Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectId
org.eclipse.jgit.api High-level API commands (the porcelain of JGit). 
org.eclipse.jgit.blame Computing blame/annotate information of files. 
org.eclipse.jgit.diff Comparing file contents by computing diffs. 
org.eclipse.jgit.dircache Reading and editing the directory cache (index). 
org.eclipse.jgit.errors Exceptions thrown by lower-level JGit APIs. 
org.eclipse.jgit.lib Core API for repository, config, refs, object database. 
org.eclipse.jgit.merge Content and commit history merge algorithms. 
org.eclipse.jgit.notes Git notes processing (for commits, etc). 
org.eclipse.jgit.revplot Building/rendering revision graphs. 
org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk Walking revision graphs (commit history). Distributed file system based repository storage. File based repository storage. Reading/writing Git pack files. 
org.eclipse.jgit.submodule Git submodule support. 
org.eclipse.jgit.transport Transport (fetch/push) for different protocols. 
org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk Walking and comparing directory/file trees (of commits, file system). 
org.eclipse.jgit.util Utility classes. 

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api that return ObjectId
          Drop the configured entry from the stash reflog and return value of the stash reference after the drop occurs
          Apply the changes in a stashed commit to the working directory and index
 ObjectId MergeResult.getBase()
 ObjectId[] MergeResult.getMergedCommits()
 ObjectId MergeResult.getNewHead()

Method parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.api with type arguments of type ObjectId
 BlameCommand BlameCommand.reverse(AnyObjectId start, Collection<ObjectId> end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type ObjectId
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, Map<String,ResolveMerger.MergeFailureReason> failingPaths, String description)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, Map<String,ResolveMerger.MergeFailureReason> failingPaths, String description)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, String description)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, String description)

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.blame

Method parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.blame with type arguments of type ObjectId
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.reverse(AnyObjectId start, Collection<? extends ObjectId> end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.diff

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.diff that return ObjectId
 ObjectId PatchIdDiffFormatter.getCalulatedPatchId()
          Should be called after having called one of the format methods

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.diff with parameters of type ObjectId
abstract  ObjectLoader path, ObjectId id)
          Open the object.
abstract  long ContentSource.size(String path, ObjectId id)
          Determine the size of the object.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache that return ObjectId
 ObjectId DirCacheEntry.getObjectId()
          Obtain the ObjectId for the entry.
 ObjectId DirCache.writeTree(ObjectInserter ow)
          Write all index trees to the object store, returning the root tree.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
 Map<String,ObjectId> DirCacheCheckout.getUpdated()

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type ObjectId
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for checking out one tree, merging with the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree, WorkingTreeIterator workingTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for checking out one tree, merging with the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, ObjectId headCommitTree, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for merging and checking out two trees (HEAD and mergeCommitTree) and the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, ObjectId headCommitTree, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree, WorkingTreeIterator workingTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for merging and checking out two trees (HEAD and mergeCommitTree) and the index.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.errors

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.errors that return ObjectId
 ObjectId MissingObjectException.getObjectId()
 ObjectId LargeObjectException.getObjectId()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.errors that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
 Collection<ObjectId> AmbiguousObjectException.getCandidates()

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.errors with parameters of type ObjectId
CorruptObjectException(ObjectId id, String why)
          Construct a CorruptObjectException for reporting a problem specified object id
IncorrectObjectTypeException(ObjectId id, int type)
          Construct and IncorrectObjectTypeException for the specified object id.
IncorrectObjectTypeException(ObjectId id, String type)
          Construct and IncorrectObjectTypeException for the specified object id.
MissingObjectException(ObjectId id, int type)
          Construct a MissingObjectException for the specified object id.
MissingObjectException(ObjectId id, String type)
          Construct a MissingObjectException for the specified object id.

