint().write(this, chunk, _content);
715                             else
716                                 getEndPoint().write(this, chunk);
717                         }
718                         else if (BufferUtil.hasContent(_content))
719                         {
720                             getEndPoint().write(this, _content);
721                         }
722                         else
723                             continue;
724                         return false;
725                     }
726                     case SHUTDOWN_OUT:
727                     {
728                         getEndPoint().shutdownOutput();
729                         continue;
730                     }
731                     case DONE:
732                     {
733                         if (_header!=null)
734                         {
735                             // don't release header in spare content buffer
736                             if (!_lastContent || _content==null || !_content.hasArray() || !_header.hasArray() ||  _content.array()!=_header.array())
737                                 _bufferPool.release(_header);
738                         }
739                         return true;
740                     }
741                     case CONTINUE:
742                     {
743                         break;
744                     }
745                     default:
746                     {
747                         throw new IllegalStateException("generateResponse="+result);
748                     }
749                 }
750             }
751         }
752     }
754     private class ContentCallback extends IteratingCallback
755     {
756         final ByteBuffer _content;
757         final boolean _lastContent;
759         ContentCallback(ByteBuffer content, boolean last, Callback callback)
760         {
761             super(callback);
762             _content=content;
763             _lastContent=last;
764         }
766         @Override
767         public boolean process() throws Exception
768         {
769             ByteBuffer chunk = _chunk;
770             while (true)
771             {
772                 HttpGenerator.Result result = _generator.generateResponse(null, null, chunk, _content, _lastContent);
773                 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
774                     LOG.debug("{} generate: {} ({},{})@{}",
775                         this,
776                         result,
777                         BufferUtil.toSummaryString(_content),
778                         _lastContent,
779                         _generator.getState());
781                 switch (result)
782                 {
783                     case NEED_HEADER:
784                         throw new IllegalStateException();
785                     case NEED_CHUNK:
786                     {
787                         chunk = _chunk = _bufferPool.acquire(HttpGenerator.CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_BUFFER_DIRECT);
788                         continue;
789                     }
790                     case FLUSH:
791                     {
792                         // Don't write the chunk or the content if this is a HEAD response
793                         if (_channel.getRequest().isHead())
794                         {
795                             BufferUtil.clear(chunk);
796                             BufferUtil.clear(_content);
797                             continue;
798                         }
799                         else if (BufferUtil.hasContent(chunk))
800                         {
801                             if (BufferUtil.hasContent(_content))
802                                 getEndPoint().write(this, chunk, _content);
803                             else
804                                 getEndPoint().write(this, chunk);
805                         }
806                         else if (BufferUtil.hasContent(_content))
807                         {
808                             getEndPoint().write(this, _content);
809                         }
810                         else
811                             continue;
812                         return false;
813                     }
814                     case SHUTDOWN_OUT:
815                     {
816                         getEndPoint().shutdownOutput();
817                         continue;
818                     }
819                     case DONE:
820                     {
821                         return true;
822                     }
823                     case CONTINUE:
824                     {
825                         break;
826                     }
827                     default:
828                     {
829                         throw new IllegalStateException("generateResponse="+result);
830                     }
831                 }
832             }
833         }
834     }
835 }