Interface IDiscoveredEndpointDescriptionFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDiscoveredEndpointDescriptionFactory

Factory for creating DiscoveredEndpointDescriptions. A discovered endpoint description factory is used by a EndpointDescriptionLocator to convert a service info (discovered by the locator) into a discovered endpoint description (instance of DiscoveredEndpointDescription). This discovered endpoint description is then used by the EndpointDescriptionLocator to notify endpoint description listeners as per section 122.6 of the OSGi Enterprise Specification OSGi enterprise specification.

If no other instances of this service have been registered, a default instance of DiscoveredEndpointDescriptionFactory will be used by the EndpointDescriptionLocator. Note that this default instance is registered with the lowest possible priority, so that if other IDiscoveredEndpointDescriptionFactory instances are registered, they will be preferred/used over the default. This means that those wishing to customize/control this process of converting IServiceInfos to DiscoveredEndpointDescription must