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.errors with type arguments of type ObjectId
AmbiguousObjectException(AbbreviatedObjectId id, Collection<ObjectId> candidates)
          Construct a MissingObjectException for the specified object id.
MissingBundlePrerequisiteException(URIish uri, Map<ObjectId,String> missingCommits)
          Constructs a MissingBundlePrerequisiteException for a set of objects.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Classes in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with type parameters of type ObjectId
 interface AsyncObjectLoaderQueue<T extends ObjectId>
          Queue to open objects asynchronously.
 interface AsyncObjectSizeQueue<T extends ObjectId>
          Queue to examine object sizes asynchronously.
 class ObjectIdSubclassMap<V extends ObjectId>
          Fast, efficient map specifically for ObjectId subclasses.

Subclasses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.lib
static class ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry
          Type of entry stored in the ObjectIdOwnerMap.

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.lib declared as ObjectId
static ObjectId Constants.EMPTY_BLOB_ID
          objectid for the empty blob

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with type parameters of type ObjectId
<T extends ObjectId>
ObjectReader.getObjectSize(Iterable<T> objectIds, boolean reportMissing)
          Asynchronous object size lookup.
<T extends ObjectId>
AsyncObjectLoaderQueue<T><T> objectIds, boolean reportMissing)
          Asynchronous object opening.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib that return ObjectId
 ObjectId TreeFormatter.computeId(ObjectInserter ins)
          Compute the ObjectId for this tree
 ObjectId AnyObjectId.copy()
          Obtain an immutable copy of this current object name value.
static ObjectId ObjectId.fromRaw(byte[] bs)
          Convert an ObjectId from raw binary representation.
static ObjectId ObjectId.fromRaw(byte[] bs, int p)
          Convert an ObjectId from raw binary representation.
static ObjectId ObjectId.fromRaw(int[] is)
          Convert an ObjectId from raw binary representation.
static ObjectId ObjectId.fromRaw(int[] is, int p)
          Convert an ObjectId from raw binary representation.
static ObjectId ObjectId.fromString(byte[] buf, int offset)
          Convert an ObjectId from hex characters (US-ASCII).
static ObjectId ObjectId.fromString(String str)
          Convert an ObjectId from hex characters.
 ObjectId RefUpdate.getExpectedOldObjectId()
 ObjectId TreeEntry.getId()
 ObjectId RefUpdate.getNewObjectId()
          Get the new value the ref will be (or was) updated to.
 ObjectId AsyncObjectLoaderQueue.getObjectId()
 ObjectId Ref.getObjectId()
          Cached value of this ref.
 ObjectId TagBuilder.getObjectId()
 ObjectId ObjectIdRef.getObjectId()
 ObjectId AsyncObjectSizeQueue.getObjectId()
 ObjectId SymbolicRef.getObjectId()
 ObjectId RefUpdate.getOldObjectId()
          The old value of the ref, prior to the update being attempted.
 ObjectId[] CommitBuilder.getParentIds()
 ObjectId Ref.getPeeledObjectId()
          Cached value of ref^{} (the ref peeled to commit).
 ObjectId ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled.getPeeledObjectId()
 ObjectId ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag.getPeeledObjectId()
 ObjectId ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag.getPeeledObjectId()
 ObjectId SymbolicRef.getPeeledObjectId()
 ObjectId CommitBuilder.getTreeId()
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.idFor(int type, byte[] data)
          Compute the name of an object, without inserting it.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.idFor(int type, byte[] data)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.idFor(int type, byte[] data, int off, int len)
          Compute the name of an object, without inserting it.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.idFor(int type, byte[] data, int off, int len)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.idFor(int objectType, long length, InputStream in)
          Compute the name of an object, without inserting it.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.idFor(int objectType, long length, InputStream in)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.idFor(TreeFormatter formatter)
          Compute the ObjectId for the given tree without inserting it.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.idFor(TreeFormatter formatter)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.insert(CommitBuilder builder)
          Insert a single commit into the store, returning its unique name.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.insert(int type, byte[] data)
          Insert a single object into the store, returning its unique name.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.insert(int type, byte[] data)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.insert(int type, byte[] data, int off, int len)
