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19  package org.eclipse.jetty.server;
21  import java.util.Set;
23  import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
24  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
25  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
26  import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
28  /** Build a request to be pushed.
29   * <p>
30   * A PushBuilder is obtained by calling {@link Request#getPushBuilder()}
31   * which creates an initializes the builder as follows:
32   * <ul>
33   * <li> Each call to getPushBuilder() will return a new instance of a 
34   * PushBuilder based off the Request.  Any mutations to the
35   * returned PushBuilder are not reflected on future returns.</li>
36   * <li>The method is initialized to "GET"</li>
37   * <li>The requests headers are added to the Builder, except for:<ul>
38   *   <li>Conditional headers (eg. If-Modified-Since)
39   *   <li>Range headers
40   *   <li>Expect headers
41   *   <li>Authorization headers
42   *   <li>Referrer headers
43   * </ul></li>
44   * <li>If the request was Authenticated, an Authorization header will 
45   * be set with a container generated token that will result in equivalent
46   * Authorization for the pushed request</li>
47   * <li>The query string from {@link HttpServletRequest#getQueryString()}
48   * <li>The {@link HttpServletRequest#getRequestedSessionId()} value, unless at the time
49   * of the call {@link HttpServletRequest#getSession(boolean)}
50   * has previously been called to create a new {@link HttpSession}, in 
51   * which case the new session ID will be used as the PushBuilders 
52   * requested session ID. The source of the requested session id will be the 
53   * same as for the request</li>
54   * <li>The Referer header will be set to {@link HttpServletRequest#getRequestURL()} 
55   * plus any {@link HttpServletRequest#getQueryString()} </li>
56   * <li>If {@link HttpServletResponse#addCookie(Cookie)} has been called
57   * on the associated response, then a corresponding Cookie header will be added
58   * to the PushBuilder, unless the {@link Cookie#getMaxAge()} is &lt;=0, in which
59   * case the Cookie will be removed from the builder.</li>
60   * <li>If this request has has the conditional headers If-Modified-Since or
61   * If-None-Match then the {@link #isConditional()} header is set to true.</li> 
62   * </ul>
63   * <p>A PushBuilder can be customized by chained calls to mutator methods before the 
64   * {@link #push()} method is called to initiate a push request with the current state
65   * of the builder.  After the call to {@link #push()}, the builder may be reused for
66   * another push, however the {@link #path(String)}, {@link #etag(String)} and
67   * {@link #lastModified(String)} values will have been nulled.  All other 
68   * values are retained over calls to {@link #push()}. 
69   */
70  public interface PushBuilder
71  {
72      /** Set the method to be used for the push.  
73       * Defaults to GET.
74       * @param method the method to be used for the push.  
75       * @return this builder.
76       */
77      public abstract PushBuilder method(String method);
79      /** Set the query string to be used for the push.  
80       * Defaults to the requests query string.
81       * Will be appended to any query String included in a call to {@link #path(String)}.  This 
82       * method should be used instead of a query in {@link #path(String)} when multiple
83       * {@link #push()} calls are to be made with the same query string, or to remove a 
84       * query string obtained from the associated request.
85       * @param  queryString the query string to be used for the push. 
86       * @return this builder.
87       */
88      public abstract PushBuilder queryString(String queryString);
90      /** Set the SessionID to be used for the push.
91       * The session ID will be set in the same way it was on the associated request (ie
92       * as a cookie if the associated request used a cookie, or as a url parameter if
93       * the associated request used a url parameter).
94       * Defaults to the requested session ID or any newly assigned session id from
95       * a newly created session.
96       * @param sessionId the SessionID to be used for the push.
97       * @return this builder.
98       */
99      public abstract PushBuilder sessionId(String sessionId);
101     /** Set if the request is to be conditional.
102      * If the request is conditional, any available values from {@link #etag(String)} or 
103      * {@link #lastModified(String)} will be set in the appropriate headers. If the request
104      * is not conditional, then etag and lastModified values are ignored.  
105      * Defaults to true if the associated request was conditional.
106      * @param  conditional true if the push request is conditional
107      * @return this builder.
108      */
109     public abstract PushBuilder conditional(boolean conditional);
111     /** Set a header to be used for the push.  
112      * @param name The header name to set
113      * @param value The header value to set
114      * @return this builder.
115      */
116     public abstract PushBuilder setHeader(String name, String value);
118     /** Add a header to be used for the push.  
119      * @param name The header name to add
120      * @param value The header value to add
121      * @return this builder.
122      */
123     public abstract PushBuilder addHeader(String name, String value);
125     /** Set the URI path to be used for the push.  
126      * The path may start with "/" in which case it is treated as an
127      * absolute path, otherwise it is relative to the context path of
128      * the associated request.
129      * There is no path default and {@link #path(String)} must be called
130      * before every call to {@link #push()}
131      * @param path the URI path to be used for the push, which may include a
132      * query string.
133      * @return this builder.
134      */
135     public abstract PushBuilder path(String path);
137     /** Set the etag to be used for conditional pushes.  
138      * The etag will be used only if {@link #isConditional()} is true.
139      * Defaults to no etag.  The value is nulled after every call to 
140      * {@link #push()}
141      * @param etag the etag to be used for the push.
142      * @return this builder.
143      */
144     public abstract PushBuilder etag(String etag);
146     /** Set the last modified date to be used for conditional pushes.  
147      * The last modified date will be used only if {@link #isConditional()} is true.
148      * Defaults to no date.  The value is nulled after every call to 
149      * {@link #push()}
150      * @param lastModified the last modified date to be used for the push.
151      * @return this builder.
152      * */
153     public abstract PushBuilder lastModified(String lastModified);
156     /** Push a resource.
157      * Push a resource based on the current state of the PushBuilder.  If {@link #isConditional()}
158      * is true and an etag or lastModified value is provided, then an appropriate conditional header
159      * will be generated. If both an etag and lastModified value are provided only an If-None-Match header
160      * will be generated. If the builder has a session ID, then the pushed request
161      * will include the session ID either as a Cookie or as a URI parameter as appropriate. The builders
162      * query string is merged with any passed query string.
163      * After initiating the push, the builder has its path, etag and lastModified fields nulled. All 
164      * other fields are left as is for possible reuse in another push.
165      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the method set expects a request body (eg POST)
166      */
167     public abstract void push();
173     public abstract String getMethod();
174     public abstract String getQueryString();
175     public abstract String getSessionId();
176     public abstract boolean isConditional();
177     public abstract Set<String> getHeaderNames();
178     public abstract String getHeader(String name);
179     public abstract String getPath();
180     public abstract String getEtag();
181     public abstract String getLastModified();
185 }