Eclipse JDT

Interface IDOMCompilationUnit

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, IDOMNode

public interface IDOMCompilationUnit
extends IDOMNode

Represents a Java compilation unit (.java source file). The corresponding syntactic unit is CompilationUnit (JLS2 7.3). Allowable child types for a compilation unit are IDOMPackage, IDOMImport, and IDOMType.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMNode
Method Summary
 String getHeader()
          Returns the header comment for this compilation unit.
 String getName()
          The IDOMCompilationNode refinement of this IDOMNode method returns the name of this compilation unit.
 void setHeader(String comment)
          Sets the header comment for this compilation unit.
 void setName(String name)
          The IDOMCompilationNode refinement of this IDOMNode method has no effect (the name is computed from the types declared within it).
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMNode
addChild, canHaveChildren, clone, getCharacters, getChild, getChildren, getContents, getFirstChild, getJavaElement, getNextNode, getNodeType, getParent, getPreviousNode, insertSibling, isAllowableChild, isSignatureEqual, remove

Method Detail


public String getHeader()
Returns the header comment for this compilation unit. The header comment appears before the first declaration in a compilation unit. The syntax for a comment corresponds to Comments (JLS2 3.7), including comment delimiters.

the header comment for this compilation unit, or null if no header comment is present


public String getName()
The IDOMCompilationNode refinement of this IDOMNode method returns the name of this compilation unit.

The name of a compilation unit is the name of the first top-level public type defined in the compilation unit, suffixed with ".java". For example, if the first top-level public type defined in this compilation unit has the name "Hanoi", then name of this compilation unit is "".

In the absence of a public top-level type, the name of the first top-level type is used. In the absence of any type, the name of the compilation unit is null.

Specified by:
getName in interface IDOMNode
the name of this compilation unit, or null if none


public void setHeader(String comment)
Sets the header comment for this compilation unit. The header comment appears before the first declaration in a compilation unit. The syntax for a comment corresponds to Comments (JLS2 3.7), including comment delimiters.

comment - the header comment for this compilation unit, or null if indicating no header comment


public void setName(String name)
The IDOMCompilationNode refinement of this IDOMNode method has no effect (the name is computed from the types declared within it).

Specified by:
setName in interface IDOMNode
name - the name, or null to clear the name

Eclipse JDT

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2002. All Rights Reserved.