          Insert a single object into the store, returning its unique name.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.insert(int type, byte[] data, int off, int len)
abstract  ObjectId ObjectInserter.insert(int objectType, long length, InputStream in)
          Insert a single object into the store, returning its unique name.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Formatter.insert(int objectType, long length, InputStream in)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.Filter.insert(int objectType, long length, InputStream in)
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.insert(TagBuilder builder)
          Insert a single annotated tag into the store, returning its unique name.
 ObjectId ObjectInserter.insert(TreeFormatter formatter)
          Insert a single tree into the store, returning its unique name.
 ObjectId TreeFormatter.insertTo(ObjectInserter ins)
          Insert this tree and obtain its ObjectId.
 ObjectId Repository.readCherryPickHead()
          Return the information stored in the file $GIT_DIR/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD.
 ObjectId Repository.readOrigHead()
          Return the information stored in the file $GIT_DIR/ORIG_HEAD.
 ObjectId Repository.readRevertHead()
          Return the information stored in the file $GIT_DIR/REVERT_HEAD.
 ObjectId Repository.resolve(String revstr)
          Parse a git revision string and return an object id.
 ObjectId ObjectId.toObjectId()
 ObjectId AbbreviatedObjectId.toObjectId()
abstract  ObjectId AnyObjectId.toObjectId()
          Obtain an immutable copy of this current object name value.
 ObjectId MutableObjectId.toObjectId()
static ObjectId ObjectId.zeroId()
          Get the special all-null ObjectId.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
 Set<ObjectId> Repository.getAdditionalHaves()
          Objects known to exist but not expressed by Repository.getAllRefs().
abstract  Set<ObjectId> ObjectReader.getShallowCommits()
          Returns IDs for those commits which should be considered as shallow.
 List<ObjectId> Repository.readMergeHeads()
          Return the information stored in the file $GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD.
abstract  Collection<ObjectId> ObjectReader.resolve(AbbreviatedObjectId id)
          Resolve an abbreviated ObjectId to its full form.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type ObjectId
 void TreeEntry.setId(ObjectId n)
          Deprecated. Set (update) the SHA-1 of this entry.
protected  void RefUpdate.setOldObjectId(ObjectId old)
          Set the old value of the ref.
 void CommitBuilder.setParentIds(ObjectId... newParents)
          Set the parents of this commit.
static String ObjectId.toString(ObjectId i)
          Convert an ObjectId into a hex string representation.
 void Repository.writeCherryPickHead(ObjectId head)
          Write cherry pick commit into $GIT_DIR/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD.
 void Repository.writeOrigHead(ObjectId head)
          Write original HEAD commit into $GIT_DIR/ORIG_HEAD.
 void Repository.writeRevertHead(ObjectId head)
          Write revert commit into $GIT_DIR/REVERT_HEAD.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with type arguments of type ObjectId
 void Repository.writeMergeHeads(List<ObjectId> heads)
          Write new merge-heads into $GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type ObjectId
FileTreeEntry(Tree parent, ObjectId id, byte[] nameUTF8, boolean execute)
          Deprecated. Constructor for a File (blob) object.
GitlinkTreeEntry(Tree parent, ObjectId id, byte[] nameUTF8)
          Deprecated. Construct a GitlinkTreeEntry with the specified name and SHA-1 in the specified parent
IndexDiff(Repository repository, ObjectId objectId, WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIterator)
          Construct an Indexdiff
ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag(Ref.Storage st, String name, ObjectId id)
          Create a new ref pairing.
ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag(Ref.Storage st, String name, ObjectId id, ObjectId p)
          Create a new ref pairing.
ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled(Ref.Storage st, String name, ObjectId id)
          Create a new ref pairing.
ObjectIdRef(Ref.Storage st, String name, ObjectId id)
          Create a new ref pairing.
SymlinkTreeEntry(Tree parent, ObjectId id, byte[] nameUTF8)
          Deprecated. Construct a SymlinkTreeEntry with the specified name and SHA-1 in the specified parent
Tree(Repository repo, ObjectId myId, byte[] raw)
          Deprecated. Construct a Tree object with known content and hash value
Tree(Tree parent, ObjectId id, byte[] nameUTF8)
          Deprecated. Construct a Tree with a known SHA-1 under another tree.
TreeEntry(Tree myParent, ObjectId myId, byte[] myNameUTF8)
          Deprecated. Construct a named tree entry.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return ObjectId
 ObjectId ResolveMerger.getResultTreeId()
abstract  ObjectId Merger.getResultTreeId()

