Interface IRosterSubscriptionSender

public interface IRosterSubscriptionSender

Method Summary
 void sendRosterAdd(java.lang.String userAccount, java.lang.String nickname, java.lang.String[] groups)
          Send a request to add the userAccount (subscribe) to our roster.
 void sendRosterRemove(ID userID)
          Send a request to remove a given userID (unsubscribe) from our roster.

Method Detail


void sendRosterAdd(java.lang.String userAccount,
                   java.lang.String nickname,
                   java.lang.String[] groups)
                   throws ECFException
Send a request to add the userAccount (subscribe) to our roster. This initiates an asynchronous request to add the given userAccount to the local roster with the given nickname in the given groups. If successful, the roster will be asynchronously updated via calls to IRosterListener.handleRosterEntryAdd(IRosterEntry) and IRosterListener.handleRosterUpdate(IRoster, IRosterItem)

userAccount - the account of the roster add request. Must not be null. e.g. "".
nickname - or local alias for userAccount. May be null. e.g. "Steve"
groups - an array of group names that this use will belong to. May be null if userAccount not intended to be in any groups. e.g. [ "ECF", "Eclipse" ].
ECFException - thrown if request cannot be sent (e.g. because of previous disconnect) or server refuses to change as desired (e.g. insufficient permissions).


void sendRosterRemove(ID userID)
                      throws ECFException
Send a request to remove a given userID (unsubscribe) from our roster. This initiates an asynchronous request to remove the given userID from our local roster. If successfully removed, the roster will be asynchronously updated via calls to IRosterListener.handleRosterEntryRemove(IRosterEntry) and IRosterListener.handleRosterUpdate(IRoster, IRosterItem).

userID - the user ID to remove. Must not be null.
ECFException - thrown if request cannot be sent (e.g. because of previous disconnect) or server refuses change as desired (e.g. insufficient permissions).