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.notes

Subclasses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.notes
 class Note
          In-memory representation of a single note attached to one object.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.notes that return ObjectId
 ObjectId NoteMap.get(AnyObjectId id)
          Lookup a note for a specific ObjectId.
 ObjectId Note.getData()
 ObjectId NoteMap.writeTree(ObjectInserter inserter)
          Write this note map as a tree.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type ObjectId
static NoteMap NoteMap.readTree(ObjectReader reader, ObjectId treeId)
          Load a collection of notes from a tree.
 void NoteMap.set(AnyObjectId noteOn, ObjectId noteData)
          Attach (or remove) a note on an object.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type ObjectId
Note(AnyObjectId noteOn, ObjectId noteData)
          A Git note about the object referenced by noteOn.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot

Subclasses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot
 class PlotCommit<L extends PlotLane>
          A commit reference to a commit in the DAG.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk

Subclasses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk
static class DepthWalk.Commit
          RevCommit with a depth (in commits) from a root.
 class RevBlob
          A binary file, or a symbolic link.
 class RevCommit
          A commit reference to a commit in the DAG.
 class RevObject
          Base object type accessed during revision walking.
 class RevTag
          An annotated tag.
 class RevTree
          A reference to a tree of subtrees/files.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk with type parameters of type ObjectId
<T extends ObjectId>
RevWalk.parseAny(Iterable<T> objectIds, boolean reportMissing)
          Asynchronous object parsing.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk that return ObjectId
 ObjectId RevObject.getId()
          Get the name of this object.

Uses of ObjectId in

Methods in with type parameters of type ObjectId
<T extends ObjectId>
DfsReader.getObjectSize(Iterable<T> objectIds, boolean reportMissing)
<T extends ObjectId>
AsyncObjectLoaderQueue<T><T> objectIds, boolean reportMissing)

Methods in that return ObjectId
 ObjectId DfsInserter.insert(int type, byte[] data, int off, int len)
 ObjectId DfsInserter.insert(int type, long len, InputStream in)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
 Set<ObjectId> DfsReader.getShallowCommits()
 Set<ObjectId> DfsPackDescription.getTips()
 Set<ObjectId> DfsCachedPack.getTips()
 Collection<ObjectId> DfsReader.resolve(AbbreviatedObjectId id)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ObjectId
 DfsPackDescription DfsPackDescription.setTips(Set<ObjectId> tips)

Uses of ObjectId in

Methods in that return ObjectId
 ObjectId PackReverseIndex.findObject(long offset)
          Search for object id with the specified start offset in this pack (reverse) index.
 ObjectId ReflogEntry.getNewId()
 ObjectId PackIndex.getObjectId(int nthPosition)
          Get ObjectId for the n-th object entry returned by PackIndex.iterator().
abstract  ObjectId PackIndex.getObjectId(long nthPosition)
          Get ObjectId for the n-th object entry returned by PackIndex.iterator().
 ObjectId ReflogEntry.getOldId()
 ObjectId PackIndex.MutableEntry.toObjectId()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
 Set<ObjectId> FileRepository.getAdditionalHaves()
          Objects known to exist but not expressed by Repository.getAllRefs().

Methods in with parameters of type ObjectId
 ReflogWriter ReflogWriter.log(String refName, ObjectId oldId, ObjectId newId, PersonIdent ident, String message)
          Write the given entry information to the ref's log
 void LockFile.write(ObjectId id)
          Write an ObjectId and LF to the temporary file.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ObjectId
 void GC.prune(Set<ObjectId> objectsToKeep)
          Like "git prune" this method tries to prune all loose objects which are unreferenced.
abstract  void PackIndex.resolve(Set<ObjectId> matches, AbbreviatedObjectId id, int matchLimit)
          Find objects matching the prefix abbreviation.

Uses of ObjectId in

Subclasses of ObjectId in
 class ObjectToPack
          Per-object state used by PackWriter.

Methods in that return ObjectId
 ObjectId PackWriter.computeName()
          Computes SHA-1 of lexicographically sorted objects ids written in this pack, as used to name a pack file in repository.
 ObjectId StoredObjectRepresentation.getDeltaBase()
 ObjectId ObjectToPack.getDeltaBaseId()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
 Set<ObjectId> PackWriter.Statistics.getInterestingObjects()
abstract  Set<ObjectId> CachedPack.getTips()
          Objects that start this pack.
 Set<ObjectId> PackWriter.Statistics.getUninterestingObjects()

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ObjectId
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, Collection<? extends ObjectId> want, Collection<? extends ObjectId> have)
          Deprecated. to be removed in 2.0; use the Set version of this method.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, Collection<? extends ObjectId> want, Collection<? extends ObjectId> have)
          Deprecated. to be removed in 2.0; use the Set version of this method.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, ObjectWalk walk, Collection<? extends ObjectId> interestingObjects, Collection<? extends ObjectId> uninterestingObjects)
          Deprecated. to be removed in 2.0; use the Set version of this method.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, ObjectWalk walk, Collection<? extends ObjectId> interestingObjects, Collection<? extends ObjectId> uninterestingObjects)
          Deprecated. to be removed in 2.0; use the Set version of this method.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, ObjectWalk walk, Set<? extends ObjectId> interestingObjects, Set<? extends ObjectId> uninterestingObjects)
          Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, ObjectWalk walk, Set<? extends ObjectId> interestingObjects, Set<? extends ObjectId> uninterestingObjects)
          Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, Set<? extends ObjectId> want, Set<? extends ObjectId> have)
          Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
 void PackWriter.preparePack(ProgressMonitor countingMonitor, Set<? extends ObjectId> want, Set<? extends ObjectId> have)
          Prepare the list of objects to be written to the pack stream.
 void PackWriter.setShallowPack(int depth, Collection<? extends ObjectId> unshallow)
          Configure this pack for a shallow clone.
 void PackWriter.setTagTargets(Set<ObjectId> objects)
          Set the tag targets that should be hoisted earlier during packing.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule that return ObjectId
 ObjectId SubmoduleWalk.getHead()
          Get commit id that HEAD points to in the current submodule's repository
 ObjectId SubmoduleStatus.getHeadId()
 ObjectId SubmoduleStatus.getIndexId()
 ObjectId SubmoduleWalk.getObjectId()
          Get object id of current submodule entry

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule with parameters of type ObjectId
SubmoduleStatus(SubmoduleStatusType type, String path, ObjectId indexId)
          Create submodule status
SubmoduleStatus(SubmoduleStatusType type, String path, ObjectId indexId, ObjectId headId)
          Create submodule status

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.transport

Subclasses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.transport
 class PackedObjectInfo
          Description of an object stored in a pack file, including offset.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport that return ObjectId
 ObjectId RemoteRefUpdate.getExpectedOldObjectId()
 ObjectId ReceiveCommand.getNewId()
 ObjectId RemoteRefUpdate.getNewObjectId()
 ObjectId TrackingRefUpdate.getNewObjectId()
          Get the new value the ref will be (or was) updated to.
 ObjectId ReceiveCommand.getOldId()
 ObjectId TrackingRefUpdate.getOldObjectId()
          The old value of the ref, prior to the update being attempted.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport that return types with arguments of type ObjectId
protected  Set<ObjectId> AbstractAdvertiseRefsHook.getAdvertisedHaves(Repository repository, RevWalk revWalk)
          Get the additional haves to advertise.
 Set<ObjectId> BaseReceivePack.getAdvertisedObjects()
          Get objects advertised to the client.
 ObjectIdSubclassMap<ObjectId> PackParser.getBaseObjectIds()
 ObjectIdSubclassMap<ObjectId> PackParser.getNewObjectIds()
 Set<ObjectId> RefAdvertiser.send(Map<String,Ref> refs)
          Format an advertisement for the supplied refs.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type ObjectId
protected  PackedObjectInfo PackParser.newInfo(AnyObjectId id, PackParser.UnresolvedDelta delta, ObjectId deltaBase)
          Construct a PackedObjectInfo instance for this parser.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with type arguments of type ObjectId
protected  void BasePackFetchConnection.doFetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<Ref> want, Set<ObjectId> have)
          Execute common ancestor negotiation and fetch the objects.
 void BasePackFetchConnection.fetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<Ref> want, Set<ObjectId> have)
 void FetchConnection.fetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<Ref> want, Set<ObjectId> have)
          Fetch objects we don't have but that are reachable from advertised refs.
 void PreUploadHookChain.onBeginNegotiateRound(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, int cntOffered)
 void PreUploadHook.onBeginNegotiateRound(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, int cntOffered)
          Invoked before negotiation round is started.
 void PreUploadHookChain.onEndNegotiateRound(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, int cntCommon, int cntNotFound, boolean ready)
 void PreUploadHook.onEndNegotiateRound(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, int cntCommon, int cntNotFound, boolean ready)
          Invoked after a negotiation round is completed.
 void PreUploadHookChain.onSendPack(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, Collection<? extends ObjectId> haves)
 void PreUploadHookChain.onSendPack(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, Collection<? extends ObjectId> haves)
 void PreUploadHook.onSendPack(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, Collection<? extends ObjectId> haves)
          Invoked just before a pack will be sent to the client.
 void PreUploadHook.onSendPack(UploadPack up, Collection<? extends ObjectId> wants, Collection<? extends ObjectId> haves)
          Invoked just before a pack will be sent to the client.
 void BaseReceivePack.setAdvertisedRefs(Map<String,Ref> allRefs, Set<ObjectId> additionalHaves)
          Set the refs advertised by this ReceivePack.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type ObjectId
ReceiveCommand(ObjectId oldId, ObjectId newId, String name)
          Create a new command for BaseReceivePack.
ReceiveCommand(ObjectId oldId, ObjectId newId, String name, ReceiveCommand.Type type)
          Create a new command for BaseReceivePack.
RemoteRefUpdate(RemoteRefUpdate base, ObjectId newExpectedOldObjectId)
          Create a new instance of this object basing on existing instance for configuration.
RemoteRefUpdate(Repository localDb, Ref srcRef, String remoteName, boolean forceUpdate, String localName, ObjectId expectedOldObjectId)
          Construct remote ref update request by providing an update specification.
RemoteRefUpdate(Repository localDb, String srcRef, ObjectId srcId, String remoteName, boolean forceUpdate, String localName, ObjectId expectedOldObjectId)
          Construct remote ref update request by providing an update specification.
RemoteRefUpdate(Repository localDb, String srcRef, String remoteName, boolean forceUpdate, String localName, ObjectId expectedOldObjectId)
          Construct remote ref update request by providing an update specification.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk that return ObjectId
 ObjectId EmptyTreeIterator.getEntryObjectId()
 ObjectId AbstractTreeIterator.getEntryObjectId()
          Get the object id of the current entry.
 ObjectId TreeWalk.getObjectId(int nth)
          Obtain the ObjectId for the current entry.

Uses of ObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.util

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.util that return ObjectId
static ObjectId ChangeIdUtil.computeChangeId(ObjectId treeId, ObjectId firstParentId, PersonIdent author, PersonIdent committer, String message)
          Compute a Change-Id.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.util with parameters of type ObjectId
static ObjectId ChangeIdUtil.computeChangeId(ObjectId treeId, ObjectId firstParentId, PersonIdent author, PersonIdent committer, String message)
          Compute a Change-Id.
static String ChangeIdUtil.insertId(String message, ObjectId changeId)
          Find the right place to insert a Change-Id and return it.
static String ChangeIdUtil.insertId(String message, ObjectId changeId, boolean replaceExisting)
          Find the right place to insert a Change-Id and return it.

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